The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 892: Jindu in the fog

The thick fog shrouded the entire Ancatero collar, but this misty fog could not cover the splendid buildings. Hao Ren saw a building with a golden color that was completely different from the earth and emerged in the fog. The size of the buildings was not as grand as he saw on the outer planet, but its style was There is no doubt that the same source: Tanagus.

Wayne never heard of the name Tanagus. He was surprised at the fog here. After hearing Hao Ren’s words, he subconsciously asked: "Tanagus? What do you mean?"

Hao Ren stunned and waved his hand: "Oh, nothing, it is an ancient place name, and the house there is as golden as here."

"Like this golden manor?" Wayne groaned doubtfully, but didn't tangled on this topic for too long, because the situation in front of him was even more puzzled. "What is the fog here?" ”

“Is there no fog here?” Hao Ren asked unexpectedly. He thought that this fog was a normal phenomenon in different spaces.

"Of course not, such a big fog is inconvenient," Wayne shook his head. "And I feel that there is something strange in this fog, I can't say it, but it is certainly not natural. Let's go to the Ancatero family hall first. Look at the situation."

Wayne said while taking care of himself to lead the way, Hao Ren and Wei Wei'an exchanged their eyes and kept a little distance to follow. While paying attention to the scene in the fog, they lowered their voices and discussed. Hao Ren whispered in Vivian's ear: "It is indeed the architectural style of Tanagus."

"Golden Manor... I should have thought of this for a long time," Vivienne licked her lips. "So the Ancatero family is the Tana who has flowed to Earth!"

Hao Ren remembered the spiritual detective Pierre, who suddenly realized that the other side mentioned the ethnic name of the Ancatero family and said the name "Tara": "Tana...Tara, this is only one word difference. what."

Izax nodded. "It may have been a mistake in the circulation of so many years. The Tana people were mistakenly passed down as Tara."

Lily also nodded. "Well, maybe that Pierre's grandfather is a big tongue."

Izak’s expression was a little bit: "...I don't mean this... forget it, just use that."

"You really didn't have any impression of them anymore," Hao Rente looked at Vivienne incredulously. "According to the information we found in Tarnagus. The appearance of the Tana people is different from that of the Earth." You had contacted the Tana people on the earth that year, and didn't even remember their unique looks."

"I have forgotten even their golden house. What do you expect me to remember?" Vivian licked. "I can't remember the race of such a local gold. I really deserve to live to the present, hehe."

This bat is quite capable of accepting reality. At this time, it is natural to face the poor life.

After discovering that the Ancatero family was a Tana who was on the earth, Hao Ren was surprised, but he didn't think it was incredible: the aliens on earth themselves came from all races in the dream plane. Although most of them come from the Halleta planet, there are also other places, and the Kraken is the representative. What's more, there is a stable crack on the planet of Tarnagus that leads to the earth, and the anger is also a variant of the Tana, so the presence of the descendants of Tana on the earth is really unexpected. However, after talking about the anger that appeared on the earth, Hao Ren suddenly thought of something: "Wait, Wei Wei'an said that the phenomenon of 'angry spirit' has always been something that different people can't understand, right? Is it a mystery of the ages?"

Vivienne nodded: "Yes."

"The people of the Ancatero family don't know what the wrath is?!"

Hao Ren’s remarks reminded everyone that Vivian and Izaks reacted at the same time: since the Ancatero family is the Tana who flows to the earth, and the anger is the Tana after the spiritual biochemistry. So is the former ignorant of the latter?

Vivienne groaned, remembering a strange phenomenon that everyone had discussed before but didn't get any answers: "All the aliens lost their memories of the hometown world after they were transmitted to Earth. The Kraken does not remember that Nassato is a ship. The spaceship, the werewolf and the blood family do not remember that they came from Holleta, so the Tana people forget that the anger is their own compatriots should also be... can you be excusable?"

"I think this situation is more special," Hao Ren touched his chin, and he already had more doubts in his heart. "Other aliens have forgotten where their hometown is, and the Ancatero family has forgotten their compatriots... Let's re-examine the scope and intensity of 'collective amnesia after heterogeneous crossing.'"

