The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1299: Nine levels of heart

No matter what Ye Tian said, Duocai Shangxian responded in one sentence: You just gave me 10,000 Lunjing, and I dare not investigate her! There is no room for refutation, I would rather die than surrender.

Tang Xue's news was interrupted, but Ye Tian's heart was filled with uncomfortable feeling like a stone, and the top of his head was covered with a dark cloud. For a while, he felt that he could not do anything, and was extremely depressed.

After a moment of silence, Ye Tianqiang raised his spirits, "Let's start trading."

This is what Duocai Shangxian wants to hear most. For him, it is the most beautiful sound of nature in the world. He immediately laughed happily, "Good!" yelled, "Hey, know me." Have you prepared any good things for you? I'm afraid to say it out scares you to death, because it will definitely make your research go forward in great strides."

"Ha, today you will be surprised at my ability to be rich and immortal, and you know how powerful I am, and what perseverance I have!"

Ye Tian was not in the mood to listen to him bragging, and said lightly, "What can I say quickly."

Shangxian Duocai rolled his eyes boringly, and said enthusiastically, "One ninth-level heart, three eighth-level hearts, and ten seventh-level hearts!"

"Nine-level heart!?"

Ye Tian's heart was shocked. He didn't expect Duocai Shangxian to actually obtain the ninth level of heart, and the number of eighth and seventh levels of heart is also extremely terrifying to the lower realm of Kunlun.

Seventh-level heart is rare in the market for a hundred years, not to mention that ordinary people have the ability to buy it, and eighth-level heart and ninth-level heart cannot be seen. For many years, the lower realm has never heard the two levels of heavenly heart. The news, and even their acquisition, are all secrets, and every piece of news about the eighth level of heart can be speculated at a sky-high price.

The eighth-level heart is almost entirely in the hands of the pavilion and the palace, and the nine-level heavenly heart, the highest level of existence in the heavenly heart, is not available to the pavilion-level characters. Only the three palaces and four halls have it, and its acquisition is even more important. confusing.

However, ninth-level hearts are not scarce in the upper realm, and even the upper realm has a cosmic heart that is higher than the ninth-level heart on the consignment panel.

Ye Tian hurriedly asked, "What quality?"

He was a little worried. With just a dozen heavenly hearts, the 5.892 billion renminbi in his hand could not be taken down at all. With a ninth-level heart, the price on the consignment panel was 80 billion renminbi.

Duocai's face as thick as the Immortal City Wall actually blushed, "Uh, uh" twice, and then said, "It's all...he...they are all less than 5%."

Not only was Ye Tian not disappointed when he heard this, but he was overjoyed. He has a gossip priest. There is no difference between 1% and 100%. Such a low quality can definitely be won at an ultra-low price. However, he deliberately asked in a frustrated tone, "This is your ability? This quality is yours. What price do you want, I don’t want it too high."

Duocai Shangxian's face blushed again. He didn't expect Ye Tian to be so disappointed. He wanted to take credit and wanted to make a lot of Lunjing. But Ye Tian dispelled the thoughts in his mind with a single sentence. He felt that as long as he could make a move. Okay, it doesn't matter if it's lower.

"The price of the ninth-level heart is 80,000 lun crystals on the consignment panel, the eight-level heart is 16,000 lun crystals, and the seventh-level heart is 1,500 lun crystals."

Ye Tian naturally knows the price. The ninth-level heart is 80 billion renminbi, the eighth-level heart is 16 billion renminbi, and the seventh-level heart is 1.5 billion renminbi.

"But my quality is very low. Let's do it. I only accept you 4000 crystals for the 9th level heart, 800 crystals for the 8th level heart, and 75 crystals for the seventh heart. Think about it, you can get an 80,000 lun crystal thing, you can get it at 4000, and you can vomit blood!"

Upon hearing this price, Ye Tian went mad with joy. He now has 5892 Lunjing in his hand, which can already be taken down, but in this way, he has no purchasing power for other goods. More importantly, he is trading. Time can never be measured by the eyes of the lower realms, not to mention the low quality of the Heavenly Heart.

Ye Tian pretended to be angry, "You know that less than 20% of the heavenly hearts are poisonous, and less than 5% of the heavenly hearts have no corresponding special methods, which will not only cause diseases in the human body, plus there is no high-level heavenly hearts. If you don’t store it properly, it will decompose and become incomplete after ten days. If you are so embarrassed to ask for 4,000 lun crystals for a level 9 heart, I want to see, after ten days, can you still sell 4,000 lun crystals! "

Duocai Shangxian sweated anxiously, his facial features twisted together. What Ye Tian said is not bad. Heavenly hearts below 5% are stronger than trash in the upper realm. Senior Heavenly Court masters will never even look at it. If it really breaks down after ten days, don’t say 4000. Lunjing, no one wants even 400 Lunjing.

Duocai Shangxian was scared, really scared, so he only got up and said, "Then many Lunjing do you say."

"The ninth-level heart is 1200 lun crystals, the eighth-level heart is 200 lun crystals, and the seventh-level heart is 20 lun crystals. I love to sell it or not. This is the price that I give you because of the face of our many transactions."

Duocai Shangxian almost cried, but he didn't dare to say anything bad, and began to sell miserably, "Zhong Dao Xianzun, do you know how difficult it is for me? I was trapped underground by the flames of the demon for several days and nights. I got these Heavenly Hearts in danger of my life, and my body was severely burned. After I came back, it took a lot of Lunjing to buy some good medicinal materials to recover. Let’s not mention how many Lunjing I spent, just because I suffered these sins. It's pitiful enough, do you think it is easy for me to be so old, life is not easy, you hit the price by half at once, do you treat a miserable and lonely old man so cruelly?"

When she said something, she choked like a big girl, and she didn't know if her acting broke out, or she was really sad.

Ye Tian wants to take down these Heavenly Hearts 100%. For him, this is a huge treasure. Seeing Duocai Shangxian said that, he thought of him risking the danger and turning over monsters and beasts in the flames. Looking for the Heavenly Heart, my heart softened, "Okay, I will add 100 for the 9th level heart, 30 for the 8th heart, and 5 for the 7th heart. It's okay."

Duocai Shangxian burst into tears and burst into tears. "Well, it’s all to blame for that monster, who burned hundreds of thousands of monsters so thoroughly, and Heaven’s heart is almost completely destroyed, otherwise I will be able to make a fortune. ."

Now Ye Tian was willing to ask, he thanked God, but vented his grievances on Yao Zhaogui.

Ye Tian knew that he was acting with a flamboyant performance just now, but still smiled, "You are lucky. According to Kunlun statistics, there is only one Heavenly Heart in every 50,000 or 60,000 monsters. In fact, the actual acquisition rate is lower than this. The fact that you can get so much shows that the monsters are very good at cultivating the monsters. With these heavenly hearts, they have reached 2240 crystals, which is more than the total amount of our last transaction. Let's be content."

When he heard Ye Tian say this, Duocai Shangxian glared his eyes and smiled from ear to ear.

The amount of goods collected by Duocai Shangxian this time is extremely large. It seems that they have been riveting enough to earn Lunjing, and they have some channels. Adding the remaining goods from the previous two times, it can be described as countless fine products. The number of five-level hearts is Two or three times as many as before, there are more than ten low-grade sixth-level hearts, more than 20 eight-orifice divine soldiers, and more than ten "super" level geological features. Of course, even if he has an "extreme" level geological feature, he won't be in harmony. Ye Tian’s transaction, after all, 400 million lun coins are on the consignment panel. The various "worlds" also made Ye Tian dazzled. There are also some scarce materials. Unexpectedly, there is a damaged one. For the S-class aircraft that was not too serious, 40% was given to Ye Tian. However, Duocai Shangxian did not receive the six orifice and seven orifice pills that Ye Tian had promised before. Ye Tian gave a symbolic reprimand. He patted his chest and promised that a large amount of purchase would be inevitable next time.

Ye Tian's remaining 3.652 billion renminbi also spent nothing left.

The ninth-level heart Ye Tian will definitely absorb it by himself, and the seventh-level heart and the eighth-level heart must be reserved for ten women. Of course, he only needs seven of the ten seventh-level hearts, and the remaining three. Ye Tian intends to compete with those at the Pavilion level. The "Alliance" transaction will definitely get a price that satisfies him. Moreover, this time there were more low-grade fifth-level hearts, and Ye Tian planned to use a part to train his own team of eighty slaves.

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