The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1276: Funeral

Chen Mo also heard the implication of the village party secretary.

   A seemingly small thing, trying to do it well, is extremely difficult.

   She couldn't help but retreat, and whispered: "Yang Fei, or else, forget it? It's much more convenient to buy a cemetery in the city than to get this one."

   Yang Fei said, "This is your grandma's only last wish. Are you really going to give up?"

   Chen Mo said frustratedly: "I knew it was difficult to do after listening to the village party secretary. As long as one household in the villager group disagrees, then this thing cannot be done."

   Yang Fei said: "It's not as difficult as you think. As long as the two in front of you nod, the other villager group members are actually just a sentence."

   Chen Mo said, "You mean, it's mainly them?"

   Yang Fei said: "Don't forget that our country is an official-based country. As long as the leader agrees to do anything, who will oppose the people below?"

   Chen Mo said, "But, I don't think they are willing to go!"

   Yang Fei said: "They didn't say they didn't want to! Okay, let me take care of this. Just put your heart in your stomach."

   Chen Mo said: "What do you do?"

   Yang Fei showed a gentle smile: "I have my own reason."

   Chen Mo said, "I don't want you to spend too much money on this matter."

   Yang Fei said: "It doesn't cost money."

   Chen Mo said: "It doesn't cost money? Can it be done?"

   Yang Fei said: "The officials at the first level crushed people to death."

   While talking, Yang Fei walked aside and made a call.

   Then, Yang Fei carried his hands on his back, admiring the scenery of the mountain village, and slowly said: "Chen Mo, the feng shui of your grandmother's home is okay. There is a mountain behind and a lake in front."

   Where did Chen Mo have the intention to talk to him about this, but he just responded vaguely.

   Yang Fei said: "Unfortunately, such a good mountain village has not been well planned."

Chen Mo said: "Taohua Village is because of you, otherwise, how can the current development be? The village here has excellent resources, and it is easy to attract investment. Unfortunately, no one has the vision and structure of yours. Every inch of land and every resource has been fully utilized, and industry and tourism have developed simultaneously, reaching unprecedented heights."

   Yang Fei said: "Others praise me, and I treat him as a compliment. You praise me, I know you are sincere, and I listened to it very well."

   Chen Mo: "……"

   Gutian and lawyer Wang, and negotiate with the village party secretary.

However, no matter what you say, and no matter what reason you moved out, the village party secretary only answers you with the signature of the villager group. He always says that he has no objections and welcomes you to move back. But after so many years, there have been two splits in the middle. Once you have the land, if you move back, you have to take out the fields that were allocated to others and redistribute them. How can it be so easy to take out the things in other people's homes?

   was talking, the branch secretary's phone rang.

   Good guy, he actually uses a new mobile phone that I love.

In recent years, after several rounds of price wars between major mobile phone manufacturers, mobile phones have become more affordable to the people, but they are not something that ordinary workers can buy if they want. The high monthly rent and communication fees are not what ordinary people want to use. Use it casually.

   Ordinary people’s dependence on and demand for telephones is far less serious than that of later generations.

   Public telephones are everywhere, and the community has something to talk about. The average person buys an IC phone card. When they need it, they can run to the street and just find a phone to make a call.

   The branch secretary took out the phone, first raised the phone far and high, squinted to see the call, and then pressed the answer button vigorously.

   "Hello! Which one?" The mandarin of the party secretary sounds so calming.

   "Oh oh oh!" The branch secretary's face suddenly became serious and serious, as nervous as he was giving a work report to the leader.

"Yes Yes Yes."

   "Good, good!"

   "No problem! Absolutely no problem!"

   After receiving the call, the branch secretary was not sure whether the other party had hung up the phone, moved it away, and listened to it again to confirm that there was no sound, and then put the phone away.

"Oh, oh, Mr. Yang, it's a trivial matter that made such a big movement!" The party secretary was all red and laughed, "A household registration issue can be solved in the town. How can you still alarm the leaders of the province? "

   Yang Fei said faintly: "A friend asked me what I did here, and I just said casually. I didn't expect him to be so enthusiastic, and I couldn't get it right!"

   The branch secretary scratched his head and smiled and said: "Mr. Yang, I didn’t want to help you! It's a matter of a hand! Our village branch and two committees welcome the villagers who go out to return to their homeland! There are talents for development! Welcome home!"

   Chen Mo looked at Yang Fei in surprise, and didn't know who he called. It worked?

   Yang Fei hehe smiled: "The secretary, that matter, I beg you!"

   The branch book patted his chest, and said like a letter of guarantee: "There is absolutely no problem!"

   Yang Fei said: "The old man has gone to immortality. Although it is said that he has been cremated, it does not take long to stay. I only wish to enter the land as soon as possible for safety. I hope the sooner the better for this matter."

  The branch secretary said: "This is easy to handle. I will help you go through the relevant procedures. I will also help you with the signature of the villager group. You can come back today!"

   Chen Mo looked at the collapsed house, but couldn't be happy: "Yang Fei, come back, there must be a place to stop the coffin, right? My grandfather's house is like this, where is this coffin parked?"

   The branch secretary said loudly: "Oh, what's the matter! There is an ancestral hall in the village! Later, I asked someone to open the door of the ancestral hall. You can just invite the old man's ashes to come home!"

   The village director just woke up from the shock on his quickly asked: "Is there a coffin?"

   Chen Mo shook his head and said, "No."

   The village director said: "Then ask for a coffin from someone else's house first, and you can give him money, okay?"

   Chen Mo said, "As long as someone is willing to let it out, of course it's best."

   The village director said: "This bag is on my body. The family name and flag of the funeral, as well as the gongs, drums and Suona team, I can call for you."

   Chen Mo said: "Then you will have to work hard, just tell me how much money you need."

The village director said: "The price for carrying a person in the village is about 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. Of course, your grandmother has a rich grandson-in-law like Mr. Yang. I think this funeral needs to be more lively and lavish. Sixty thousand yuan is very rich."

   Chen Mo pretty blushed. Seeing that Yang Fei didn't say anything, he didn't bother with the title, and said: "Okay, then I will come back and get you 60,000 yuan. You have worked hard for my family."

   The village director smiled happily: "No problem! It's on me. I'm guaranteed to make it beautiful, lively, and lavish!"

   Chen Mo couldn't laugh or cry: "This is a funeral, how can it be made like marriage?"

   The village director said: "You don't understand this. The old man passed away until he was sixty years old. This is called funeral! The more lively it is, the more happy the old man will be!"


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