The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 132 The stage is set and there is no audience (please subscribe and monthly ticket)

Beijing has the largest number of universities in the country, and naturally the number of college students in Beijing is also the largest.

There are approximately 20,000 college students in the entire capital.

Liu Tao could tell at a glance whether he was a college student or not.

Some literary young people carry a guitar and a book of poems on their backs, full of literary and artistic atmosphere.

Liu Tao saw people constantly looking at Zhu Lin, and the turnaround rate was 100%. He didn't know how many boys looked at Zhu Lin secretly, with a faint smile on their face.

He has become accustomed to this phenomenon.

Zhu Lin is 168cm tall, which is very tall in this era. He is beautiful and has a unique temperament. He is wearing very fashionable clothes at this time. Even with Liu Tao next to him, he still looks outstanding. It is difficult not to attract attention.

When it got completely dark, the two returned to the courtyard.

At this time, the courtyard is covered with green trees and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing, making people feel better when walking in it.

In the courtyard, the pots have been set up, the beef has been cut, and the vegetables have been washed.

Liu Zhenbang, Chen Fang, Zhu Xiongxin, and Fang Zhen were eating melon seeds and chatting.

Liu Tao and Zhu Lin came back and started eating hot pot.

The price of beef at this time is quite cheap, 0.6 yuan per pound of beef.

As for the beef bones, it’s almost like giving them away for free.

The soup base is simmered with beef bones for more than an hour. It is very fragrant and full of beef flavor.

Six people bought eight kilograms of beef, and the sauce was a very simple sauce, with some minced garlic, chopped green onion, millet pepper, and some soy sauce and vinegar.

That night, Liu Tao also opened a bottle of Moutai and everyone had a drink.

Everyone was chatting while eating hot pot, and while chatting, they talked about the Moscow Olympics.

"Big brother is going to be isolated by the whole world, he deserves it!" Zhu Xiongxin was quite gloating.

Liu Zhenbang said: "We will not send a delegation this year as a protest. After reading the news, Big Brother's move into Afghanistan is unpopular."

Liu Tao's heart moved.

At the end of last year, Polar Bear Roared, and with a hearty military victory, it captured the main cities and most of the transportation lines in Afghanistan and took control of Afghanistan in just one week, fully demonstrating its strong military strength.

Even now, the Soviet army's special operations, infantry-tank coordination, steel torrent and other tactics still shock military experts and require in-depth research on this.

Many people even regard this Soviet military operation as a template for modern warfare.

According to disclosed information, a 30-man Alpha special team of the Soviet Army was carrying 1,000 Afghan troops. Liu Yong personally went to Panshan Machinery Factory to discuss special operations with Liu Tao.

However, the political consequences of this Soviet military operation were also very heavy.

For example, the Moscow Olympics were boycotted by many countries.

So far, only 80 countries have participated, which is the smallest number of countries participating in the Olympic Games since 1956. Many participating countries only send one flag bearer and enter the venue with the Olympic flag instead of the national flag.

At that time, only Moscow in the Soviet Union and Los Angeles in the United States applied to host the Olympic Games. In October 1974, the International Olympic Committee decided that Moscow would bid.

In 1975, Moscow established the Olympic Games Preparatory Committee and began to make active preparations for various aspects. It built and renovated many sports facilities, which brought great development to Moscow sports venues. According to reports, the number of large stadiums has increased from more than 50 to nearly 70, the number of artificial swimming pools has increased from more than 30 to more than 60, and the number of gymnasiums has increased from more than 1,300 to more than 1,600. At the same time, urban buildings were renovated and the transportation network was improved.

The Soviet Union spent a total of 9 billion US dollars to host the Olympic Games, which was a record number in the history of the Olympic Games.

Originally, the Soviet Union wanted to use this Olympic Games to show the world the strength and prosperity of the Soviet Union.

But now, the abacus is messed up!

So much money was invested, the stage was set, but there was no audience!

To be honest, in December last year, the roar of the polar bear frightened many people. I don’t know how many people were shivering and couldn’t sleep well.

For fear of being careless, when he opened his eyes, a torrent of steel rolled in, and three wars broke out.

I spent two days on the weekend spending time with my family and had a very pleasant time.

On Monday morning, Liu Tao and Liu Zhenbang came to No. 25 Xiushui North Street together.

"Liu, a delegation will come the day after tomorrow to conduct procurement negotiations in person." Al explained, "You also know that self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and third-generation main battle tanks are not trivial. We are not professionals and there is no direct way to do this. Decide."

If it's a Type 59 tank, that's okay. Everyone knows that it's almost equivalent to a T54 medium tank, so buying a T54 doesn't need to be that troublesome.

However, self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and third-generation main battle tanks are different. They are very advanced weapons and equipment in the world.

Al is a civilian official, and although Rashid is a military attache, he is only in the middle level, and is still not taken seriously.

Liu Tao was very surprised. He did not expect that Al and Rashid did not decide directly, but sent a delegation to China.

But when he thought about it, he was relieved. After all, these were not weapons such as firearms or Type 59 tanks, but self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and third-generation main battle tanks.

Liu Tao asked vaguely whether the price should be quoted higher.

There is no need for a kickback, it will naturally be based on his previous quotation.

But if there are rebates, then they have to be increased.

This is also an international practice.

Al shook his head slightly. It was obvious that Al could not influence the delegation, and he did not want to leave any clues.

Liu Tao suddenly realized that it seemed that the delegation had a high level and had a great say.

Whether or not the order can be obtained depends on the delegation.

Liu Tao was curious about who the leader of this delegation would be and how many orders he could bring.

After Rashid explained it later, Liu Tao became more interested.

It turns out that this delegation went to Moscow before and wanted to negotiate the purchase of T72. They had negotiated three times, but they could not reach an agreement.

Not only because the T72’s asking price is high, but also because the polar bear’s appetite is too big.

Polar bears are trying to gain greater influence in the Middle East through this method.

As for this additional condition, even if Sadam is a strong man from heaven, he would not dare to agree easily.

So after receiving Al's telegram, this delegation was shocked and wanted to come to China to see for themselves.

As for the leader of the delegation, he is the commander of an ace tank division and a confidant of Saddam.

The two parties then discussed the time and place of the meeting and other matters.

These must be discussed or arranged in advance to avoid mistakes.

As for these, Liu Tao and Liu Zhenbang also have to return to the Fifth Machinery Department and report to the leaders. They also have to form a team, especially with a leader. This is equality of status.

Regardless of whether it is at home or abroad, this kind of thing requires the most etiquette, and the specifications and identities of both parties must be equal.

Otherwise, the two of them are still the main ones here, which would make the other party feel that they despise the other party, which would be very bad.

The dog author worked hard to code, and the brothers and sisters worked hard to subscribe and vote! Thank you!

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