The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 162: Enough bullets and shells (please vote for me)

Synthetic camp.

Liu Tao also only knew a rough idea, which was considered to be a partial understanding. He only knew that the firepower was powerful and the synthesis was very high, which was the direction of China's military reform in the future.

As for how to train the combined battalion and how to exert the combat effectiveness of the combined battalion, Liu Tao did not understand military command, so he did not know.

What he can do is provide a general framework and suggestions for Li Fuguo and others, and provide logistical support so that the soldiers can use the best weapons, their daily meals are greatly improved, and they can accept stronger training intensity.

Even Liu Tao left some of the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks produced for the synthetic battalion for training use.

Liu Tao has not yet equipped the combined battalion with the two tank companies, but he can give him at most a year to fully equip the tank companies.

There are also various artillery and armored vehicles that will be equipped in the next one to two years.

As for how to train and how to exert the power of the combined battalion, this is a matter for military commanders such as Li Fuguo.

Liu Tao is not a professional, but what he is best at is leaving professional matters to professionals.

"Next, you have to conduct tactical drills at Tianzhu Mountain. Treat Tianzhu Mountain as Kuolin Mountain, Laoshan Mountain, and Zheyin Mountain, and think of ways to conquer it." Liu Tao said, "You don't need to think about saving ammunition. You have enough training barrels. There is no problem with live ammunition.”

He knew only too well how frugal the soldiers were.

In the army, a soldier may not be able to shoot five bullets all year round. He just keeps aiming with a gun, and he can be happy for half a month if he can shoot one bullet.

As for the synthetic camp, what he often said is, don't be afraid of target shooting, there are enough bullets and shells!

For Panshan Machinery Factory, the production cost of a pistol or rifle bullet is very low.

One day's bullet production is enough for the soldiers of the combined battalion to consume for a year.

As for the cannonballs, they are indeed more expensive, but they are far cheaper than selling them.

"Director, Tianzhu Mountain is a suitable place for simulated military training!" Li Fuguo said. He is very familiar with the terrain of Yun Province. "Next, I will take the soldiers there to familiarize themselves with the terrain and formulate a training plan."

"When you go to Tianzhu Mountain, take Comrade Guoping with you," Liu Tao said.

Then, two tank companies were assembled. Each tank company had ten tanks and one self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. Each tank and self-propelled anti-aircraft gun team had three people. In other words, each tank company had a staff of 33 people. , the establishment of two tank companies is 66 people.

Nowadays, the number of tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft equipment is limited, so everyone takes turns driving them.

Liu Tao's visit this time was not only to drive a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun to the combined camp, but also to teach. This is something he does every week.

Although he compiled several textbooks for the soldiers to read, and also combined tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, there are only a few people who can read the books, and Liu Tao needs to explain more.

When it comes to understanding the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and the Type 80 tank, no one in the whole of China understands it better than the developer Liu Tao.

Liu Tao knew every switch.

In order for soldiers to unleash the true power of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks, they must be very familiar with self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks and be able to respond in a timely manner.

In normal times, we need to let the soldiers open it more and use it more, so that the soldiers can know it.

Of course, due to the limited space here, it is not suitable to use live ammunition. Everyone can only use training ammunition.

Before I knew it, it was already dark.

Liu Tao stayed at the military camp and had dinner with everyone.

"Director, is the combined battalion really for the development direction of the army?" Zhao Guoping and Liu Tao sat down to eat together and asked their doubts.

"I don't know if it is definitely going in this direction. I can only say it is possible." Liu Tao said, "You know the plan to streamline the army."

Zhao Guoping nodded.

"This military streamlining plan will lay off one million troops. After the reduction is completed, there will still be 5.3 million troops in the country." Liu Tao said: "In fact, this military streamlining is just to complete the goal that was not completed a few years ago."

"We will continue to streamline the troops in the future. By streamlining the troops, we can save military expenditures, which can be used to replace the troops' equipment and increase the proportion of technical arms, thereby improving the combat effectiveness of the troops." Liu Tao said: "Now our army can only be said to have completed the transformation of mules and horses. , but you must know that it has been transformed into a mules and horses since the 1960s, which means that our army has actually been standing still for more than ten years. Even as those veterans of many battles have aged and retired, many of our troops have no experience. After being baptized by war, the combat effectiveness is not even comparable to that of the 1950s and 1960s.”

Zhao Guoping was a little surprised. He did not expect Liu Tao to judge that the army would not just stop at this reduction, but would streamline again!

However, Liu Tao agreed with what Liu Tao said that the combat effectiveness of the troops was not as good as that of the 1950s and 1960s, because when he was in the capital, some leaders cursed and criticized the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Last year's "Roar of the Red Dragon" operation not only shocked the military-industrial system and exposed its existing problems, but also shocked the senior military leaders and leaders. These leaders who had come from the war years discovered the combat effectiveness of the military for the first time. There was a serious decline.

Although the weapons of those veterans of many battles were inferior, they were the kings of light infantry. The soldiers' combat effectiveness and execution of tactics were very strong.

Most of the soldiers behind them had never seen blood, or even lacked training. Many soldiers had never fired a few bullets at all.

This is why the ‘Red Dragon’s Roar’ itself suffered quite a lot of losses.

The so-called mules and horses in the army mean that soldiers march on mules and horses, and weapons and equipment, such as horse-drawn artillery, are also transported by mules and horses. The transportation of materials and ammunition also relies on mules and horses.

The Chinese army did not become mules and horses until the 1960s, and the Japanese army during World War II was a mules-horse army.

"During World War II, the German army had already achieved semi-mechanization and pioneered modern mechanized infantry combat. Ordinary infantry divisions were equipped with tanks, armored vehicles and automobiles, and at worst, they were also equipped with motorized vehicles and bicycles." Liu Tao said: "I have experienced After World War II, the U.S. military completed full motorization during the disarmament process, and has continued to carry out mechanized modifications since then, and now it has achieved full mechanization.”

"The Soviet army also began to slowly realize motorization after the end of World War II, and then mechanized it in 1964." Liu Tao said, "The development of our army will also go through the same development stage, from mules and horses to mechanization. Build the force into a mechanized force.”

A step-by-generation concept of the development of military equipment is based on the development of military weapons and equipment, which are usually divided into infantry, mules and horses, motorization, and mechanization!

Infantry is the most basic composition model of the army after thermal weapons. It is mainly based on infantry. Whether it is advancing or fighting, it relies on soldiers on foot. Infantry is infantry that relies on walking on two legs to fight.

The most typical example of this is the war on the Liaodong Peninsula. Through its strong combat effectiveness and impressive record, that unit was hailed as the pinnacle of infantry.

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