The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 1002: Ready to close

When Jiang Fei learned the legend of his master from the mouth of the martial arts alliance, he himself was a bit unbelievable. Although the thirteen was installed by himself, he never expected that it would be so successful this time. It is simply a brilliant thirteen!

In fact, sometimes this is the case. When you brag your own fork, others often call you stupid fork, but when others brag your fork for you day and night, you do n’t think it will work!

Rockwoods is not stupid. People with low intelligence can't mix with the level of the fifth-level strong. Although he was stunned by Zhugeshan ’s strange powers at first, he thought about it after calming down. Maybe Zhugeshan also Not so powerful, at most it is a more powerful role in the fifth level.

But the problem is that Zhugeshan was really powerful. He blows it out, and he first determined that Zhugeshan is really a sixth-level powerhouse. If at this time he stands up and says that Zhugeshan is really less than six, then it is not his own trouble Face?

Moreover, Lockwood was originally "rolled out" by Zhuge Shanzhen, and he was scared to run away. If Zhuge Shan is really a sixth-class powerhouse, it is understandable no matter how shameful Lockwood is, after all, it is the only six Level 5, isn't the top five blasting in front of him to death?

So if Zhugeshan is really Level 6, then the escaped Lockwood is not shameful. If Zhugeshan is really Level 5, then he is scared by the masters at the same level, and Rockwoods is really shameless!

The other five strong players really understand Zhugeshan completely from the description of Lockwood, after all, he is the only person who has really worked with Zhugeshan!

Moreover, Lockwoods gave such a terrible conclusion. Who would dare to risk his life to Zhuge Shanzhen to verify it?

The higher the position, the more afraid of death. This principle applies not only to Lockwood, but also to the other top five. Otherwise, why would the evil beast would rather be cut often than dare to fight with Ariel with a Zhanlu sword? The reason is simple, afraid of death! The more immortal they are, the more they fear death!

The other fifth-level powers did not dare to go to Zhuge Shanzhen to verify that he was a real sixth-level powerhouse, but they could not admit that they were counseling and said that they did not dare to go, so they could only decide with one bite. Zhugeshan was sure It's Level 6 and can't be wrong!

This is like a beggar squatting at the door of your community, but one day the respected professor in the community tells you that this beggar is actually a famous black boss. He was disguised as a man and killed, and he is powerful, let alone police. , Guoan could not cure him.

The last news spread ten, ten hundred, everyone knows, and the prestigious old professor is so prominent that he can't lie to anyone. The news appears to be quite reliable. In this way, who dares to go and try to ask or call the police. Try real or fake? No one is afraid that if this beggar is really so powerful, he will be unlucky, so no one dares to ask. In the end, everyone can only agree that he is really a super powerful black boss. After seeing him, he has to walk around a long way away. .

It was for this reason that Jiang Fei inadvertently installed a small thirteen, but in the end he became the entire fifth-level strong group to help him blow, so Zhuge Shanzhen, who was still seemingly empty, suddenly Become a real six-level strongman, and finally was regarded as a living **** among supernatural people!

Zhugeshan really rose in status, can Jiang Fei's status rise with the water? Just a few months ago, when Jiang Fei first met the old man in the sea, he was regarded as a junior late. When the battle for the East was over, Jiang Fei actually had an argument with the leaders of the various martial arts. After the emergence of the energy potion, his status seems to be a wealth-producing boy, and everyone needs to hold it, but now Jiang Fei is the proper status of an envoy to the heavens!

Even if it is the head of the warrior alliance, when you look at him, it is a bit of looking up! This allowed Jiang Fei to enjoy the treatment of the five strong players in advance although he did not reach the fifth level in strength.

However, these are all matters to Jiang Fei who has just returned home. At this time, he is most worried about energy issues. After all, 0542 has given him an ultimatum. Now Jiang Fei's big move development is not only suspended. Within hours he had no new energy accounted, so 0542 had to sleep.

"It's really annoying!" Jiang Fei currently has no clue about the power module. It is not possible to complete the energy crisis overnight, but if it is only to solve the urgent problem, Jiang Fei can use energy potions to exchange some uranium mines for emergency. Although this method treats the symptoms but not the root causes, at least it can be done for a while.

After paying attention, Jiang Fei decided to contact Schroder the next day. The mutants and the rice country are a community of interests. They attach great importance to the alien wreckage, and it is easier for the mutants to recover their vitality, so they are not likely to use the wreckage. Change the potion with Jiang Fei.

But Jiang Fei, who has learned from Han Tianyu, will not let go of mutants. Since they do not change, Jiang Fei will force them to change!

Just this time the mutants were betrayed by the Holy See. It is estimated that the two sides will not be happy even if they do not break with the Holy See. Jiang Fei feels that it is also a good choice to appropriately increase the mutants' strength and let them suppress the Holy See.

After the Holy See was suppressed, they must find a way to resist ~ ~ Their most effective way is to find Jiang Fei for more potions and promote more peak strongmen, so that the mutants will be counter-suppressed. Jiang Fei didn't believe that the mutants would be swallowed after they were stung by their younger brother!

But what can a mutant person do if he can't bear it? If you want to instantly improve your strength and earn back your face, there is only one way to use the wreckage to change medicine with Jiang Fei!

In this way, the European Holy See and the mutants are on the bar, and the two sides must constantly exchange medicines with Jiang Fei in order to deal with the threat from the other side. As for what the two sides will ultimately be, it does n’t matter what Jiang Fei ’s warfare will definitely earn. The pot is flat!

After making this idea, Jiang Fei entered the game with peace of mind. Today, he not only gains a lot in reality, but also in the game.

After a few days of arrangement, Jiang Fei finally decided to take action on evil smiles. For so many days, Jiang Fei thought that evil smiles had been arrogant enough for a long time, and attacked himself many times without saying, even dare to leave a message to challenge, this is Jiang Fei can't tolerate it, that is, Jiang Fei is kind. I know that the game is just a game. A supernatural person at the top of the fourth level can't afford to be angry with a otaku. Broken leg!

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