The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 867: Guardians' gathering

Over the planet of Tanagus, the nucleus research station is quietly running in its orbit. The scorpion of life installed under the space station emits a slight red light, as if it were tens of thousands of kilometers away from the eyes in space. Planetary surface.

As long as the eldest son Zhuomu pays attention to the planet below in space, through the induction with the source blood, it can appreciate the joy of all things on the planet from the waking of sleep.

The nucleus research station ai, which lives together with Zhuomu, pays less attention to what happens on the planet. As a space station host, it puts more energy into several labs and sample libraries in the station. The eldest son samples in the No. 1 container and the No. 2 container have just undergone a series of routine tests. Now the two huge containers are discharging the various ancillary products produced during the experiment to a dedicated collection facility. These substances are sent to the factory in different categories, some of which can be processed into living materials. According to today's work plan, it will arrange a batch of landing shuttles after one hour, fifteen minutes and thirty-two seconds, and put the extra materials produced by the space station into the human settlements of Tanagus, and then put them on the planet. Some of the experimental equipment was brought back for routine inspection and maintenance.

An eldest son, a space station, ai, just lived a daily and full of daily life, although other creatures may be difficult to understand their "emotion" and thinking, but they have adapted to the present life and enjoy it. Zum’s feelings are relatively richer, and it has a perfect personality, so it is always the party that actively opens the topic: “Host! Did you see that they just built a big windmill? Windmills, they put the machine so soon. Made it out!"

The space station AI responds with a rigid attitude every time it hears these topics: "Manufacturing tools are the basic ability of intelligent species, and they have a complete knowledge record, and their reconstruction speed is in line with expectations."

Zhuo sighed and continued to look down on everything on the earth in its container, which is the top of life, and constantly raised many strange questions, such as who made the nucleus research station, why the style of this crystal building Unlike Hao Ren’s spaceship style, why is Hao Ren always rushing around, why do drones often come in and out of the port of the nucleus research station. Why is there a crack in the planet of Tarnagus that leads to other universes? Why did it ask so much why there are more reasons why come out...

In most cases, the space station ai will tirelessly answer the question of the tenant. But sometimes when you encounter a topic that is really unrecognizable or something that you don't know yourself, you will simply silence. It's just an ai, a space station supervisor program that only sets the basic personality and emotional patterns, so it doesn't care about the embarrassing atmosphere in the conversation, and fortunately, Zhuom doesn't care. The latter just keep asking this question. . Its exuberant curiosity seems to be inherited from its own mother. The spirit of the creation of the goddess of the universe is also reflected in the spirit of the eldest son.

At this time, a flash of light came from a distant space, and the conversation between Zum and the space station ai stopped. The giant turtle rock station number is separated from the overtime state. And briskly landed in the Star Harbor of the Crystal Research Station, Zum immediately greeted the people on the spacecraft through public broadcasting: "Everyone is back?"

Hao Ren saw the greeting from Zum on the communicator. The latter's thinking was habitually converted into an expression: a splendid "o(n_n)o", the eldest son's mood looked good.

But thinking of the prisoner he brought back, Hao Ren’s mood is not so good.

He and Zhuom greeted each other and called the space station host through another line: "Open the special containment facility in area a, there is a prisoner who needs to be locked up. He is very good at self-explosion, you are ready."

When the space station host went to prepare the containment facilities, Hao Ren opened the spacecraft's Gennacu. Lehmendusa and Shiv walked out from behind under the leadership of Mulu. The two guardians set off on the crystal long bridge leading to the main body of the space station with amazement. The scene in front of them made them slightly surprised.

They didn't expect this place to be so beautiful.

On the long bridge of crystal. Lehmen Duzah and Hevh looked up to see the whole splendid starry sky, and suddenly came from the devastated Suluon planet and saw such an open scene. Let the two guardians can not help but take a long breath. Under the background of the starry sky, through the almost transparent side barrier of the Crystal Factory Bridge, you can see that the vibrant Tanagus is bathing in the sun, and the golden glow on the horizon is slowly moving toward the dark places.

