The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1452: Show you a good thing

It turned out that this is the real purpose of the demon hunter.

They are not trying to hunt the "Red Moon Countess" who dare not provoke anyone, nor come here to stop Vivian's recovery. Their real purpose is to stop the crazy disaster brought by Vivian after the recovery. I don’t know how much the people of Colperus’s demon hunter pay attention to Vivian, but now it seems to be more than what he had learned and guessed before. Even Vivienne’s disappearance will cause more than a certain time. An early warning mechanism for Colpers: Hasselblad and the hunter he led were clearly part of this early warning mechanism.

There is only one thing that makes Hao Ren feel that he can't understand: the demon hunter has always been indifferent to other races. Apart from being fascinated by their never-ending hunts, they actually don't care about human life and death, let alone go to the fire to protect human beings. They and the limited "offensive and defensive alliance" of human beings are all based on the premise of hunting. Once the only goal of "hunting" is lost, they will not pay attention to any suffering suffered by human society.

So why did Hasselblad lead a group of soldiers to protect the city of mankind?

In the previous investigation, Hao Ren has roughly determined that there is no other kind of long-term activity in this area except for Vivian's sleeping place. Here is only a human city and several villages and towns. The biggest consequence of Vivian's violent waking is that the human beings in this place are suffering, and Vivian is not the target of hunting for the demon hunters. What does Hasselblad bring here?

Certainly not for the group of witches brought by Mrs. Mary, a group of witches in the district can not afford such attention, one or two experienced hunters can pick them up, and Hasselblad himself said, he is Specially directed at Vivienne.

Hao Ren thought about it and organized the language to say as much as possible without any flaws: "To stop the madness of the Countess of the Red Moon, even if it is only temporarily delayed, it will cost a lot. To be honest, I think this is a bit worthwhile, here. There is nothing valuable except humans."

"Of course not for the humans," a demon hunter said. "You have been hunting for too long. I am afraid it is not clear what the female count had done after waking up three thousand years ago. She suddenly appeared in a wilderness in northern Europe. On the other hand, I didn’t even vent enough after I took it, so I rushed straight to Colper. If there wasn’t a war group that just returned from the Nordic battlefield and encountered her, I am afraid that Corpus will usher in The most serious local attack. Since then we have summed up the experience. After Vivian Ansesta is insane, someone must attract her attention and let her consume extra energy and strength. Otherwise, she will definitely rush. To Colperth."

Vivian's evil spirits still have this tendency? Will they rush to Colperth?

Hao Ren’s expression has not changed, but his heart has turned over the river. He has been dealing with evil spirits for so many times, and he has never heard of such a property!

Even Hasselblad, who participated in the operation six hundred years ago, did not say anything about this in the days after.

Of course, Hao Ren can't blame Hasselblad for hiding information. Hasselblad is an "outside man" after all. His understanding of evil thoughts and dream planes is extremely limited. He didn't even know that there were "evil thoughts" until the 21st century. "The existence of this kind of thing, and the last time he dealt with Vivian's evil spirits is still in front of him. He has met with Hao Ren and his team for a whole six-century time difference. He didn't know an action six hundred years ago. The hidden clues are important to Hao Ren.

All kinds of restrictions made him unable to associate this crucial clue with the things that Hao Ren and his party were busy with.

But everything doesn't matter, because Hao Ren has come, he personally entered the history that would have been buried forever, those details that were ignored by the parties, and now he has the opportunity to regain it one by one.

At this moment, he realized that his trip back to history had another meaning: he not only retrieved Vivian, but he also remembered the memories of Vivienne’s loss and all related to Vivian. secret.

After pressing the initial surprise, Hao Ren began to think about another question: Why did Vivienne’s cult experience rush to Colperth?

Is Vivienne still remembering that he was the 14th saint of the demon hunter in the subconscious? Or is she subconsciously trying to find her old friend, the first saint who was killed by her in a month, and accidentally reborn into a dog?

These two possibilities were quickly thrown aside by Hao Ren, because it was only the cult of mourning to Colper, and he confirmed this after confirming some details to Hasselblad and several other demon hunters: those rushing To Coopers's "Vivienne", all without exception, appeared after the real Vivienne wake up, and will actively "leave" the demon hunter after a melee, thinking that the female count suddenly recovered. However, Hao Ren guessed that it was taken over by the Raven 12345 in history.

