The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 808: Beatrix and Baptiste

Bonnie was sitting next to her, and Hao Ren suddenly said that she was shocked. The little immature little saint was as easy to dislike as any child at her age. After Hao Ren repeated his request, Bonnie quickly picked it up and ran into a small room behind the temple. After a slap in the face, she carefully held a small ceramic pot. Got out.

As I said before, the daily life of people in this world is closely related to various spices. Spices are not only a kind of living materials, but also involve religion, folk customs and etiquette. Different kinds of spices are used in different occasions, some for worshiping the gods, some for cleaning themselves, and some for the christening of newborns. The small jar that Bernia took was filled with some gray-white powder, which she made by herself, baked with various herbs and magic. Hao Ren took some of this powder and felt a strong, licorice-like smell coming out. He took the data terminal out: "Analyze it."

"A small amount of ingredients that can affect the development of the brain, can exert influence in the early development of the brain, reduce the ability of creative thinking and ..." The data terminal said, circled around Benny to determine the physiological details of the world's humans. "and the tendency to independently criticize reality. But it does not affect intellectual and genetic factors. In short, this is something that can make people 'obedient', not clever, but if it is applied to every [person, It can almost ensure the stagnation of the entire civilization. Of course, it is not enough to have these medicines, but also a complete education system. I believe the tribes here have done it."

Hao Ren frowned. "Is this a protective measure?"

"If you put it on ordinary civilization, this should be a crime. But here is really some kind of protection," the data terminal floats up and down. "The underground space of this world is not rich, and the whole planet has no energy and no sun. The energy stored in the planet itself is extremely limited. You should know how fast the highly developed human society can consume the life of the planet, so here Human civilization has been stagnant, and the goal should be to extend the life of the entire ecosystem."

"This spice is also taught by the goddess to do it?" Hao Ren pointed to a small jar and asked Benny, who quickly looked at Vivian, and his head slammed a few times. Vivian continued to look like a bitter and deep hatred: "...just let me teach you."

Hao Ren thought for a moment, put the spices aside and continued to look at the diaries left by Beatrice. The witch is a scholar with a spirit of exploration. It was very different from her peers who only knew the forces of power and antiquities in her time. The records she left told a lot of research about her own research in this world. She even left the drawings: the drawings depict the ancient things recorded by the tribes of the fire and the tribes of the mountains on the slate. Beatrice believes that these things should still be buried deep underground, and she mentioned some unexplored adventure plans:

"... There should be many relics in the depths of the earth. I found that there are abnormal cracks around the pillars of Eternity. These fissures are like underground channels that are deliberately left. But the pillar of eternity itself is the world's Miracles, the locals think that these pillars are the arms of giants, and the roots of the pillars will make the giants itch, causing the sky to collapse, so I can only give up...

"The tribe of fire seems to be a magical nation called 'Ebisius' in ancient times. They are good at making flame-driven machines and magical devices, and I have restored some things from their lithographs. The drawings are..."

On the back of many parchments, archaeological discoveries of Beatrice began to be recorded. She also mentioned some of the ancient heritage that tribe members still retain today. Hao Ren casually flipped through these things. And Benny, next to him, started to sit and sleep again. The little saint snorted and snorted, and the upper body dangling. The round-shaped pendant that she hung around her neck continually reflected the golden light in the light of the phlegm lamp. Heather Anna’s gaze was suddenly drawn by the round cake. She woke up Bonnie: "Little girl, let me see your pendant."

The little saint quickly untied the sinker on the neck and handed it to Heather Anna.

Heather Anna originally thought that this was a decorative metal cake. But when she got it, she discovered that it was something that was beyond the imagination. The round "Pendant" is roughly the size of a pocket watch, and the surface is made into a complex and delicate pattern by laser etching. Some of the ends of the pattern are also inlaid with fine crystals that have been worn out. When Heather Anna looked at the thing and touched a button next to the metal cake, the device popped open, revealing the mechanical structure and wiring inside, and also engraved some symbols on the inside of the cover. And the text, Vivienne curiously took a look at it, through the translation plug-in to read what is written above:

"National Grand Library - Erbisius Archives Administrator Key - Can Replace the Universal Identity Card"

"This is an ancient sacred object," Bonnie wiped her nose and said very seriously. "The saints have been handed down from generation to generation. This is the embodiment of the spirit of knowledge and the will of the goddess."

"A delicate alchemy prop, mixed with the principles of mechanics and magic," Heather Anna gently stroked the lines inside the ancient key with his fingers. Although its exterior has been worn, the interior is still well preserved. Is there a relic with it?"

And Hao Ren is turning over to the last few manuscripts, and Beatrice’s record is coming to an end. She left these things in the last year of her life. At that time, her body was suffering from all kinds of strange illnesses. She realized that she had not much time, and the more she was at the end of the manuscript, the more she was. And explicitly mentioned that his death is approaching.

"...I don't have much time. The more I use the magic and the herbs to suppress the pain, the more intense it rebounds. My body can't adapt to many substances in this world. Now these accumulated 'toxins' are coming soon. My life. I have already said goodbye to Mobeka (the tribal saint of the year), she can't accept this fact, but the fate is impermanent, who can fight against it?

"... Interestingly, when I was near death, I began to miss my hometown. Although the world was in the most difficult time, the witches and wizards suffered from indescribable terrorist pressure, but died alone in this distant place. The foreign land does not seem to be too good. I have recently recalled things and acquaintances in my hometown so much that the deciphering of ancient documents has stagnated. I may become vulnerable, but in this last day, there is no A man who is desperate for a difficult must be strong...

"...Baptiste, please forgive me for mentioning your name when everything is finally over, but I really miss you, I miss so much that I don’t even dare to write your name in any Place or tell anyone, because every time I hear this name, I can only make me more deeply aware of how far apart we are. Maybe you are still looking for my whereabouts? How I wish I can now You talk, the only thing I want to tell you right now is to stay away from this place.

"There is no hope here. There is nothing here. This world is a chaotic space with no return. The knowledge I have taught you is far from enough to deal with the danger here, so don't come to me."

The manuscript is here to end.

In the last few chapters of parchment, Beatrice's record is a bit messy, and even a bit of a sense of reality and delusion. These things were not written once, but it took her a year to review her experiences in the past ten years, so the last few parchments should reflect the bad state of Beatrice. But no matter how messy these words are, its meaning is still clear:

The reason why Baptiste is looking for the second floor of Purgatory at all costs is here.

At this time, a footstep sound came from outside the temple, and then a tribal warrior with red paint on his face suddenly came in: "Goddess, saint, sentinel caught a person of unknown origin in the wilderness."

(In the afternoon, I will go to the field to attend the classmates' wedding. I will be back in about two days. This chapter has been updated soon.) (To be continued...)

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