The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 855: Temple guard

Hao Ren feels that he may have a talent, that is, whenever he decides to "catch alive," the target has a 50% chance to blew himself, no matter the last time he escaped. This is the case with this rebel officer. He had just told him to stay alive, and he saw that the British soldiers who were dressed and warlike in the eyes suddenly shouted a long sword and shouted a word of God, and then a glaring white light punctured from the officer’s limbs. Out, almost no response time, a powerful heat wave accompanied by the impact of the explosion wave.

"Be careful!" Hao Ren only had time to shout and then rolled over and grabbed the fluff on Lily's neck and put the big dog to the side. Lily was still busy with the tin can in her mouth. The reaction was slow. I shot it, and it was blown out by the blast of the air for a few tens of meters. I slammed into the outer wall of the temple. Fortunately, her body was stronger than anyone else. A hot air didn’t hurt her. She was only Scared.

The injury was more serious. Hao Ren was still in Lili's shoulder blade position. When the giant huskies hit the wall, he was caught in the middle. Even though the shield cushioned him, he was still dizzy...

Lily slid down the wall of the temple and shook her head to stabilize her body. Hao Ren wore half of the body from the fluff behind her neck and slammed her head and said: "I am Who is going to provoke someone... rubbing, this is really saying that the bombing will blow up, so staunch?"

He looked up at the position where the rebel commander had just stood, leaving only a melting crater in the ground, with molten metal and rocks flowing on the ground. A large group of jumping electric lights are hovering around the pit and gradually weakening. Izak looked at the side of the pit and muttered in a sullen voice: "It has turned into water."

"I'm finished. Finally, there is a chance to catch a live!" Hao Ren slipped from Lily's front leg and groaned beside the molten pit. "We should have killed him first and then said that at least there is no chance for the goods to blew."

Izak looked around the battlefield and seemed to want to find other rebellious tempers. However, the battle was too fierce, and both sides of the battle were endless, so a bad fight would not say live, even The body of the appearance can not be found. Hao Ren also noticed this, he can only sigh regretfully: "Forget it, I have let the spacecraft put the probe out. Maybe there are other rebels on this planet that have not retreated... huh? Lily, you eat What?"

He only noticed that Lily was still chewing and chewing in her mouth at this time, and a squeaky metal friction sounded from her mouth. After the latter heard Hao Ren’s question, “Hey?” I rushed to the ground.

A rebel soldier with a smashed, blood-stained armor was spit out.

The soldier's wolf is far more than imagined. He was chewed by Lily as a molar tool for a full ten minutes. The armor of the whole body was almost completely "built" again. Now only some pieces of broken metal and cloth are left on the body. And the wounds and blood marks on his body are even more unnecessary, but even so, he still did not die. Even the whole body is complete, and the seemingly violent injury is nothing but a skin injury.

The Confucius transforms his body like a werewolf, and they have powerful magic and armor to protect themselves. There are also a lot of weird artifacts that don't know whether it is technology or mystery. This allowed the soldier to stay in the dog's mouth for a long time. After he was spit on the ground, he was obviously still in an extremely unconscious state. He was struggling to get up on the ground and wondered which psychological injury and physical injury were more serious.

However, Hao Ren does not care about this. He was overjoyed. The first thing was to let the data terminal fly up and sneak up on this unfortunate head. I will say it first. If it's right, this is the second time that this unfortunate guy has been stunned by the data terminal. He stunned when he lived up to expectations. When he lost consciousness, he couldn't figure out what it was.

Hao Ren greeted a self-disciplined machine and a large number of restraint restraints from the portable space. The three-layer, three-layer, and three-layered rebel soldiers were tied to a ball of wool, and finally he was stuffed into a spherical crystal bin for dangerous biological samples to ensure that the guy had no chance even if he was awake. Self-explosive, this is the pat on Lily's claws (the latter is too big today, Hao Ren's height can only pat the other's paws): "Dry beautiful!"

Lily nodded and said that she accepted the praise, and then took a sip and spit out a bitten metal boot.

Hao Ren saw that there were still a lot of metal fragments hanging between the teeth of this giant Husky. He reminded him: "You don't change back, there are a lot of scum in your mouth, wait for me to let the self-discipline machine brush your teeth." ""

Lily happily arched Hao Ren with her nose, and another tongue smashed the latter into the air, and then walked toward the gate of the temple with great enthusiasm. Mulu is here to take care of his seriously injured compatriots. The latter was besieged by the reverse for a long time. There is almost no place in the whole body, but fortunately, it is still alive, and the strong vitality of the guardian should not be difficult to recover. He leaned halfway on the temple door and looked at Mulu's eyes very confused: "I didn't expect to wait for support here... Which temple did you come from?"

"The situation is very complicated," Mulu did not know how to explain. He had to raise his finger to Hao Ren. "This is our new ally. He brought me here."

The guardian’s attention was not placed on Hao Ren’s insignificant little creature, and the atmosphere of many rebel soldiers had been disturbed. He did not notice the special atmosphere of Hao Ren and Li Li. When Mulu reminded him that he suddenly realized what it was, the first reaction was to reach out and grab the weapons around him, and shouted in surprise: "This breath... this is a rebellion..."

"Wait a minute to wait!" Hao Ren had expected that there would be such a situation, so he didn't go too far, and when the guardian was ready to attack, he shouted, "I Not a counter! We are not a group!"

"My brother, please calm down," Mulu also immediately held down the guardian's arm and disarmed the other party in a near-hard way. The latter could not resist because of weakness. "I said, the situation is complicated. They are not anti-inverse, just have the same or similar blood."

The sight of the temple guard moved back and forth between Mulu and Hao Ren. He could not understand the situation at hand: "What is going on here? My brother, I believe that the lofty will of the guardian will not be distorted, but these people... ”

Mulu interrupted the other party's question: "Do you know that Suluen's door has been thrown into time distortion?"

“Time distortion?” The Temple Guard certainly understood the meaning of these four words, but did not know what was the connection with the current situation. “Is the time here chaotic?”

"It is slowing down. Although I don't know why, Suluen's door has been broken into a mysterious time and space. I have long lost contact with the outer universe. I have been searching for it for many years." Mulu sounds low, "here. The time has been elapsed at a very low speed. When we found it, we found that the planet has a huge gap with the time axis of the main universe, so..."

The Guardian is a race with a wealth of knowledge. The Temple Guard immediately understood what Mulu meant: "How many years have you been?"

Mulu opened his mouth and suddenly did not know how to tell the other party's current facts. In the end, Izaks stepped forward: "The fall of the planet Suluen is already 10,000 years ago."

Mulu nodded slightly and said that the news was undoubted.

The guardian does not deceive the compatriots, and the goddess sets this rule when designing their souls. The face of the temple guard was stiff, and Rao was unable to accept this fact immediately. After a moment of silence, he slowly looked up and pointed to Hao Ren and Lily: "So they are..."

"It should be a descendant with a certain blood relationship with the reverse, or just a breath," Mulu looked at Hao Ren and nodded slightly. "They have been separated from their ancestors for 10,000 years, and they are now even from another universe. As you have just seen, they are now on our side."

Although Mulu was very wary of Hao Ren and his party at the beginning, after a period of getting along and understanding a lot of facts, the giant has put aside his prejudice. (To be continued...)

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