Since there is no sensible cult, they can only rush to Colperth because of some simpler, more direct reasons: there is something in it to attract them.

Hao Ren immediately thought of the sacred sword: in the whole history, the sacred swords are preserved in Colpers, and there is no doubt between Vivian's cult and the murderer who was once full of negative forces. Have a deep connection.

The divine power of the goddess of creation, and the dark power against it, these two forces are so inextricably intertwined, entangled in the sword of the sacred sword, also entangled in Vivienne, and finally so wonderfully linked Together.

Hao Ren also thought of the little weak chicken that was painted all day long. Although it was very weak, she was also a real evil spirit. However, she did not have a tendency to go to the North Pole. The reason is simple: the small weak chicken was born. "The sacred sword has been purified... and the little weak chicken has no tendency to go to the North Pole, which confirms Hao Ren's whole guess from one side."

"You are walking away?" Hasselblad's words suddenly came from the side, finally awakened Hao Ren from his thoughts. The latter quickly corrected his expression and said in the eyes of the old hunter's doubts: "I just remembered Coopers. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone back. I’m not interested in everything except to be safari. I don’t even know that Corpus was almost raided once.”

"A hunter who wrestles with monsters in the dark for thousands of years is equally worthy of respect." Hunterman Lockheed said that a compliment made Hao Ren more embarrassed to this honest person...

"Isn't you ever tried to destroy her while Vivienne was sleeping? This will solve the problem once and for all." Hao Ren used his words and asked a question he had long been concerned about when he said this question. Still feeling weird.

"You are joking?" Hasselblad looked at Hao Ren incredulously. "It is more difficult to deal with the sleeping count than to deal with her awake. It can even be said that the danger is a hundred times: the awake female count is only temporarily As long as she restores her senses, she is harmless to humans and animals, and even if she fires, she will not necessarily summon the red moon, but she sleeps... not to mention that the soulless guards she created in her sleep are enough to kill. Most invaders, she is attacked while sleeping, but will automatically create a red moon!"

Hao Ren’s heart was suddenly a trough. Was it Vivial when you were sleeping? !

Seeing that the skeptical expression on the face of Hasselblad has deepened, Hao Ren knows that there are enough inappropriate problems that he has thrown out, so he quickly persuaded to transfer the topic: "I just heard about these things, I didn't expect it to be true. It’s terrible, I take it for granted... let’s talk about tomorrow’s action.”

Fortunately, Hasselblad was only a little surprised at Hao Ren’s whimsical thoughts, but did not question the latter’s identity itself, so the topic was quickly diverted and the demon hunters began to discuss plans to hunt down the witches.

Soon, the discussion ended, and the demon squad leader left the long table one by one to find his own subordinates to plan the battle. Hasselblad also stood up and moved to the bones, and it seemed that he was preparing to rest. Hao Ren looked at the old hunter six hundred years ago and made a quick decision.

It is the cult of ignorance in the old castle. Heather Anna and Lily and his party must be immediately warned, and the subsequent wake-up plan must be revised.

I can't continue to waste time here and the information that the Demon Hunter can provide is so much.

Hao Ren made a bold decision.

"Elderly," he called Hasselblad, who was about to leave. "In fact, I found something."

Hasselblad raised an eyebrow: "Oh?"

"Please come with me," Hao Ren looked around, his eyes finally falling on a place north of the cemetery. "The witches had a strange ceremony in that place. I hope you can see it for yourself."

"A ritual that even the experienced hunters don't know." Hasselblad smiled, but did not have any doubts, because it was normal for the hunters of the ancestors to ask him questions about the elders.

Hao Ren took Hasselblad to the edge of the cemetery, where he could just escape the sight of the night hunter.

Hasselblad seems to have not found this at all. He just curiously looks at the tomb that was opened in front of him: "Do you mean strange rituals that refer to these tombs that have been opened?"

Hao Ren’s heart silently recited the name of the Raven 12345, and then quietly moved behind Hasselblad, quietly taking out the same thing from the portable space: “I have a good thing for you to see.”

Hasselblad replied inexplicably: "Ah?"

A piece of metal slab cast with a battleship alloy that is almost twice the size of a conventional slab is rapidly magnified in his line of sight...

“砰!!!” (to be continued...)r

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