This magnificent grand sanctuary has an internal space commensurate with its size, including a long corridor and a hall that can't be seen at the head. If Hao Ren is not riding on the back of Lily in the form of a giant dog, he estimates that he has to trotting all the way to keep up with the two. The pace of guarding the giant as a new force that has just turned the tide, is not too elegant.

The group walked in the already ruined temple for a long time, bypassing some secret passages and thresholds, and finally came to its deepest point. Lehmen Duza pushed open a door that looked extraordinarily heavy and strong, pointing to the hall behind the gate: "It should be safe, come in."

Hao Ren and Li Li walked into the hall behind Mulu and found that it was a huge hexagonal room. The room was brightly lit, and there was a magnificent sculpture with simple shape but a strong atmosphere. There was a long reddish cloth around the hall.幔 垂 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔 幔Next to the black stone platform, there is a female giant wearing a robes. This giant should be the "Xifu" in the mouth of the Mendoza. She looked seriously injured, and there was a pool of dried blood and a white face. At the moment when the gate opened, the guardian woke up from the shackles and immediately placed his hand on a piece of green crystal next to the stone bench, until the sound of the column of Menduza came to relax her: "Xifu, yes I."

Then Hao Ren and Izaks, who entered the hall, let her eyes wide open.

"These are friends," said Mendoza, who knew that Shiv had the same misunderstanding as he had just started, and explained quickly before the other party asked. "The enemy outside has been solved. There is no danger here. I want to tell you something..."

"Where did these people come from?" Heather frowned. The hand never moved away from the green crystal.

Fortunately, there are two giants, Mulu and Remoutusa, who explained that Hao Ren’s origins were quickly clarified. Then Lehmendusa began to tell his companions about what he knew, including things about time and space.

Xifu’s reaction is no different from Lehmen Duza. When she slowly accepted this reality, Hao Ren led Lily to the corner of the hall. He greeted the self-disciplined machinery from the portable space and let the Husky girl open his mouth: "Open your mouth and brush your teeth."

Lily snorted and licked her mouth and pointed out her fangs. Hao Ren saw that the pieces of debris that had been bitten down in her teeth, including the cloak of the boots and the shoulders of the shoulders. All of them are shining on her teeth. Lily uncomfortably licked her tongue on her teeth, and the hard scum made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Several self-disciplined machines received orders and flew up to clean up between Lily's teeth. The metal scrap cards are so strong that the robots have to use the cutting beam and the chainsaw to clean up the debris. On the spot, only the sparks and splashes are heard, and the Huskies girl’s mouth is lively. It’s like a construction site. Hao Ren held his arms next to him and said: "She brushed her teeth and decorated like it."

Lily can't refute this state now. She can only turn her eyes and make a loud protest in her throat. Izak pats Hao Ren's shoulder with his fingertips: "You don't provoke her, this time she It’s not as simple as leaving a tooth print to bite you."

When Lily cleaned his teeth, the three giants also exchanged information about what happened outside the temple. Hao Ren noticed the movement on their side and ran over: "What are you doing?"

"There is not much to say." Mulu nodded. "Where is your spaceship now?"

Hao Ren raised his finger to the top: "The temple is hovering on standby, because I don't know when there will be enemies coming out, I let Nolan hover in place. I also sent probes and low-altitude satellites. I don't know if there are any other survivors on this planet..."

Hao Ren’s words were suddenly interrupted by Shi Fu: “No, we should be the last guardian on this planet... cough.”

The female giant spoke very slowly, I don’t know if it was because of the injury. Her voice has a gentle flexibility that is different from that of Mulu. After hearing her words, Hao Ren was surprised to see the door to Dusit Dusa: "Are you sure?"

"After the rebels broke through the interstellar barrier of Suluen's Gate, almost all of the guardians went to the founding star to support it," Lehmen Duza explained. "The last message I heard was the announcement when they left. Only the last squadron still clung to the temple. I and Shiv, and Turan on the front square were the last soldiers of the Temple Guard."

Mulu once said that in the Battle of Suluen, the guardians stood at the last moment in this galaxy, but the things he knew were just here. It now appears that after the rebels completely broke through a barrier here, the guardians gave up the position that had lost meaning and turned to the founding star to build a second line of defense. What Hao Ren and his entourage came to see on this planet was the last scene of the war 10,000 years ago: the entire planet has completely fallen, and even the last Temple Guard is almost completely annihilated. Sa and Shifu turned out to be the last survivors here.

The accident of fate? The inevitability of history? Hao Ren’s mind suddenly appeared two words that looked a little out of tune, but he knew that he came just right.

"At the last minute, catch up with the last battle and see the last survivor," even Izak couldn't help but pick it up. "This is really a self-contained arrangement..."

"The time of this planet has been stagnation for 10,000 years. Just to let us catch up with this evening, is there more 'arrangement' than this?" Hao Ren's mouth couldn't help but curl up, then looked at the column curiously. Menduza, "You stay in the last guard of this temple, is there anything here?"

When he was fighting against the actor, he heard that the rebel commander mentioned what Jeanne Menduza had handed over. At this time, he heard that the guards of the Mendoza were stuck here after the entire planet was disarmed. Of course, he knows that there must be flaws. I am afraid that this temple has something extraordinary, so he asked it very simply.

There was a slight hesitation on the face of Leh Dussa, and Mulu saw his hand on the shoulder of his compatriot: "You have been guarding the history of 10,000 years ago. If you want to give them to anyone, Right now is the best choice."

"There is a holy thing here," Remoutza finally nodded, pointing to the huge stone platform behind Hev. "The rebels are also directed at it."

The rebels didn't have to be entangled on this planet for a long time. Hao Ren already knew that they had powerful weapons that could destroy the entire planet, so after breaking through the Solon's planet shield, those rebels could have used gravitational weapons immediately. The place was completely torn, but they sent a large army to sweep the surface of the planet. The reason was really in the temple guarded by Lehmendusa!

Mulu’s face immediately became serious: “What is the holy thing?”

"A part of the creation engine."

Looking at the faces of the three guardian giants, they became very solemn at the same time. Hao Ren only felt like a head full of questions and said: "What are you talking about? The creation engine is dry?"

“That was a mysterious thing that our mother concentrated on building in the last few thousand years,” he said slowly. “In fact, we don’t even know what it’s for, just know that it’s probably The universe's plan is related. The mother attaches great importance to that mysterious creation, she spent a lot of effort to design the thing herself, and built its various parts on hundreds of planets around the founding star, and then brought the parts to The founding star personally assembled. The door of Suluen was also one of the construction factories of the creation engine. Before the war broke out, I and Remoutza spent more than half of the time watching the parts slowly built from the stellar furnace. Come out, and after the war broke out, a part that had not been able to be transported was placed in the temple."

Hao Ren grabbed his hair: "It sounds like a **** god, something that people can't understand. Then take it out and let me identify it?"

Lehmen Duza and Heve looked at each other and they nodded lightly after some thought.

(Seeking the monthly ticket, I almost forgot about it.) (To be continued...)

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