The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1463: Vivian debut

The addition of the Demon Hunter Hunting Team has greatly improved the situation on the battlefield.

Hao Ren has miscalculated a thing before, or has missed an influential factor, so that the battle is more trouble than he expected. He did not expect that the evil spirits would also be obtained in the dark world created by Vivienne. Huge reinforcement, but also get a variety of troublesome special attributes, such as more difficult to be killed, such as the ability to use the environment, and the exclusion of the outside world, such as the shadow world itself, he originally thought that the evil spirits It was something that split from Vivienne, so they should be suppressed in the field of Vivian, but they never thought that the situation was just the opposite: in the case that the evil spirits have not completely separated from the "maternal body", They still seem to be part of the mother, not only will not be rejected by the world, but will be strengthened to a certain extent!

Although the misjudgment of this kind of report is not to make the evil spirits truly invincible, it has no doubt caused great trouble to Hao Ren.

Fortunately, his habit of thinking more than one step at the crucial moment still played a role. The hunters who were deliberately left and guided by him joined the battlefield and finally returned to the right track.

The sacred sacred arrow with the amazing destructive power traverses in the air, drawing a fiery trajectory that can almost rupture the space. The unique deer rune magic of the demon hunter forms a layer of color in the air. The energy cloud, which is a unique phenomenon that is powerful to a certain degree of magical energy chain reaction and mutual reinforcement, the rich magical energy is gathered together, and even the silent scream of the evil spirits loses the effect for the first time. Hasselblad personally organized the hunting team to lead the team. Of course, it is not a trivial thing. These are all elite hunting spirits on the battlefield. Not only do they have high combat skills, but they also have predators who have been tempered by the perennial edge. Intuition, they are extremely good at combat in harsh environments, and can find even a trace of flaws from enemies far more powerful than themselves, and this ability is just to cope with the situation at hand.

The demon lord Lockheed waved the sacred silver sword and charged him. His comrades used an arrow barrage and magic bombing to clean him up a path, and the Soulless Guard was also under the control of Heather Anna. Once again, there was an organized suicide attack. The evil spirits and the sorcerer’s skills were screaming and screaming, and the sorcerer’s guards were smashed into pieces in the air by invisible forces, but their sacrifices were followed. The attack created the condition that Lockheed hardly slammed the silent wave, and the aftermath of the infinite number of times rushed up, and the sword fell, and the evil mind was divided into two under the radiance of the red moon.

The beam of light pouring down from the high moon, the bright moon, once again became brighter. In the thick red blood column, the figure of the evil spirit appeared again. However, the degree of her rebirth was obviously slower than any previous one.

When the figure was not fully solidified, another attack was first arrived.

Hao Ren waved two dark fragments of the universe. The whole person completely abandoned the defensive rush into the red light column. The cult was reacting for the first time. Her face and Vivian were exactly the same. Crazy and malicious, opening his mouth is about to release the shock wave, but because of her "resurrection" slowed down half a shot, her attack fell into the wind for the first time.

Before the silent screams were released, the two black cosmic fragments had been cross-splitting, and Hao Ren rushed out of the red light column, and the figure of the evil thoughts was simultaneously turned into a black piece of double flying around him!

The red moon shines again, and the evil thoughts appear again like a never-ending disappointment, but this time she is more difficult to resurrect, and before her figure has not fully appeared, a silver-white shadow has already fluttered. The past.

Lily waved the sword that had been used more smoothly. The sword and the dog danced together to form a blade storm, shouting "Star burst therapy" and cutting the evil spirits still in recovery state into pieces. kill!

The cult of the cult is once again resurrected. This time she encountered Hasselblad with a large hunting sniper.

A person is a man who can give you four kills. Do you believe?

Lily turned over in the air and fell lightly on Hao Ren's side. The two-handed sword, which was cast with grade alloy, braved white smoke, and the corrupted dark force left a focal point on the blade. Traces, the Huskies girl wiped her head: "Hello Fang, do you say this time dead?"

Hao Ren didn't say anything, but stared at the red light column at the center of the battlefield.

The light column pouring down from the moon still showed no signs of dissipating, but for the first time in the light column, the figure of the cult was completely invisible, and after ten seconds passed, there was no sign that the dark power appeared again in the moonlight.

This time, the evil thoughts seem to be really dead?

There is still a little bit of conviction in Hao Ren’s heart, and Lockheed and the team of the demon hunters he led suddenly fell into a state of being in a circle.

"The female count who recruited the Red Moon... Was it killed by us?" A younger hunting demon wiped the blood flowing from his forehead and gasped, and the tone was thick. Believe and... a trace of panic, "This... let's kill her?!"

A group of hunters face each other and the unpredictable atmosphere spreads among them. This scene can be described as ridiculous.

It is clearly a hunting hunter who specializes in hunting aliens. The slogan that was screamed before the battle is also "hunting", but after seeing the figure of "Vivienne Ansesta" completely dissipated in the moonlight, this gang The hunter has completely forced this to be different from saying good! Shouting slogans before is just for courage! How is this inexplicable really successful for hunting?

The invincible image of "the female count of the red moon" has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially in the hearts of the demon hunters. Whoever dares to slap a chest in Colpers and say that he is going to kill Vivian, but not Anyone who shouted in the pub must be taken to the medical office to check his head in the first time. No one hunter or even all the elders thought that one day Vivian Ansesta would die in himself. On the hand, it can be said that from the world view of these people, the concept of "the Count of the Red Moon will die" has been completely ruled out.

This kind of ridiculous worldview was built by Vivienne after the hunters had gone through each other's fathers.

Therefore, the demon hunters on the scene were forced: they did not know that they had killed a cult, and did not even know the existence of such things.

Fortunately, there are still smart people who know the inside story. Hasselblad saw a group of people shake and shouted immediately: "Don't be stupid, the female count is so easy to deal with here is just a crazy incarnation of her. And already."

"Incarnation?" Lockheed was a bit confused.

"Don't worry about what it is," Hasselblad lowered his body from the air, waved his hand to signal his own hands not to pursue these details, and then he turned to Hao Ren. "I don't think you have considered the things after the end of the battle." ?"

With the fall of Hasselblad, the atmosphere at the scene became subtle.

Even Lockheed, who did not understand the cause and effect of the incident, realized that there was a lot of hidden feelings in the short-lived "cooperation", and now the cooperation seems to be coming to an end.

The hunters were quietly surrounded, but Hao Ren shrugged his shoulders. "It's not that simple. Hasselblad, sober, don't let the hunger impulse burn your brain, you don't have real Weiwei. Is Ann still not there?"

The old hunter reacted bluntly, and the first action was to look up and look at the sky.

The sky, the red moonlight is still there.

The red light beam that passed through the sky did not show any signs of dissipating.

"Everyone is vigilant!" Lockheed also reacted. "The ‘incarnation’ is probably not dead yet!”

Lily, who had just thought that she had finally finished the sigh of relief, suddenly became nervous. She took advantage of the big sword and her ears and turned and turned: "Where, where is the bat's cult?" ”

The hunters then searched around in this space that was constantly being swallowed up by the darkness. Some people also flew into the air, trying to test whether the moon in the sky was a physical or a phantom, but they certainly did not succeed. There seemed to be some prohibition in the sky. The moon hanging high in the sky is completely hopeless.

The moonlight grassland is constantly being swallowed up by the chaotic darkness of the border. The entire shadow world seems to have stepped into the countdown of disintegration. However, until now, it has not shown signs of complete collapse. The real Vivian has not appeared. The evil spirits are indeed temporary. It disappeared, but look at this space without change, you know that things are not over!

The cult is actually hiding?

Hao Ren’s thoughts emerged from his heart, and almost as soon as his idea emerged, the red moonlight around him suddenly became brighter.

A red-flying violent figure condensed from the mid-air far from the red light column, and suddenly rushed to Lily, who was turning his gaze to the other side!

Hao Ren’s death at this moment is full of anger, and he has already shouted at the same time as he raised his sword and fluttered: "Lilly behind!"

At the moment, Lily also perceives the movement behind her. She tries to turn to the side while she is dodging, but her dodge is obviously slower. The hands of the ecstasy are only a few centimeters away from her. Lily can only widen her eyes. As if you were scared and stupid, you could not take any action at all.

Farther away, the demon hunter is even less likely to count on it.

But at this time of the millennium, a darker shadow that almost completely exceeded the visual limit of all people suddenly burst out from the other direction.

The black shadow rolled up a gust of wind, with a glaring electric light hitting the evil body. The huge impact of the collision between the two even excites the visible ripples in the air. The evil spirits before it were so powerful. Just by this simple one, he flew directly to the cockroach, and was dragged by the black shadow on the ground and pulled out a deep ditch full of hundreds of meters! !

After the black shadows and cults stopped, Hao Ren saw what it was.

The black Vivian had a hand on the neck of the evil mind, and the other hand rounded up and greeted the latter:

"I let you grab my bedroom! Let you grab my coffin! Let you grab my site! I am poor and can only sleep in the ruins. There are still people to steal things! There is no king!" 8

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