In 1479, in a small town in Beihai, a handsome man was spinning around outside the room, and from time to time there was a woman's screams in the room, next to the man, there was a man with a national character face, looking at the man who was spinning back and forth in front of him, the man with the national character face said helplessly, "Brother-in-law, you can rest assured that my sister will be safe and sound."

After hearing the words of the man with the face of the national character, the man stopped and swirled back, turned his head and said to the man, "Sam, you have to know that our Innova family has always been sparsely populated, and I am the only one left here, and it should be the same in the future, because your sister and I are no longer ready to have a second one, can I not be in a hurry?"

Sam couldn't help but feel glad after hearing this, fortunately, his wife insisted on having another child because the first child was a girl, otherwise he would be as anxious as his brother-in-law!

At this time, there was a cry of babies in the house, and the woman who delivered the baby came out and said to the two: "Kane, Sam, the child has been born successfully, it's a boy, go in and see Meili."

Kane rushed into the house as soon as he heard this, and Sam took out a bag of Bailey and handed it to the woman. In the house, Kane held Meili's hands and said to the pale Meili: "Honey, hard work, I think of the child's name, I will call him Inno Carr, and according to the previous agreement, we will not have 2 children."

After listening to Kane's words, Melly smiled happily and said to Kane: "Honey, I listen to you, we raise Carl well, and when he grows up, we will send him away, and we will continue to live our two-person world."

After that, Melly put her head on Kane's hand, and Kane gently stroked Melly's head with his own hand, and the two stayed like this for a long time. Finally, Sam, who was holding Carl next to him, couldn't stand it and coughed heavily, and only then did Kane and Melly come back to their senses and look at their son and Sam with embarrassed expressions.

Kane looked embarrassed and said to Sam, "Sam give me Carl and let me see my son."

Sam handed Carl to Kane and said to Kane and Melly: "Sister and brother-in-law, I will go back first, Sara is still waiting for me to come home, I will tell Sakaski and Merlan that they have an extra brother."

After Sam left, Kane and Melly looked at Carl in Kane's arms and smiled at each other.

"Kane, look at Carl's eyes well

" "Yes, Meili, I believe that when Hale grows up, he must be a very handsome young man and become a hero of the famous town and the sea

" "Kane, I hope he can be safe and sound for the rest of his life

" After hearing this, Kane looked at Melly seriously and said to her: " My dear, I also hope that he will be safe and secure for a lifetime, but now that the pirates in this world are rampant, and the oppression of the Draco that day, all these factors make it impossible to live a peaceful life in this world.

After saying this, Kane looked at Meili's sad expression and couldn't help sighing, and then said to her: "What the future situation is, no one can say badly, what we have to do is to raise him up, at least when he grows up, ensure that he is safe, and give him a happy childhood."

After hearing Kane's words, Melly sat up and rested her head on Kane's shoulder, her eyes looking at Kane affectionately.

"Kane, it's good to have you!"

Kane smiled and put his head on Melly's head, and the two of them were so dependent on each other, and Carl, who was asleep in his arms, was like a foil for the two. (Moving back to the theme)


Nine years have passed

, and at this time, our protagonist Carl is running with a tall man on a beach, and it is obvious that the tall man is letting Carl, both of them carrying weights.

Carl and tall men are naked, and the tall man has tattoos, while Carl is young but has muscles full of strength because of exercise, and is about one meter and five meters tall.

As the sun was about to set, a young and beautiful woman walked slowly and looked at Karl and the tall man shouted to the two in a crisp voice: "Karl, Aunt Sakaski, let me call you to go home for dinner." After

hearing this, Sakaski replied to the woman: "Got it Merlan" "Carl, let's go here first today, aunt called us to go home for dinner" "

Okay, brother Sakaski" Karl and Sakaski

stopped exercising, the two walked to the rock next to Merlan, picked up a hand towel to wipe the sweat on their bodies, picked up the clothes on the rock and put them on. Meilan looked at the tattoo on Sakaski's body and said with a look of disgust: "When will you wake up, you mingle with a group of people every day, and now the whole island knows your name!" After

hearing this, Sakaski said to him with a look of contempt: "What do you know as a girl?

Meilan's face sank after hearing this, and both Karl and Sakaski felt that the air pressure around them was not right and their hearts tightened. Sakaski immediately laughed and said: "That, Meilan, you dissipate your anger, your anger hurts your body, I think of something, I will leave first." After that, Sakaski threw a look at Karl and immediately ran to the town.

At this time, Merlin also came to his senses, while chasing towards Sakaski, gritting his teeth in his mouth and saying: "Bastard-Sa-Ka-Si-Ki!" Looking

at the figure of the two leaving one after another, Karl fell into memory.

It has been nine years since he committed suicide, and in these nine years, the Kanes and Sams have given themselves the warmth that they used to only be with old Jack. Let yourself make waves from the ordinary life after Old Jack's death, and feel the warmth of home again.

When he saw Sakaski and newspaper information about Draco at the age of two, Carl knew he had come to the pirate world. "One Piece" is his biggest hobby in his previous life besides studying, but unfortunately to death, he has not seen the ending of "One Piece".

Thinking of what happened to Sakaski as a child on forums before, Karl couldn't help but clench his fists. When

he returned home, Carl saw that Sakaski was sitting at the dining table with a swollen face, next to him, Meilan was eating there with a calm face, and the Sams looked at the two of them with helpless expressions, and Carl immediately knew what happened. Immediately thought of the decisive killing in the previous life, the red dog called mad dog by sea fans turned out to be like this when he was a child!

Meili saw Carl come back and said to Carl: "Carl is back, hurry up and eat and don't eat, almost finished by them."

Carl listened and replied, "Okay mom." Then he became a cook

, and after eating, Kane and Sam called Carl and Sakaski out.

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