The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1444: Level 2 Universe Spring Heart Mine

The construction of Wufang City is unprecedented, and the more complicated it is, it is divided into many aspects. Ye Tian gave it to Ren Qingxian and Li Meiyi for the construction of the city, the infrastructure was in charge of Anger and Le Youhuan, the renovation and renovation of the city were handled by Shi Pangting and Yong He, and Mo Jinshou and others were immersed in Tian Xuezhu. Specific affairs of the city.

After everything was settled, Ye Tian decided to leave Wufang City and re-visit the Big Corpse Fort.

The real trump card in his hand is the Eighteen Formation Corpse, because the Formation Corpse does not need Heavenly Heart, Universe Heart, as long as there is enough Yin Qi to be promoted, it is simple and easy to do and can save a lot of coins. Now the eighteenth corpses are bone corpses, which is equivalent to the eighth-level strong heart of the heavenly court.

In the eyes of others, the big corpse castle is a forbidden place and a Jedi, but for Ye Tian, ​​it is really a treasure place for corpse cultivation, an incomparable place. No one robs him for resources, and it is completely easy to advance the corpse. At the level of the demon corpse, that is, the ninth-level heart of the heavens, it is more likely to rise to the level of a blood corpse comparable to the first-level heart of the universe.

The big corpse castle is the place Ye Tian has been thinking about for the past two days, especially the evil tentacles in the huge tomb. There is no big secret hidden. Therefore, Ye Tian used two days to combine the fifty-eight coffins he obtained in Da Shibao into one, and refining them into eighteen more powerful coffins. The effect was immediate. The coffins nourished the corpses. The repairing power has been increased by five times, and the formation of the corpse can be slowly refined. Although the effect is very small, it undoubtedly shows that this magical coffin is the best "nutrition cabin" for the corpse to "rest". Unquestionable. In this way, there are still four of the fifty-eight mouths, and Ye Tian simply put them into the **** of the world of good fortune.

The Lan King City did not come to seek revenge. According to the news that Ye Tian received, Taifeng should have led people to leave the King City and cooperate with Dilan City on a more important matter. For the time being, Wufang City is still safe.

Before leaving, Ye Tian decided to trade with Duocai Shangxian again, but he had been thinking about Qiankun Spring Heart Mine.

In fact, Ye Tian has too many things to do now. The first thing to do is to bear the brunt of the Star Shuttle parts and the Eighteen Immortals Skylight. According to Tang Xue, the Celestial Gold, Celestial Water, and Celestial Soil in the Eighteen Immortal Sky Lights are all in the lower realm. This is the eight fragments of the Celestial Eight Fragments, which can be combined with the Huomu Chaoyuan to form the Celestial Eight Celestial Light—the Five Elements Divine Void. The Star Shuttle part is even more remarkable. It is the existence of combining the warp machine into the Kunlun Shuo, breaking the void and entering the upper realm. Ye Tian is still six pieces short. Although the approximate range of the six pieces has been recorded in the piece obtained, To obtain the remaining six pieces, Ye Tian needs to go deep into certain secret places or alien battlefields, which is also an arduous task.

To obtain these two things, you need to have strong strength. The fastest way for Ye Tian to improve his strength now is to improve the formation of the corpse, and the Qiankun Spring Heart Mine to refine the accuracy of the Universe's second-level heart.

In addition, Ye Tian's Huangquan Aperture, Little Golden Core Qi, Qi Hollow Furnace, Good Fortune World and the four realm treasures in it also need to be improved. The Coffin of Death and the Heavenly Court have already opened up their own space. Only the jade pendant of the gods and the devil, the half-purple gold and half-silver, and the yin and yang beads that turn into the sun and the moon are all half-world treasures. If they reach the level of the world's treasure, they will be far away from the world. It's not far from the virtual world to the heaven world.

