The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 844: Life in the new world

Hao Ren followed the sound and saw a tall man dressed in gray-white formal clothing standing a few meters away. Most of the people were wearing the same clothes, and there was nothing special about the face of this person. Hao Ren had nothing to do with it. impression. However, the man took the initiative to go over and looked up and down the image projected by the data terminal and repeated it again: "Nolan?"

"You are..." Nolan looked at the strange man inexplicably. "I know you?"

"I am Ulanov," the strange man reacted immediately after he paused. "I don't seem to have seen you in this image."

"Ulanov?!" Hao Ren's eyes widened and looked at the tall, healthy man in surprise. He really didn't expect that he would reunite with the other person in this situation, but it was unexpected. I didn't expect to see you here... I suddenly saw a face version that I didn't even dare to recognize!"

Ulanov’s expression was stiff and he couldn’t smile and touch his face: “I didn’t bring a mask when I was born. Ah, meeting you reminds me of those 'dreams’, which is really a memory that makes people feel at a loss... ...oh, I should now call your Lord Lord or the Governor of the Planet?"

Ulanov’s expression was a little weird. He looked at Hao Ren. He smiled and was at a loss: “I just came out of the Social Adaptation Section and I also heard the teaching of the root of origin. You seem to be this planet. Master."

To be honest, he is not quite able to understand the situation in front of other Zum people who have just been awake, but he is different from other Zum people. He has already seen Hao Ren before. And it has been a long time, which makes him particularly overwhelmed. Hao Ren didn't feel much about this. He waved his hand: "Be free, I am just an adventurer. This planet is where I am temporarily resting. I have given this planet to Zhuomu as its new home. You are here just fine, I don't care. Yes."

Ulanov shrugged: "What you said is easy."

"Just listen to him," Nolan looked at the situation and said, "This guy is indeed this character, and he is rich in the planet, and you will be polite with him."

Ulanov looked at Nolan with some surprises. He felt that his "senior in the dream" seemed to have changed a lot after many days.

"It's so rare," Hao Ren patted Ulanov's arm. Instruct others not to stupidly stand in this place, "Let's find a place to talk."

The group came to the place where Ulanov is currently staying. This is a small house near the central square of the town. There are more than a dozen houses around the central square. They are built with simple wooden boards and are reserved for those. People who have just recovered from the blood pool and can't immediately return to their social roles live. Ulanov wants to live here until he graduates from the Social Adaptation Section, and then he will be assigned to other parts of the town, or to work in production, or to study some simple mechanical devices that are now available. And it can be made from nearby materials.

"Now there is a shortage of people everywhere. Every day, strong adults come out of the blood pool, but the manpower is not enough. We must establish stable and safe settlements everywhere. Reserve enough food and make towns well before the temperature drops. Reinforcement work, these houses are now too fragile," Ulanov said of his life here. Strictly speaking, he has just heard life from the Social Adaptation Section, and his gaze looks out through the window of the hut. From here you can see the blood pool in the central square and the silver-white alloy antenna tower that stands in the middle of the town. "I may have to go to the construction site by the river. This town is holding a river. Our people are trying to use it. The materials on hand, maybe I can build a water mill before the winter of this planet. So that the green seed collected from the forest can be preserved in large quantities. We intend to use that tree seed as a staple food."

Hao Ren looked at Ulanov's slightly tired look: "How is your situation?"

Ulanov’s forehead: “There are some obstacles in memory. You know, I just woke up from a long, long nightmare. They said that my brain is re-dividing the real part and the dream part, the most difficult. A few hours have passed, but it is said that there will be some mild symptoms in the next two days. I can still remember to fight as a soldier in a dream and as a musician, but also remember that a long time ago, I lay down into a soul. In the extractor, I uploaded my consciousness to the Ark... I can’t believe it was already 10,000 years ago."

"Your planet..." Hao Ren said he was a little hesitant when he talked about this topic.

"I know," Ulanov smiled. "Everyone knows, 'the root of origin', oh, you should call him 'Zum', He instills everything that happens. In our minds, we must first understand the situation before we wake up. To be honest, that scene is unbearable, but things have already happened, and now we can only look forward."

He said, he laughed: "In fact, we are very fortunate to have survived at least, and get a new home. The original Ark plan did not expect that situation, can survive in that situation, we should thank Goddess of care."

Izak asked casually: "Do you still believe in the goddess of creation?"

"Of course, why not?" Ulanov said, "Oh, although the dream makes many people's thoughts a bit confusing, but the initial memory comes back after waking up, we certainly remember to enter the ark." Who was praying before?"

“Pray?” Hao Ren seemed to hear a very pleasant word at once. “You said that you prayed before entering the Ark?”

“Yes,” Ulanov did not understand why Hao Ren paid special attention to this. “The goddess of creation is our core belief. Regardless of the stage of social development, the church is an important part of us. We should pray.”

Lily’s ears were suddenly ribbed, and she scratched Hao Ren’s arm: “The landlord, Mulu is not saying...”

"I know," Hao Ren waved his hand. "Mulu knows only part of the truth. After all, he is not omnipotent. This question will be asked after he goes back. Saying that your life here is no problem?"

Hao Ren’s last sentence was still spoken to Ulanov. After hearing the latter, he smiled and nodded. “As you can see, the basic life is good. The ai who are responsible for maintaining the antenna tower on this planet help. I built a part of the house and most of the necessities of life. These things"

Ulanov pointed to the clothes on his body. This is a synthetic fabric garment made by the ai factory that is cheap and fast-moving: "clothes, medicines, tools, and food are all provided by them." Every morning, the people in the town hike to a distribution point one kilometer away. There is a large platform. A robot full of mechanical tentacles will put quantitative materials there. But we can have a total of 1.6 billion. If the population wants to return to the real world, it can't be done by relying on the ai factory, so now we are also trying to rebuild our production system."

Ulanov pointed to the cottage where everyone was in: "The strong men are responsible for building the house, and the women are studying animals and plants. 'Zum' is copying the species we are familiar with to this world, but in order to In line with the environment of this planet, many species have changed, we have to re-recognize. In addition, I heard that it is necessary to limit the speed of blood pool release, because the materials do not keep up, although the source of blood will make trees And crops are rapidly maturing, but it is still impossible to maintain the survival of 1.6 billion people in a short period of time. We can only leave the majority of the population in the virtual world, so that the real nature can grow up in reality."

Hao Ren listened carefully to Ulanov’s remarks about the status quo. He felt that this was a very valuable knowledge. A civilization started on a strange planet. A group of people with nothing left to rebuild the society with the limited support of the alien factory. The way in which people and his self-disciplined machinery interact with the ruins of the Tanagus civilization are areas that are often difficult to reach.

Hao Ren feels that it is necessary to accumulate all experience. After all, as a person who is going to blow up, he really does not know that he will encounter a more evil task when he is...

At this time, a small noise from the central square suddenly interrupted the conversation between Hao Ren and Ulanov. (To be continued...)

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