The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1433: Hell's Brimstone

When Kou Jingcheng was frightened by Us with an arrow, Ye Tian was in the secret room of the Tianxue Palace to absorb the second-level heart of the universe. After reaching the level of Qiankun Xin, it is not as easy to absorb as Tianting Xin. Generally speaking, it is still time-consuming, but Ye Tian has a gossip priest who can swallow Tianting Xin. Before absorbing dry three hearts, there is still no difficulty. .

Ye Tian had already absorbed the Universe Level 2 Heart, and Zoran stood in front of a huge colored egg. It was not appropriate to say that it was a colored egg. It was like a brilliant and colorful planet that shrank countless times, and it was indescribable.

This color egg is not the child of disaster, but Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang received the blood bead gifted by the **** Yunhai, and he had this transformation from a cocoon to a butterfly. This heart blood bead is not simple, it is a fusion of all the essence, blood and heart essence of a Universe Level One Monster Beast. Even the Cloud Sea God is treasured, and when it is given to Xiao Huang, Xiao Huang jumps and jumps happily. Like a castle of bones.

Xiao Huang started to absorb it when he got it, and it has been nearly fifty days now. Since the day before yesterday, he has entered the "incubating" state.

Undoubtedly, the aura on the colored egg indicated that Xiao Huang was 100% advanced to be a Universe Level One Monster Beast.

The lights of various colors on the colored eggs are dancing like silk and satin, surrounding it, and energy is surging out like waves. This proves that it will not take a few minutes. The new Xiaohuang is about to be born. However, these few minutes are for Ye Tian. The most critical.

A bean-sized blood drop flew out of Ye Tian's eyebrows, two eyeballs, and heart. The blood beads were all colored, and although they were liquid, they were as clear as crystals.

Beside Ye Tian, ​​there was a beast armor floating. This set of beast armor has wrist armor, two shoulder pads, and a body armor. There is a row of spikes on the spine of the body armor. The entire set of beast armor is pure gold, which looks very dazzling.

This beast armor is a magic weapon, but it is very special. It can only be used by monster beasts and belongs to the magic weapon of monster beasts. The beast armor is made by Ye Tian, ​​who has collected a lot of good things recently. The finished magic weapons and the semi-finished materials are all the best of the best. Most of them come from Duocai Shangxian, tailored specifically for Xiao Huang, and have been upgraded to the eighth hole of the sky, which is the master of many palaces. The magic weapon is not too much.

Ye Tian's face was serious and meticulous, he was more solemn than facing the king of Lan Taifeng, and he couldn't help but not solemn, because this beast armor will accompany Xiao Huang all his life.

The four essence and blood gradually merged into the beast armor, and a layer of ripples appeared on the beast armor. These four essence and blood represented the essence of Ye Tian's physical body and the gods. As the essence and blood merged into the beast armor, the beast armor "whistled" Flew up by itself with a sound, and plunged into the colored egg.

Ye Tian used the blood technique of the beast **** of the Xuantian realm to sacrifice the beast armor in the colored egg. This beast god's blood technique originated from the master Beast God of the Profound Sky Realm slave beast master.

The Lord Beast God has spent hundreds of years driving the monster beast and created the magic weapon of the monster beast. This achievement is undoubtedly historical. Monster beasts are different from humans. Regardless of their cultivation methods or physical gods, the difficulty is equivalent to that of martial arts masters on the earth who are themselves top-notch and create new martial arts moves. No, it's a hundred times more difficult than that. Since then, it has also changed the position of Master Slave Beast in the Profound Heaven Realm. It was originally a middle-lower cultivating group. It has changed from a weak to a powerful existence that is respected by all major forces. The beast **** has become a monster. The founding ancestor of the line of beasts, when Ye Tiandujie failed, he was still calling for the wind and rain in the Xuantian realm.

Ye Tian has checked that Kunlun does not have a magic weapon for monsters, and that the cultivation civilization is completely incomparable with the Profound Sky Realm.

