The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1449: Hao Ren’s acting life

The silver-white 弩 arrows with amazing magical powers criss-cross the bright lines in the air. The lines that pass through the protection shields or the summoned wall barriers are like paper paste. It will be pierced and disintegrated, and all sorts of offensive magic that is quickly released by Leta Rune seems to be splattered with the opening of the arrow, which destroys the witches in the cemetery. The various defensive measures as a group of people struggling to survive in this dark age, the witches certainly will not make their nests unprepared. In fact, they have set up numerous defense measures here, those tombstones and twisted dead trees. All of them are full of magical products. When the attack of the demon hunters comes, they immediately move to form a layer of defense. However, for the demon hunters, these things are at most a short delay. .

The witches finally calmed down after the initial panic and fear. Mrs. Mary and Heather Anna apparently became the backbone of these people, and their loud voices allowed other witches to do nothing stupid because of panic. With the cover of the magical fog in the cemetery, the group of people fled in disarray and gradually retreated to a narrow open space in the southwest corner of the cemetery. The witch Helen sang the spell, and the tombstone around the open space immediately began to sway and sway, and then became a black stone guard covered with moss. These thick guards formed another line of defense, blocking the remote of the demon hunter. Before the bombing.


Almost as soon as these stone guards stood up, a dazzling silver-white fireball crossed a parabola in the air and landed on one of the guards. The stone guards, which should be indestructible and have strong anti-magic, were instantly bombed. It is divided, and more than half of the pieces have even been completely vaporized by the Flame before landing!

"These things can't be stopped, at most for a few minutes," Heather Anna said quickly. "Hell... this is not an ordinary hunting squad... This destructive power is only the most elite hunters. Get it out!"

Hao Ren looked at the little bat and said: "It seems that even if your previous plan is successful, there is no use of these hunters to exceed your expectations."

Heather Anna was very happy to admit her mistakes at this time: "I didn't expect the demon hunter to pay so much attention to this place... It seems that the influence of Vivian is too great, even if it is sleeping. ”

When Heather Anna said this, Hao Ren’s heart was turning to another question:

These hunters are really trying to hunt Vivienne in a state of sleep. It is not that Vivian has an alternative "deterrent" among the demon hunters. In addition, the oldest countess will not take the initiative to make trouble, so the demon hunter will not take the initiative to find her trouble?

What happened to the elite hunters who suddenly popped up now?

The Demon Hunter seems to have made up his mind to directly use the fire to bomb the witches, or to be extremely disciplined, so that they are always vigilant even in the face of the "human wizard" half-barreled watercaster. So now they are only using arrows and spells to suppress the resistance in the cemetery, using this kind of versatile way to consume the physical strength and energy of the witch and the wizard.

But this consumption is coming to an end.

Hao Ren looked up at the western part of the cemetery. His sight penetrated the thick fog. In the shadow, he saw several swaying figures: the hunter had crossed the fence and activated tree, and their admission. This means that the official hunting will soon begin.

Heather Anna raised her hand and threw out a few corrupted blood cells. The blood ball filled with the death force of death fell on the route of the demon hunter, and immediately burst into a large smattering of poisonous fog, so poisonous even if it was a demon hunter. Dare to enter, which slows down the pace of their offense.

"We can only passively beat here. The best kind of hybrids are this kind of siege," Heather Anna snorted. "You must find a way to break out. Now it is close to the full moon. If you can rush out, by the power of moonlight." I have the confidence to take you off, but it takes two conditions..."

Mrs. Mary immediately asked: "Which two conditions?"

"First, we have not enough power to break through. You are a problem with half a bucket of water. Who can break the defense of the demon hunter? Second, we need someone to stay behind the temple and drag the footsteps of those who are hunting. Even if it is delayed for a while, it’s good."

The witch and the wizard Barn face each other, but Hao Ren’s heart suddenly flashed an idea.

"These are all right," he said quickly, opening the portable space and pulling out the weird weapons in the witch's eyes. "Lily can act as a pioneer in the breakout, Lily, come over, you don't have weapons now, so these give You use……"

Lily looked at Hao Ren and changed her equipment and said: "But I am better at melee..."

Hao Ren waved his hand: "This thing is much more than you use a large knife to cut people. You are going to break through now, not to be just facing the demon person, and a round of fire bombing is better than anything..."

Lily snorted and snorted. When she reacted, she had already carried a huge chain case on her back. There were also six six-tube turning guns on each of the two hands. Let Hao Ren build like a Terminator...

While squatting these things on Lily, Hao Ren leaned over and whispered in the past: "When you will rush out with people directly, don't entangle with the hunters, I will keep them useful."

Lily blinked: "The landlord, you flicked the witch to go to the demon hunter?"

"I have something to ask them. I always feel that the trouble of a group of hunting devils suddenly coming to Vivian is not right," Hao Ren helped Lily open the safety device of the turning gun, and confirmed that the chain box is in good condition. "You Leave a secret along the way, I will catch up soon."

Heather Anna curiously watched Hao Ren hanging a large pile of shovel on the female werewolf who seemed to be not so good. He couldn’t help but ask: "What are these? Can you use it against the demon? ?"

"It’s a little hard to get rid of those guys, but it’s okay to kill a **** road," Hao Ren said, grinning at the little bat. He said that the munitions madman bear child six hundred years later still had no guns. The innocent girl of the mighty power, "You rushed out with Lily, I stayed behind the temple."

"Are you sure?" Heather Anna’s face showed a trace of surprise. "This is dangerous..."

"I am sure, rest assured," Hao Ren gave the little bat a confident expression. "How can I say that I am able to mingle with the ancient blood family like Vivian? Do you think my strength will be weak?" ”

Heather Anna bit her lip and looked at Hao Ren fixedly. She only nodded for a long time: "Then you are careful, Vivian is rare to have a few friends, and one is dead."

Hao Ren: "..."

This child can't talk like that in the past? !

The last few stone guards fell in the flames of the Demon Hunter. The shaking figures in the fog began to speed up and felt the more and more powerful magical fluctuations in the air. Hao Ren pushed the little bats into one piece: Go ahead, no more time!"

"I owe you a favor!"

Under the leadership of Lily, Heather Anna and the witches found a direction and rushed out to the dense foggy cemetery. After a moment, their figure disappeared into Hao Ren’s line of sight. After a few seconds, Hao Ren heard a burst of intensive machine gun fire coming from the opposite side of the fog.

Sure enough, as guessed, the demon hunter also set a blockade on the periphery, but Hao Ren believes that it is not a problem for Lily to enter the mad dog state with two Vulcan guns.

At the same time that Lily and his party rushed out, Hao Ren also quickly prepared himself.

He quickly changed his clothes, and the various demon hunters who handed Hasselblad to himself were hung on the body, and then transferred their position by the chaos that Lily made, and confirmed that the timing was good. After that, he took out an emblem from his arms and poured his own spiritual power into it.

It is a silver coat of arms. It is only the size of a palm. The coat of arms is engraved with the shape of a cross-shaped blade. After the injection of spiritual power, a bright glow emerges from the surface of the silver coat of arms.

This is the talisman that the demon hunter often equips. After injecting power, it has the effect of dispelling low-level magic erosion and improving self-healing ability. On the chaotic battlefield, it can also be used as a prop for remote identification between the demon hunters. I learned from the Hasselblad how to use this mental power to activate this gadget.

Sure enough, with the special magical fluctuations released by the coat of arms, Hao Ren perceives that some of the hunters in the cemetery who were preparing to rush out to pursue the witches have stopped, and the actions of other hunters have also apparently hesitated: they I did not expect that a strange "friend" would suddenly emerge in this "evil nest".

After a few moments, several demon hunters came close together through the thick fog. When their signature black suits just came into view, Hao Ren took the initiative to jump out and shouted: "In the name of Colperth! You I just ruined my half-month results!"

It sounds special and righteous, especially full of enthusiasm, especially occupying moral high ground! And there is also a three-pointed three-pointed helplessness and four-point irritability. Hao Ren’s own shouting feels that he is worth at least twenty Oscars.

When the hunters heard Hao Ren shouting in the name of "Coopers", they also felt the magical fluctuations of the badges, and immediately ran over, then they saw a hunting devil costume, leaning against On a tombstone, Hao Ren, with a look of discomfort.

A hunting demon who looks like a leader walked up and looked up and down Hao Ren: "You are..."

"A safari," Hao Ren held his shoulders while maintaining the spirit of his own equipment to simulate the breath that a hunter should have. "I have been with these gangs for half a month. