Before leaving Stone Town, Hao Ren curiously asked Gezer about the ancient city: "Do you know what the ruins are?"

According to the fact that Gezer came to the ruins to carry out the ceremony, he judged that this ancient city should have special significance for the indigenous people of this world, but since the city and the population are there, he can not understand the family of Gezer. Why do people give up this magnificent and sturdy city and choose hard nomadic life. Perhaps the changes in the underground world's climate have caused humans in this place to survive nomadic, but he still wants to hear Gezer's statement.

The first reaction after Gezer heard this question was a bit strange: "The goddess should know everything, why do you ask the ancient kings?"

He still believes that Vivienne is the "goddess" who created everything in the world and knows everything, so Hao Ren asked him many questions he felt inexplicable: the tribal warrior thought that the person standing next to the goddess should also have nothing. I don't know.

This is a tricky problem. If you don't, it will be difficult to explain the origins of a group of people and destroy the trust that is not easy to build. But Vivienne saved the scene with a voice: "The way God observes this world is different from yours. You tell us about the changes in the world according to people's understanding."

Her insults are so inscrutable and full of people's feelings of detachment, Hao Ren could not help but look at her, using Hallletta grammar? ”

Vivian smiled softly: "Do you think that the guys who know the gods are so little? The old guys talked like this 10,000 years ago."

Geisel was convinced of Vivienne's words and immediately heard the "greatness of God" from it, and then pointed to the collapsed boulder buildings around him: "This is the sacred ancient king Dorasil, in Before the end of the Sun Dynasty, this great city enshrines the Holy Spirit of the goddess, and until now the Holy Spirit is still echoing in the shadow of Doral's. The goddess personally came here today to see the situation of the Holy Spirit?"

"You ask me who I ask," Vivian swayed her hand subconsciously, then coughed twice, "cough. I mean you don't speculate on God's thoughts. I said that the way I observe the world is different from yours." Look at me and even have a avatar."

Vivienne said as she dragged Heather Anna to the front and slammed the other's head to let her nod. It was convincing.

“Why is this city abandoned?” Hao Ren asked curiously, “What happened to the Sun Dynasty?”

"After the scorpio was closed, the Sun Dynasty ended an era in accordance with the teachings of the goddess," Gezer said as if he had recited the text without any thoughts. Apparently these sentences were studied by him for many years. "Now is the 'Jade Year', the greatest The most peaceful era."

"The sky is closed... the emerald year..." Hao Ren looked thoughtfully at the black "crust" behind the clouds in the sky. Obviously, the indigenous people of this world faintly knew that the eldest son used the canopy to block the passage of the planet, but that history has been mistakenly twisted into a myth. The growth of the eldest son has been passed down into a miracle that the goddess will close the heavens. It’s impossible for Gezer to ask the true history. "Do you know what is on the Scorpio?"

Gezer’s face suddenly showed a serious and fearful look: “That was the place where the goddess exiled sinners, and no one dared to pass.”

"The sky is sinful?" Heather Anna couldn't help but be surprised. "What about the underground?"

Gezer looked honest: "The underground is the glory of the goddess."

Heather Anna whispered his mouth: "The mythical legend of this planet is really weird, but I don't like the skylight in the blood world view. It is very comfortable to live in the cave."

Vivienne’s expression is not over-the-top: “It’s all the money that left the house to live in the cave for the child.”

"Cough. Think about the other layer of the crust on the top of the head, I also agree with Gezer's statement," Hao Rengan coughed to interrupt Vivian's history of suffering, and then noticed that everyone has stepped out of "ancient Wang Duoduo The wall of Rachel, the vast expanse of the prairie spread out in front of the eyes, but in this direction, neither the shadow of the tribe station nor the means of riding can be seen. "Gaizel, the tribe you said Where is the gathering point?"

"In that direction," Gezer reached out to the pillar of the sky at the end of the horizon, "at the foot of the pillar of eternal. My people are there, we are waiting for the coming of the second windy moon, in the sacred Under the guidance of the wind, worship rituals with other tribes."

Hao Ren glanced at the magnificent black pillar that runs through the heavens and the earth, and could not help but swear: "I am going... How did you come over? Riding?"

"Come on." Gezer smiled proudly, and the lines on his face were covered with oil. "It took a lot of days. The messenger who ordered the lighted incense could not ride the animals into Doral, we must come on foot. Otherwise, the ancestors will not respond to the call after igniting the incense."

Hao Ren still needs to reason in his mind to understand the religious vocabulary mentioned by Geisel. The "scented incense" that the other party said should be the herbal medicine that was ignited on the side of Shitai, and the soldier came here today to "open the seal" for another more important religious ceremony in the future. Or it is a pilot work. People in this world follow strict religious practices, although it is not clear how they interpret the existence of the “Goddess of Creation”, but there is no doubt that their belief in piety is quite high.

Even if the world is turned upside down, even if it becomes a refugee in the space debris of a different world, their faith in the goddess is as always.

"It’s not a day or two to go over this time," Hao Ren said with a sigh of relief. "You said that your jealousy only said that you can’t ride a farm animal into the kingdom, but you didn’t say that you have a request when you go back. ?"

Gezer nodded and nodded.

Hao Renshun threw his private car out of the portable space: "That's right, get on the bus!"

After a moment, Gezer decided to treat this as a miracle.

Hao Ren’s BMW Liangzhu has nothing to say except that the shape is frustrating. Apart from being unable to become an Optimus Prime on the spot, it is basically dry. He was on the road with a little attention to the surrounding landscape, and it took no time to reach the foot of the Tianzhu giant tree. He drove the car to a hill near the giant pillar of the Tianzhu (the hill itself was part of a giant tree that was exposed to the ground). From here, he saw the tribe of Gezer.

I saw a small river running through the bottom of the valley between the two mountain ridges. The small river flows from the roots of the giant trees and extends deep into the grasslands. On the banks of the river, you can see a large number of scattered cottages. It was an elliptical house like a tent, covered with straw mats and animal fur. There are a lot of wooden poles in the circle around the house. The wooden poles are tied with blue and green decorative strips, which look primitive and simple, but with a kind of harmony and beauty that can't be said. This is the settlement of the “Hanook tribe of the West Wind”, which is said to be one of the largest tribes in the world.

However, judging by the size and quantity of the house, the population of this "largest tribe" may not exceed one or two thousand. This is almost a dangerous sign in Hao Ren: How much is the number of humans in the whole world?

However, the people of Gezer may not worry about such distant and ethereal things like Hao Ren. The settlements in the valley are peaceful and peaceful. The men, women and children walking between the houses have a bleak look, and in the lower reaches of the settlement. You can see a lot of weird animals drinking water: they are valuable assets of settlements. Hao Ren’s probes found wild animals similar to those in other parts of the grassland, but it was clearly not domesticated.

Lily looked at the quiet and peaceful herd tribe in the valley, then suddenly looked up at the black rock behind the clouds: if she didn't, she would have to forget what it was.

At this time, Gezer had just slowed down from the galloping road. He didn't expect to see the settlement so quickly, so he couldn't help but pat his cheeks and try to get himself back to the state. Then he looked at Hao Ren and Wei Wei An with excitement and uneasiness: "I don't know how to tell the elders about the goddess coming... What do you need to pay attention to?"

Vivian only learned a few words from her old friends, and other things know how to understand, so the subconscious pokes Hao Ren's arm: "You explain, how much you are a pope."

Hao Ren gave a cry, see Vivian and look at Heather Anna, nodded slightly to Geisel: "You said that the goddess brought her trumpet to the private service."

Then he looked at other people: "Well, I still have a working group."

Lily sneaked into Vivian's midfielder and whispered: "Bat, do you really think that letting the landlord arrange this thing?"

Vivian bites the back molar: "I am regretting it!" (To be continued.)

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