The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 2204: Pandora's Rubik's Cube

After returning to his own home, Jiang Fei sat down on the sofa with an imageless buttock. Anyway, my father and mother were not at home, and no one disliked him to stand up or sit down. ?? Fire Ran ??????? `

Taking out the two pieces of equipment that Haar dropped, Jiang Fei looked up and down.

The first thing is a soft armor. It looks very thin and light, but it is powerful. At this time, Jiang Fei has the "player" status, so when he sees this equipment, he will naturally get relevant information. .

"Soft Gold Armor: Provides the wearer with an automatically-opened shield that can defend against attacks with a combat power value below 45 million, while also giving the wearer a small agility bonus."

This is the information that Jiang Fei got from the first item.

"Very good armor!" Jiang Fei nodded, this thing is already very powerful, but unfortunately, Hal met Jiang Fei, the dragon sage monarch, otherwise, it is really difficult for ordinary people to hurt him.

After getting the soft gold armor, the first thing Jiang Fei thought of was Hua Mulan, because the soft gold armor was useless to Jiang Fei himself. The attack of 45 million combat power was not strong for Jiang Fei, and If the enemy's attack is so strong that he can't resist it, then this soft gold armor will have no effect.

But this thing is very suitable for Mulan. This girl's martial arts is amazing. In addition to the blessing of the core of power, her attack power is much higher than the equivalent combat power. The average "high-level player" cannot resist her frontal attack. But Mulan ’s defense is too weak. She is different from several other powerful girls. Nina has the power of space and can use space barriers as protection. Sylvi is proficient in time and can be resisted through time retrospection. Harm, let alone Bella, let alone the master of the core of life, as long as she is not killed in seconds, she can recover on her own.

Only Hua Mulan, although she has the core of power, is extremely prominent in terms of attack power, but on the defensive level, the core of power can not play any role, so this soft gold armor is most suitable for her.

After collecting the soft gold armor, Jiang Fei took out the second item that Haar dropped.

This is something similar to a third-order Rubik's cube, which looks bland, but Jiang Fei can feel the amazing power from it.

"Pandora's Rubik's Cube: Rotate the Rubik's Cube at will, combine as many suits as you want, then open it, and you will get a surprise!"

"I'm going! You can get a surprise for each suit?" Jiang Fei was taken aback. You know that the combo combination of the third-order Rubik's cube is an astronomical figure. Then, how much treasure does this box have to be opened?

However, Jiang Fei was also a little hesitant, because the name of this box includes the words "Pandora", which means that what is opened may not be good!

After thinking about this, Jiang Feike didn't rush to open the Rubik's Cube. After all, this is the earth and his hometown. He didn't want to make any accidents.

After putting away Pandora's Rubik's cube, Jiang Fei leaned on the sofa to close his eyes, and then continued to monitor the "players" left on the earth through mental power.

At this time, Hal, who was killed by Jiang Fei, has also been resurrected in the safe area. Unlike the death in the copy, when he is killed in the copy, the copy will appear at the door of the resurrection, and if the player is killed by the player outside, the resurrection is In a safe area, this is to prevent being guarded.

"Mom! Don't let Lao Tzu meet you!" Hal yelled, and then began to contact his friends, wanting to return to the earth to find a place.

"Brother, we don't have the map you said." A friend of Hal said that because the Earth was selected as the carrier of the reward copy, ordinary "players" cannot pass it directly, but if you want to fly by yourself There are no coordinates in that place. In the vast interstellar space, it is simply a haystack.

"Well, then there is no way, let the kid go first, don't let Lao Tzu meet him outside!" Hal was furious, but he was helpless. After all, he went back and was not Jiang Fei's opponent. You can only be abused one more time, so you can only temporarily stop it.

The only thing that made Hal feel a pity is that Pandora's cube. This is the item that the boss dropped in the bonus copy. As a result, he bid at a high price. Before he could use it, he was dropped by pk. This made Ha Seoul is very upset.


At the same time, under the supervision of Jiang Fei, Mia and Andy were still happily strolling through the streets. Mia also mixed with the cute appearance and the coquettish selling skills, not only eating and drinking, but also Begging for a lot of small toys.

Although the two's fancy clothes attracted the attention of the surrounding pedestrians, but in this era of cosplay prevalence ~ ~ Although their clothes are very different, they didn't think too much, just think that these are two young people with unique hobbies. People stop.

On the other side, two guys, Andrew and Cohen, appeared in a European city. They first visited the church and wandered the street for a day. Because they had no money, the two guys couldn't buy it along the way. Go for the strength.

Of course, these two strong men also do not have the unique advantage of Mia, so both people are still empty-handed in a day. Europeans are more open to the armor and weapons on these two people. After all, they are the otakus over there. What's more, occasionally someone is carrying a homemade armored weapon on the street, so everyone is used to it.

For these two strong men to be so obedient, Jiang Fei is still very surprised. After all, for the "players", the game world is not subject to moral and legal constraints. They can come at will. From this point of view, Cohen Although it is a troublemaker, it is not bad in nature. At least he does not have the habit of bullying the weak.

But after the sky gradually faded, the two strong men "players" didn't want to find trouble, but trouble found them both.

"Hey! You two otakus, hand over your money!" A few dumb boys came out of the dark alley, and one of them had a pistol in his hand.

Compared to the tranquility of Huaxia, although the daytime in Europe is beautiful, when the night falls, those beautiful towns suddenly change into another look.

"Are they talking about us?" Cohen's nature was picked up all of a sudden, he has his own bottom line, he will not actively bully the weak, but his troublesome character makes him unwilling to be so calm, so this day But he was broken.

Now these guys come to the door, Cohen's heart is going to blossom!

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