More noticeable than these scenes is the body of the nucleus research station:

This huge, crystal-clear, space-like palace-like facility has greatly enchanted the guardians of the Mendos Dusa. The building itself does not have any luxury decoration. It is even carved from top to bottom. The signs of repair are very rare, and they are completely different from the magnificent and exaggerated art created by the sects. However, the nucleus research station itself is like a work of art. All of its original edges and simple lines are mixed to create a thrilling and magnificent feeling. Lehmandosa saw at a glance that this should come from the hands of a more incredible super civilization. Even beyond the creation of any civilization he has seen in this universe. From the structure of the nucleus research station, he sees a kind of returning to the original, which is completely independent of the form. This kind of simplistic and simple feeling is the two concepts of the upstart-like display of the items.

Although the style of the Raven 145 is not flattering, the huge facility she built is still a piece of art. Of course, the nucleus research station has little to do with the art cell of the Raven 145. If Hao Ren If you are willing to go to the data total online to check it out, he will find that the crystal nuclear research station is actually an open source. Someone designed it two thousand years ago. The Raven 145 is going to download a public drawing and install it in front of him. ratio……

Hao Ren noticed that the expressions of Mendoza and Hev of course knew that the two giants were shocked by the nucleus research station. Therefore, he was not proud of his chest: "What? Is this place bright enough?" ”

The sighs and praises of the men’s brains made him suffocate. He looked down at Hao Ren and turned his head and ignored him.

Hao Ren is still wondering: "Oh? Is it wrong?"

It’s still Xifu’s understanding: “Is this space station not made by you?”

"No, this is what my boss made. Is there a problem?"

Xifu didn't say anything, but Elizabeth happily glared at Hao Ren's sleeve: "Uncle Ren, they mean that your work is really good!"

Hao Ren: "?"

Hao Ren took the Mendus Dusa and Xifu to the main control hall of the Crystal Research Station. He called Zum in front of the Crystal Peak and introduced the two giants to it. Zum did not know Hao Ren’s experience at Suluen’s door, so it was extremely surprised and surprised by the sudden appearance of his former colleagues. The crystal sharp mountain suddenly burst into a mess of characters and expressions, and it greeted the two men in a way that no one could understand.

And Lehmendusa is very strange about the smell of a guardian on a crystal sharp mountain: "What is going on? It is also... the guardian? It feels like the breath of the blood guardian."

"It's Zum, the name I gave it," Hao Ren introduced his special guest. "It was originally an eldest son, the kind of initial creature hatched in the original species. The planet it guards is out." The problem..."

Hao Ren slammed Zhuo's origins and finally had the opportunity to inform his door to his various plans, including re-convening the guardian of the goddess of creation, restoring the ecosystem, finding the whereabouts of the goddess, and solving the ecological disaster. Etc., etc.

These plans are so magnificent, and they are interlocking, sounding absolutely false, and the whole plan is quite bold, and it can be said that it is beyond the realm that mortals can understand. Lehmen Duza couldn't help but look at Hao Ren with a strange look. It seemed that he wanted to see a little rant from the other's expression.

However, what he saw was only a serious face and a natural look.

If he had always had doubts about Hao Ren’s breath, then these doubts have been greatly shaken. He was surprised to find that this “human” is actually starting to implement the plan to recover the goddess of creation (at least in him). It seems that the essence of these plans is this. Whether it is the space station in front or the ecologically revived planet below, and the Mulu and Zhuom living here, these are irrefutable proofs. He couldn't help but re-examine the little "human" in front of him. The focused eyes made Hao Ren feel awkward: "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Lehmen Duza sat cross-legged on the ground, and this movement was almost shaken: "You are too bold in thinking. I can hardly believe that someone will actually do these things."

"This is my job," Hao Ren laughed. "It’s about the year-end bonus."

Mulu looked at it silently. He knew that Mendoza and Heve had already had an interest in this place, and he believed that his two compatriots would soon be like him, re-in this Tanagus. Find the meaning of life.

As Hao Ren planned, more guardians reunited. (To be continued.)

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