As they walked and whispered, they unknowingly opened a distance from Wayne and Hesperes in front. Wayne turned and greeted him: "Don’t go too far. It’s dangerous to go here. ""

Hao Ren, they temporarily stopped the topic and stepped up to keep up with Wayne’s pace.

With the depth of this space. The golden buildings built by the Ankatro family are also emerging one by one in the dense fog. The exotic buildings can still see the shadow of the alien high-tech civilization, the interconnected vehicle tracks at high altitude and the antenna tower. Facilities are constantly appearing in the field of vision, and they are significantly different from other exotic creations that are dominated by magic.

But in the ancient times. There is no difference between the two: whether the magic masters from Holleta or the advanced technology from Tanagus are gods in the eyes of the ancients.

A group of people walked among them, just like walking in an alien base. In fact, this is indeed an alien base. Wayne then introduced Hao Ren to the function of a building from time to time. His Walter family has maintained a friendly relationship with the Ancatero family for thousands of years, so the vampire patriarch also knows about this alien base. He pointed to a distant high-pitched discharge tower in the dense fog: "The tower is the center of the entire secret, and its power maintains the stability of the secret space."

“There are no damage to the buildings, at least the buildings on the periphery are so.” Vivian looked at the house next to him. “And more importantly... no one, no body.”

"The source of these dense fog is still unclear," Izak reached out and waved in the fog. Under the magical traction, a large range of dense fog was stirred like a liquid, but soon around. There is a new mist that fills the uneven part of the fog, and everything goes back to chaos. "Look, there are obvious traces of artificial control. These fogs may be blocking things, maybe some sort of defense."

Hao Ren looked up thoughtfully at the turbid sky. Because of the fog, he couldn't see the light source from the sky above, but it was certain that there would be artificial lighting on it. The dense fog around it caused the skylight to diffuse, and the shadows under the feet of the people became blurred.

"Is it going to weaken the power of those shadows?" Little Elizabeth also noticed the change of the shadow under the influence of dense fog. "I feel that everyone's shadows are getting lighter!"

Wayne glanced at Little Elizabeth. He didn't know what the little girl who looked like a drag bottle was doing it. He was surprised to hear the girl comment. Hesperes nodded lightly: "Probably as the little girl said. But those shadows must still be there, probably lurking in places where fog can't take care of them. Most of the Walter family's investigators are I met them."

The group raised their vigilance and continued to move toward the central hinterland of the mystery: further forward is the main part of the Ancatero family, the city where the family hall is located. As he continued to approach the place, Hao Ren noticed that the fog around him became thinner and thinner.

If these fogs are really to fight against the shadows, then the fog is not a good sign.

But this slightly nervous atmosphere does not affect the vitality of the devil girl. Elizabeth is jumping around behind the adults, looking like a picnic, and she is suddenly curious: "The Ancatero family is so How much gold, how can other families come to grab them?"

Gold is not a valuable thing on the planet of Tanagus, but it is a proper precious metal on earth. But Wayne laughed after hearing the little girl: "Gold? Money doesn't mean much to us, because in most cases it's all at your fingertips. Even in modern times, most heterogeneous families are not short of money. We have a strong commercial force in human society. Well? Why don't you talk?"

Wayne suddenly found out that everyone around him was silent, and he curiously asked, and everyone looked at Vivian in the same way. Little Elizabeth shook his head and said: "It’s at your fingertips, commercial power..."

Vivienne's face is red (her vampire's physique is red, it's not easy), and he swears to argue: "Don't look at me! I also tried to do business! I was the first to think of transnationalism in human history. Is trade good..."

Hao Ren slammed his fingers and said: "Then the entire Egyptian dynasty made you toss and went bankrupt, and Mycenae, as well as ancient Rome, ancient India, and..."

Vivienne forked her waist: "Which is so much! I just had no money when I first ran to the Greek peninsula!"

Wayne whispered aloud: "At least my home is fortunate enough to come over."

This guy also has a bad time. (~^~)

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