However, the Beast God Precious Blood Method has a big shortcoming, that is, after it is refined into the body of the Monster Beast, it cannot be changed, and the Monster Beast coexists with it. Another point is that beast armor can only be practiced by cultivators, and monster beasts cannot upgrade to the same level by themselves. And once the sacrificer dies, the beast armor will diverge from the beast's body, and instead become the **** of the beast. In other words, once Ye Tian dies, Xiao Huang will inevitably suffer irreversible damage. This may be the place where the blood method of the beast **** is immature.

Ye Tian decided to implement this method after asking Xiao Huang's opinion. It is also because Xiao Huang has achieved the Universe Beast that he can withstand such a magic weapon.

Of course, after the monster has a magic weapon, its combat power will be incredible.

All in just a few minutes, the brilliant light of the colored egg gradually faded, revealing Xiao Huang's body, it was still like a stubborn dog, but a golden armor added infinite majesty to it.

Ye Tian smiled and said, "This armor helps you become the body of the sun, and has the ability to control the thunder, so it's called the Xuanrixian Thunder armor."


In the ten minutes that everyone was waiting for their destiny to decide, the situation of confrontation in the Half Moon Palace did not change in the slightest.

The main hall of the Half Moon Palace was full of people from the Hall of Borrowings, while Xiao Nu Nu and other palace members were trapped in the hall, as if they were prisoners. At this moment, Xiang Chengjie, I don't know if it was because of fear or despair, the whole person fell into a state of madness, pointing to Xiao Anang and laughing wildly, "You stupid woman, I will tell you now, you were poisoned before. Unable to practice, although it was instructed by the **** of temple Yin, in fact, it was me who did it personally!"

Xiao Anang's body was tied to a pillar of fire. The pillar of fire was full of roaring demons with roaring flames. In addition, with this pillar of fire as the center, there were eighteen others. The pillar of fire surrounds Xiao Banyue in the center.

A tongue of fire sprang out from the pillar of fire, licking Xiao Anun's body, and it was a **** lick.

Xiao Annu was tortured, his lips turned white, his face was full of pain, and his body was hanging there weakly. At this moment, hearing Xiang Chengjie's words, he suddenly raised his head and vomited blood before he said, "For ……why?"

"See you are not pleasing to your eyes, especially the self-righteous looks of your mother Xiao Banyue and your brother Xiao Zhengfan!"

"Just because of this?"

Xiao Anun didn't believe that this old man, who had always been a good old man, had such a vicious heart and such a narrow temperament. Although Ban Yue Palace and Jijie Palace were a bit unpleasant before, they were not so much.

"Otherwise? Who do you think you are? The gods descended to the earth or the proud son of heaven? Even if it is, I will torture you to death in advance before I die today. Hahaha, I want people from Wufang City to be buried with me!"

Xiang Chengjie's face was already extremely crazy, as if it was the last craziness before death.

Xiao An shook his head in anger, and endured the sharp pain on the pillar of fire, "You are so poisonous, when the foreign enemy invades, you actually want to cruel and bury your clan for your burial."

"Hahahaha...Don't tell me these awe-inspiring things, I'm dead, no one can feel better, but..." Xiang Chengjie stared at Xiao Annu, "but it's up to you now, you Time is the sacrifice of my Hell Brimstone Array, and the fuse to open it. The Hell Brimstone Array communicates the hellfire of the Seven Immortals Cloud Vortex, supplemented by eighteen Heaven-opening Seven Apertures, and one Open Heaven Eighteen The Aperture God Soldier is the master. As long as you die, this burst will be wide open, within a radius of five hundred miles, it will become a sea of ​​hell and fire, full of sulphur and smoke, hehe, people below level nine, all must die! This is my killer, I'm not willing to use it when it's not a last resort."

Xiang Chengjie snapped his fingers, "How long a person in a radius of five hundred miles can live depends on how long you last."

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