As for the Qi Hollow Furnace, it can raise the level of Tianting Heart and Qiankun Heart. Ye Tian has been in it with Qian Erxin to improve it. Dry Sanxin relies on Qi Hollow Furnace, but the speed is too slow. If he can find a treasure to speed up the refining speed of the Qi Hollow Furnace, he has the Universe Spring Heart Mine, and will soon be promoted to the Universe Level 3 Heart Master.

There is another reason why Ye Tian revisited the Big Corpse Fort, and it is also a more important reason. He found that his sky light can absorb all kinds of monsters, spirits, spirits, and even magic treasures to achieve more powerful power. .

Ye Tian had always been strange before. The other elements of the earth, the sky and the light, were all cultivated into the "god". The "god" can be united and transformed into a weapon through the power of curse. But although Ye Tian has the **** of fire and **** of wood, The two gods only increase the power of the sky light. Although they can change their shape according to their minds, they are only formless. There is no other magical change of sky light and some special powerful abilities. Such a comparison makes Huo Mu Chaoyuan somewhat Monotonous, now finally relieved, if even the monster soul, gods, and magic weapons and true spirits can be absorbed, then Huomu Chaoyuan’s growth is by no means comparable to other heavens. Its magic is probably only after absorbing the souls and true spirits. Show.

Ye Tian had a hunch that the Eighteen Immortals Skylight would definitely be beyond imagination.

Ye Tian is now a second-level master of the Universe, and he doesn't need to be as fearful as before. This trip can be described as gearing up.

Ye Tian immediately entered the world of good fortune and contacted Duocai Shangxian. He had contacted several times a while ago. Because Duocai Shangxian went to the universal sacred tree to get the fruit of Dengtian, he almost never returned. Recently, he has been recovering from injuries and receiving goods. It is still relatively idle. Yes, there was an immediate response.

Shangxian Duocai saw Ye Tianhou glared at him and looked at him through his nostrils, "I find it is getting harder and harder to cooperate with you. At the beginning, I can earn some Lunjing comfortably. Now how do I feel To meet your needs, you have to pay the price of life. I found out, and I gradually became a life-saver for you."

Ye Tian knew that he had gone to the universal sacred tree, and he must have received a strong blow. He had traumas that Yunnan Baiyao could not heal in his soul. He was busy with comforting a few words. The daughter-in-law gave Ye Tian a blank look, and entered the topic, "I know you need the Qiankun Spring Heart Mine, and I got you a second-level mine!"

"Second-level mine? Didn't it mean third-level mine?"

Before Duocai Shangxian did say that he could almost get a third-level mine!

Who knows that Duocai Shangxian was furious and pointed at Ye Tian’s nose and sprayed the stars, "Do you know how difficult it is for me to get this secondary mine? This thing is forbidden to be traded. Even if I have a way, I have to risk it. Being exiled, imprisoned, and even threatened with death, my **** has been hiding from the limelight for these two days, and I almost fell!"

Duocai Shangxian shouted again, "Even if there is a third-level mine, can you buy it? I tried my best to build a second-level mine, I'm afraid you can't afford it."

"How many crystals of the third-level mine?"

Duocai Shangxian has gone through life and death several times in the past few days, and was tossed with anger, and snorted, "20 million crystals!"

Ye Tian was taken aback at once. Twenty million lun crystals, but a full 20 trillion lun coins, just like the whole city of Holy Light Judgment City smashing pots and selling iron, only one trillion lun coins.

Ye Tian originally had two trillion renminbi in his hand, and he was very confident. However, facing the wealthy gods at this moment, he suddenly felt ashamed in his pocket and felt inferior. He tightly asked, "That...the second level Where's the mine?"

"Give me two million LJs from the secondary mine."

Ye Tian heaved a sigh of relief when he heard it. Two million renjing is two trillion renminbi, and the renminbi in his hand is just enough.

Ye Tian was very excited when he thought that Qiankun's second-level mine would get it right away. Although he could only raise the level of Ganyixin and Ganerxin, it was right for him now.

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