The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1216: I live with the emperor

Ye Tian immediately contacted Duocai Shangxian, and Duocai Shangxian almost jumped out and shouted, "You can count it, I thought your kid was going to breach the contract."

He wasn't joking, but he was really afraid of losing the "big boss" like Ye Tian, ​​who was a bad guy, and it was still a long-term one.

Ye Tian smiled, "Do you think about me day and night again?"

Duocai Shangxian rolled his eyes and joked, "I found out that I'm with you. It's just my wishful thinking to grow to a white head." He even drew a sentence deep in love, "I wish I lived with the emperor forever, so how can you do it? Lose my life."

Ye Tian made him laugh and waved his hand, "I have a lot of money, I promise to raise you white and fat."

Duocai Shangxian yelled, "That's great." After speaking, he began to show pictures of dynamic goods on the screen.

This time, the goods are much more than before. It seems that Duocai Shangxian Shouluan has collected some experience and gained experience.

The quality of the goods this time is not much different from the last time, but the quantity is almost double the last time. There are 50 general six geographies and 29 special six geographies enough. A one-star aircraft will be received this time. There are 7 ships, 3 more than before. The most important thing is to receive an A two-star aircraft, with a market value of 40 million renminbi. There are more mid-level Hezhen gods, reaching 15.

Ye Tian came this time with sufficient funds.

In Zhulong Street, because his goods are good and the price is affordable, and sometimes he also organizes some small activities of giving away full coins, so he has become a little famous, and on the third day of becoming the owner, he received eleven more. Ye Tian has 25 shops in total, which is comparable to Feng Qiyun. Feng Qiyun is also a well-known business prodigy. So following the limelight, Ye Tian asked the fat gentleman Yue to join 25 shops to do a big deal. The in-store sales promotion activities caused quite a stir. Firstly, the goods were sold quickly, and the secondly was to create a reputation for the fat man. How could it not be worse than Feng Qiyun? A businessman's name is very important, and sometimes it is especially useful. Ye Tian naturally wants to build a reputation for the fat man and make him a successful businessman among others.

Therefore, Ye Tian’s goods were sold very quickly, not to mention out of stock, but also in short supply. During this period, I bought a total of 1.03 billion, and of course, Ye Tian gave Mo Huafeng 200 million. Another 60 million capital turnover was left for Xiaoju, which was still a bit tight. At the same time, Ye Tian received eleven stores, some of which were in a good location. They did not let go of 4 million. Ye Tian also knew that this was a shop. I bought it at the lowest price, and spent close to 40 million. In the end, there was 735 million left in his hand. There was still a part of Junzi Yue, but Junzi Yue always said "I’ll talk about it later" instead of Nalun. But Ye Tian decided to fill in the "arrears" for the fat man in the next transaction.

Ye Tian looked at the goods this time. There were only these high-end items. Although there were a lot of them, he couldn't help being a little disappointed, "Is there a low-quality fifth-level or sixth-level heart?"

The last time he was rich in wealth, he patted his chest to promise Ye Tian.

Duocai Shangxian was a little embarrassed, "Uh...I didn't find the supply for a while, haha...Next time, I will guarantee it next time!"

In fact, Ye Tian also knows that low-quality things are still relatively unpopular, especially in high-level spaces like the Kunlun Upper Realm, the fourth-level heart, the fifth-level heart, and the sixth-level heart, and they are not even the first and second-level of the lower realm. , Third-level heart, it is not easy to find the source of goods in a short time.

"These are what I need most now. You must try to have a stable supply of goods."

As Ye Tian's strength grew and his family business grew larger, the demand for advanced things gradually increased.

Duocai Shangxian suddenly took out eleven red fourth-level heavenly hearts, and they looked as shy as the little daughter-in-law who was lifted up with a red hijab, "This... these are a few fourth-level hearts that have just passed 20%, I think ... I don't think you want it, so I didn't take it out."

He also knows that this kind of low-quality first-class heart is too shameful.

When Ye Tian saw it, he was overjoyed. For himself, the 20% of the Heavenly Heart can become a boutique in a few days. The 50%-60% of the fourth-level heart has a market value of 40 million renminbi. Tian estimates that if a gentleman can harvest a low-quality fourth-level heart, it will cost about 7 or 8 million. If it is 40%, it will be about 3 million. If there are eleven, there will be 33 Lunjing. Ye Tian could also imagine that this type of 4th level heart that was less than 20% would be directly "spurned" in the upper realm.

Ye Tian pretended not to care very much and asked casually, "How many crystals do you plan to have?"

"2...20?" Duocai Shangxian stammered.

This is cheap enough, but Ye Tian smiled in his heart and said, "We have a lot of money, we have a long-term cooperation, I want you to buy nearly 1,400 Lunjing goods, you are a little sincere, OK?"

This time, the transaction volume reached 720 million renminbi. In the first two times, it was 630 million or so, which was 1.35 billion.

Shangxian Duocai gritted his teeth and said painfully, "10...10...I will give it away for nothing!"

With 10 million lun coins, if you buy eleven, you can sell 40 million each of the four levels of heart, if you buy more than 50%, how can Ye Tian be unhappy? If eleven, even if it is of ordinary quality, it is 440 million. If it is a fine product , The price had to be increased by tens of millions, and the cost was only ten million, how cool it was that Ye Tian almost couldn't stand it.

After the transaction was completed, Ye Tian had more than nine million lun coins left in his hands.

In the living room of Xianxiao Xiaoju, a water-like figure gradually solidified and quickly changed into Ye Tian's appearance. Ye Tian used the identity chip to contact the non-human Jiujiao, and the figure of Nine Blue Charms quickly appeared in front of him.

Although they were still slaves, Ye Tian had already allowed them to become a citizen of Xianxiao Xiaoju and had the qualifications to hold an identity chip.

From the traded goods, Ye Tian took out nine red four-level hearts of good quality, and eight more special six geographies, together with his own Jianzhen Leite six geographies, a total of nine, and two sets of things, Give it to Jiujiao together.

After seeing Jiujiao, she was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly frightened. Inhuman Feng trembled and shouted, "Lord...Master, we can't...can't ask for these things!"

"Nine four-level hearts are 270 million renminbi, and nine sets of special six geographies are also close to 120 million renminbi. These things are almost 400 million. We are slaves and don't deserve it!

"Bingqing Yurun, graceful Youlan" Bajiao also waved quickly, "We dare not be the masters so much."

The nine of them are actually very miserable and miserable. From the moment they were born, they were treated as monsters and lowly monsters. They grew up under the humiliation, enslavement, and flogging of others. , Not to mention so many renminbi, it is not an exaggeration to say that before I met Ye Tian, ​​I had never eaten a hot meal. .

Non-human Jiujiao always thought that if Ye Tian bought them, he would continue to bully them, insult them, and treat them as playthings, allowing them to live a miserable life, but everything was very different from what they imagined.

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