The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 143 Distinguished Guests Arrive

Just yesterday, Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and his wife visited China!

Prince Abdullah is the younger brother of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and the real powerful figure in Saudi Arabia.

He received Islamic education and military training since childhood. He served as the commander of the Royal Guards at a young age. In 1947, he was appointed as the administrator of the Riyadh region at the age of 19. At the age of 27, he served as the Minister of Agriculture of Saudi Arabia. At the age of 34, he served as the Minister of Defense of Saudi Arabia!

Prince Abdullah is in charge of the entire Saudi arms procurement power.

Prince Bandar, who negotiated the Dongfeng-3 purchase contract from China in the previous life, was the eldest son of Prince Abdullah.

The itinerary of Prince Abdullah's visit to China has been determined, and the other party's focus is on the procurement negotiations for the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and Type 80 tank.

As the developer of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and the Type 80 tank, and also having the richest experience in foreign weapons and equipment trade, Liu Tao was naturally chosen.

The general who ordered Liu Tao was not the leader of the Fifth Machinery Department, but the leader above.

Liu Tao was very excited after getting the news.

Because the super fat sheep is coming!

This super fat sheep is no worse than Iraq.

Iraq is rich, and Saudi Arabia is equally rich. Last year, Saudi Arabia's GDP was US$111.86 billion, three times that of Iraq. Saudi Arabia's per capita GDP was US$11,600, which was also three times that of Iraq.

In 1973, 12 countries including Egypt and Syria launched the "Ramadan War" against Israel. As the United States passed a huge military aid of 2.2 billion US dollars to Israel, which angered the Arab world, the Middle East imposed an oil embargo on the United States, and the first oil crisis broke out. . While other Arab countries were trying to suffocate the eagle sauce with oil, Saudi Arabia alone acquiesced to Aramco to increase its production against the trend, which solved the urgent needs of the United States and in exchange for the United States' permission to allow Saudi Arabia to take a stake in Aramco. In 1973, the Saudi government held a 25% stake in Aramco, rising to 60% in 1974.

Relying on oil, Saudi Arabia has also made a lot of money when oil prices have risen in recent years, and its foreign exchange reserves have reached as high as 30 billion US dollars!

Honest business with Iraq can only last ten years!

But honest business with Saudi Arabia can last at least forty years or even longer!

If you form a deep friendship with Prince Abdullah, you must know that this person will be in power for at least another thirty years, and there will definitely be no shortage of orders during these thirty years.

Liu Tao likes this kind of business the most, which is not a one-time deal but a long-term business!

He has made adequate preparations for this, and is even preparing to perform a big show and use wonderful performances to completely impress Prince Abdullah.

As early as three days ago, all the weapons and equipment arrived at the military base. Adding the previous ones, Liu Tao did not believe that he could not shock Prince Abdullah.

Nearly two hours later, when the secretary informed Liu Tao that he could go to Wang Baoguo's office, Liu Tao and his secretary went to Wang Baoguo's office.

Wang Baoguo was standing up and drinking water from an old enamel tea cup.

"Oh, our God of Wealth has arrived!" Wang Baoguo laughed.

Liu Tao cried bitterly: "What the God of Wealth, he is so poor that he is almost begging for food!"

"Last month you just settled RMB 219 million, and now you are complaining to me. I want to kick you to death!" Wang Baoguo scolded with a smile.

Among the major military factories in the country, none is as wealthy as Panshan Machinery Factory.

"The landlords have no surplus food!" Liu Tao spread his hands, "Our three military factory branches, which are the original 991 factory, 9907 factory, and 9805 factory, the second phase factory and the third phase factory each have to spend more than three Billion, that means one billion!”

"Now the construction of the new factory area of ​​Factory 256 in Shancheng has to invest one billion, which is as high as two billion!" Liu Tao crossed his fingers and calculated the accounts: "We also cooperated with Xiangjiang Huo Tycoon to build a computer manufacturing plant in Pengcheng , which also requires an investment of 300 million!”

Over at the Panshan Machinery Factory Headquarters, construction is nearing completion. It is more about housing construction and the investment will not be too large.

But the construction of other factories is really a waste of money.

The more you earn, the more you spend!

"I'm afraid that your stall will be so big. What will happen if the capital chain is broken?" Wang Baoguo took a sip of water and put down the enamel tea cup in his hand.

There is no doubt about Liu Tao's ability to make money, and his title as the God of Wealth is recognized by the entire Fifth Machinery Department.

But similarly, Liu Tao's ability to spend money is also extremely terrifying.

All the money earned was spent.

"There is no other way. If you want to develop, you have to do this!" Liu Tao spread his hands helplessly: "We also accept the construction of railways for our military factories and access to railway lines."

In order to facilitate transportation, it is not just a matter of rebuilding a factory, but also building and widening roads and building railways to connect to the existing railway network.

In addition, there is the construction of reservoirs and hydropower stations.

If we build a separate factory, we don’t need to spend so much money at all.

"Leader, we have to settle the deposit for Iraq this time. The factory construction is all waiting for money!" Liu Tao said, "The deposit of US$1.75 billion has been given to us a long time ago!"

A deposit of US$1.75 billion is a huge amount of RMB 3.0625 billion.

With this money, the construction of the factory will not be a problem.

"So this is your idea to get this money!" Wang Baoguo said angrily, "In the past, we always completed the order and then settled the payment. But these times, it's better. We have to settle the order before it is completed!"

Liu Tao said shamelessly: "Don't we have to lead you to strongly support us?"

Liu Tao had no psychological pressure on this. This money was a deposit for the order, and it was originally given to Panshan Machinery Factory.

You have to use your own deposit, what's the shame?

There are also strict foreign exchange controls now. When Panshan Machinery Factory can become independent in the future, it will not need to go through the Fifth Machinery Department.

To be honest, even though Panshan Machinery Factory has made a lot of money in the past few months, he can feel the huge pressure on funds as the stalls spread out.

Once the construction of the project starts, it cannot be stopped. Once it is stopped, the losses will be even greater. It must be completed in one go.

The construction of several factories is not just a matter of Panshan Machinery Factory, but is closely connected with the local area and the province.

In order to build the second and third phases of the three factories, Yun Province helped organize tens of thousands of workers. If the construction of the Chaishitan Reservoir is included, the total number of workers organized exceeds 100,000.

Although the average salary per person is less than two yuan, the daily salary expenditure totals more than 200,000 yuan, which is more than 6 million yuan a month.

As for food, drink and money for building materials, that’s even more.

Relying on these projects, Yun Province has been relatively better off in the past two years and has not been directly in trouble because of the country's reduction in third-line construction expenses.

Similarly, Shancheng readily allocated 10,000 acres of land, isn't it because the total investment in the new factory area of ​​Factory 256 exceeds one billion, which can solve a lot of labor forces and bring income to other state-owned factories.

This time Liu Tao came, even if he could not settle the entire deposit of US$1.75 billion, at least half of it would be settled.

When you have money in your pocket, you won't panic in your heart.

Panshan Machinery Factory is developing rapidly. Internal personnel problems are not a problem. It just needs time to slowly adjust. Lack of money is the real big problem.

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