The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 128 The tit-for-tat confrontation between father and son (please subscribe for monthly ticke

Export trade!

This is a great choice for China!

Relying on preliminary industrialization, making shirts, socks and other low-end manufacturing industries, relying on cheap labor, to earn foreign exchange, and then use the earned foreign exchange to purchase advanced equipment and support talents to study abroad.

However, in Liu Tao's view, arms trade is also an export trade and can also earn foreign exchange.

Moreover, the arms trade is a hugely profitable industry, and the profits are extremely staggering.

Liu Tao understands this very well.

Panshan Machinery Factory can develop so fast, isn't it because it relies on the arms trade to earn a lot of profits, and has enough profits for its own development!

"Dong dong~~"

Just as the two were discussing the arms export trade and how to become a qualified international arms dealer, there was a knock on the door.

"Director Liu, Director Liu, the leadership is ready!" the secretary said.

Liu Zhenbang and Liu Tao got up and walked to Wang Baoguo's office.

As soon as he walked into the office, he saw Wang Baoguo looking tired. It was obvious that he was busy today.

"How was the talk today? Did it go well?" Wang Baoguo picked up the enamel teacup and took a sip of water.

"It went very smoothly. They are very interested. Now I am contacting my superiors. I am confident that I can win a large order." Liu Tao said confidently: "The price I gave is US$100,000 per anti-aircraft machine gun, twin-mounted." Anti-aircraft machine guns cost US$250,000 per unit, Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns cost US$4.4 million to US$4.6 million per vehicle, and Type 80 tanks cost US$1.5 million per vehicle.”

Liu Tao reported to Wang Baoguo, "Tomorrow I plan to contact Saudi Arabia and promote sales to them!"

"Didn't I say before that there are no conditions attached? Now that you plan to bundle weapons such as the Type 54 pistol and the Type 56 rifle at the same time, isn't it also an additional condition?" Wang Baoguo frowned slightly, "This involves the country's reputation."

"Leader, we are talking about arms business, and there are no political benefits attached or asking them to transfer the oil fields, so naturally there are no conditions attached." Liu Tao spread his hands.

Wang Baoguo said: "Iraq does not need Type 54 pistols, Type 56 rifles, and Type 56 machine guns. Will they agree?"

"I think it's not a big problem. They don't need it, but their brothers do!" Liu Tao smiled, "The Islamic world doesn't have much industrial capacity, and many countries need it."

Not to mention now, it will be the same in forty years!

Gas cans can even be used as powerful weapons!

"Leader, for the 2,000 Type 59 tanks we talked about a few days ago, sealing the inventory is no longer enough. Most of them have to be transferred from the army's active equipment. Now the leadership of the army has a strong opinion. This means reducing the number of Type 59 tanks in the army by 20%!" Liu Zhenbang said: "I also went to see the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks today. I still think it is inappropriate to export such advanced weapons. It is better to wait until our troops are equipped and replace the Type 59 tanks before exporting again."

"Or let the No. 1 Machinery Factory and other tank manufacturers seize the time to produce tanks!"

Although Liu Tao was his son, Liu Zhenbang still expressed his opinions to the leader.

This is not right for the person!

Wang Baoguo looked at Liu Tao, "What do you think?"

"I have no objection to the No. 1 Machinery Factory and other tank manufacturers producing Type 69 tanks for export. After all, there are no spare Type 69 tanks now, and the army does not even have a single Type 69 tank." Liu Tao said, "But I do produce Type 59 tanks. It is not recommended. I think the Type 59 tanks currently in service in the army should be eliminated and replaced with Type 80 main battle tanks!”

"Although the number of tanks in the army has declined in a short period of time, from a long-term perspective, it is imperative to eliminate the Type 59 tanks and install Type 80 main battle tanks." Liu Tao also insisted on his own point of view, "Our Productivity is limited, and productivity should not be wasted. Instead, productivity should be concentrated, build a Type 80 tank production line, train workers, and conduct small-scale production so that it can be mass-produced later! "

Wang Baoguo rubbed his temples. He also felt that this matter was a bit difficult to handle.

"In this case, I will report this matter to the leader, and then a meeting will be held to discuss it." Wang Baoguo thought for a while and said.

Later, Liu Tao proposed to settle the matter.

"Boss, you also know that our Panshan Machinery Factory is such a big stall, and the province keeps dumping other third-tier factories to us. We are so poor that we have to be beggars." Liu Tao was selling miserably.

Wang Baoguo said angrily, "I believe that other factories are so poor that they have to be beggars, but our factory has the best life in the country. Housing is allocated every month. The salary is high and benefits are good. Life is just like before." The landlord is like a wealthy man."

Wang Baoguo was greatly shocked after a trip to Panshan Machinery Factory.

Panshan Machinery Factory is the only factory in the country that is most like a modern factory. Even factories with huge state investment in the past, none can compare with Panshan Machinery Factory.

Returning to the Fifth Machinery Department, Wang Baoguo specially wrote a report, which caused a sensation and concern throughout the Fifth Machinery Department. The Fifth Machinery Department also specially held a discussion meeting.

However, Wang Baoguo also knows that behind the rapid development of Panshan Machinery Factory is the continuous capital investment.

Among them, the profits created by foreign trade orders account for the majority.

And all of this was brought about by Liu Tao.

"The next step is to build a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and tank production line. The investment in this is huge, at least more than 2 billion yuan." Liu Tao shrugged, feeling helpless: "As a factory director, I only sleep four or five times a day. For hours, the pressure was too great and the authorities refused to allocate money to us.”

"You don't need money, but you need people!" Wang Baoguo glared at Liu Tao.

Even if all the funds of the Fifth Machinery Department were given to Liu Tao for a whole year, it would not be enough!

However, Wang Baoguo's tone slowed down, "Your situation is known to the leaders of the ministry and it is not easy. Although the exchange rate has dropped and 1 U.S. dollar can only be exchanged for 1.49 RMB, the settlement is still based on 1.75 RMB for 1 U.S. dollar. This can be regarded as supporting you." "

Liu Tao pouted. This is the exchange rate announced by the bank, but in fact on the black market, 1 US dollar can be exchanged for at least 3 to 4 RMB.

What everyone is short of now is US dollars, not RMB.

Speaking of which, it was actually Panshan Machinery Factory that suffered the loss.

He also knows that in the next ten years, the RMB will depreciate rapidly, from the current 1:1.49 to 1:8.6.

If Panshan Machinery Factory hadn't needed money for construction, he would have put the money in his account, which would have increased the value by 5.8 times in ten years.

And this exchange rate is still official, and you can exchange it for more privately.

However, he is also confident that if he uses the money to invest in building a factory, he can earn more and not lose that much in total.

"Thank you for the leadership's support. Our Panshan Machinery Factory will definitely live up to the expectations of the leaders and will definitely continue to work hard and achieve greater success!" Although Liu Tao muttered in his heart, his words were different.

After all, Panshan Machinery Factory is now directly under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Machinery Department. If the Fifth Machinery Department wants to intervene in Panshan Machinery Factory, he, the director, has to obey orders. The Fifth Machinery Department only needs a transfer order, and he will no longer be Panshan Machinery. Factory director.

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