The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 126 I don’t feel bad for betraying my father’s land


Liu Zhenbang boiled water to make tea.

Today he took several people from the foreign trade working group and followed Liu Tao to the military camp.

Seeing the weapon, Liu Zhenbang wanted to strangle Liu Tao to death.

He doesn't understand why such advanced weapons and equipment need to be exported!

The weapons used by the army today are not so advanced!

Not to mention anti-aircraft machine guns, the troops began to equip them in small batches.

However, the troops were not equipped with any self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and they still used the previous anti-aircraft guns.

What made Liu Zhenbang's heart bleed even more was that the Type 80 main battle tank was a third-generation main battle tank!

The army didn't even have second-generation main battle tanks, but Liu Tao actually wanted to export the third-generation main battle tanks!

I don’t feel bad for selling my field!

Liu Zhenbang wanted to slap his son to death.

Unfortunately, these weapons and equipment were developed by Liu Tao and manufactured by Panshan Machinery Factory. When it comes to exporting weapons and equipment, Panshan Machinery Factory is a reform test site. Liu Zhenbang can only look at the orders Liu Tao talks about. I want to say something. No words will do.

The current job of the foreign trade working group is to take orders from Liu Tao, and they are responsible for coordinating with customers.

To put it simply, it was to help Liu Tao.

He, the father-in-law, is a division-level cadre with real power. His administrative level is lower than that of Liu Tao's son, and his power is far inferior to that of Liu Tao.

"Son, is it appropriate to export such advanced weapons and equipment?" Liu Zhenbang couldn't help but said: "If you make a mistake, your small body will not be able to bear it."

If the superiors investigate, Liu Tao will definitely not get any good results.

"It's suitable, why isn't it suitable?" Liu Tao said, "Our own version is better!"

"If we don't make money by exporting, how can we build better factories and build better production lines?" Liu Tao said: "If we don't make money by exporting, will the army have money to purchase?"

"If we don't use these advanced equipment as bait, why would people purchase an outdated and outdated tank like the Type 59 main battle tank?" Liu Tao couldn't help but have a headache when he thought about the number of Type 59 tanks currently equipped in the country.

Even though he negotiated contracts this year, including this one, 3,800 Type 59 tanks were exported, but there are still four to five thousand Type 59 tanks equipped by the domestic army.

His goal is to export all four to five thousand of these tanks in the next few years, and then replace them all with Type 80 main battle tanks.

This determines that in tank production, explosive production must be carried out to continuously increase production capacity.

Relying on the current production line is far from enough.

A more high-end production line is needed!

For example, a lot of micron processing is required here.

The previous Type 59 tank production line was definitely not up to the task.

In addition to advanced production lines, a group of skilled workers are also required to be competent in instrument operation.

"Don't forget, the biggest beneficiary of the order we returned to Beijing to negotiate this time is not Panshan Machinery Factory!" Liu Tao couldn't help but said speechlessly, "The order belonging to Panshan Machinery Factory is only US$213.2 million!"

Liu Zhenbang touched his nose, "Before, the Type 59 tanks could be directly transferred into inventory, but now there are 2,000 Type 59 tanks. Half of them must be coordinated from the equipment of the active troops. I don't know how many people will scold me!"

"If the old ones don't get rid of, the new ones won't come. If we replace them with third-generation main battle tanks in the future, their combat effectiveness will soar!" Liu Tao said.

"But the problem is to streamline the plan, focusing on reducing the number of infantry personnel and increasing the proportion of technical arms. Armored troops are technical arms. As a result, the number of armored troops has increased, but the number of tanks has decreased!" Liu Zhenbang said: "Instead, the number of armored troops has increased, but the number of tanks has decreased!" You are the leader of the army, do you know how to curse?"

Liu Tao scratched his head, as if this was indeed the case.

Although it is only possible to redeploy a thousand Type 59 tanks in active service, that means a reduction of almost 20% in the number of tanks!

Unfortunately, this quantity cannot fill the gap in a short time.

It can even be said that this gap may never be filled.

Because Liu Tao planned to sell off all Type 59 tanks as much as possible.

In twenty years, the number of third-generation tanks is estimated to be three to four thousand!

Therefore, the gap will become larger and larger in the future.

"It seems that the more advanced tank production line needs to be sped up!" Liu Tao felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

What he had in mind was to speed up the construction of more advanced tank production lines and achieve mass production of third-generation main battle tanks as soon as possible.

And this burden must be on his shoulders, and he must bear this burden.

No one else could help him.

"I will report to the leader later, and I will also give a detailed report to the leader." Liu Zhenbang said.

Anti-aircraft machine guns, bullets, these things are easy to talk about.

But tanks are a problem.

"What do you think about letting the No. 1 Machinery Factory wait for the tank truck to produce a batch of Type 59 tanks?" Liu Zhenbang asked.

Liu Tao rolled his eyes: "Not very good!"

"The Type 59 tank is too backward. Its firepower, mobility, and protection are all out of date!" Liu Tao shook his head. He was too familiar with the Type 59 tank.

The Type 59 tank uses a 100mm rifled gun imitating the Soviet D-10, with a penetration depth of 160mm at 500 meters and a penetration depth of 150mm at 1,000 meters. It is equipped with two 7.62mm machine guns and one on the roof. 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine guns are far from meeting the needs of modern warfare. To put it harshly, a T72 tank or a Leopard 2 tank will shoot you ten times without being damaged, and they can destroy you with one shot.

The main gun of the Type 59 tank can only destroy lightly armored targets.

Besides, the performance of the sight of the Type 59 tank is average, and its shooting accuracy is actually unsatisfactory.

In terms of mobility, the Type 59 tank uses a water-cooled diesel engine with a maximum power of 520 horsepower, a maximum highway speed of only 50 kilometers per hour, and a combat range of only 400 kilometers. Moreover, the stability of those diesel engines is not satisfactory, and they often have to be repaired in the factory. And using a manual transmission, the driver needs to exert a lot of effort to drive the tank.

In terms of protection, the Type 59 has 100 mm of front armor and 80 mm of side armor. Its survivability on the battlefield is worrying. With current anti-tank weapons, the Type 59 tank can be easily destroyed.

In the past, conditions were limited and frugality could only play a role. Three years of sewing would make up for three years, and another three years of sewing would be better than nothing.

But now that the Type 80 tank has come out, there is no need to produce the Type 59 tank again.

The more you produce, the more troublesome it is to process later.

Unless it is for production and export, but to be honest, if you want to export it, it is better to make substantial magic modifications to the Type 59 tank.

But to drastically modify a tank is no less difficult than redesigning a tank.

Liu Tao is really not optimistic about the Type 59 tank. In the future international arms market, in terms of tanks, the third generation tank will definitely play the leading role, the second generation tank will play a supporting role, and the first generation tank will be gradually eliminated. , as battlefield consumables, are constantly consumed.

The next ten years will be the best decade to continue to shine with these first-generation tanks as consumables.

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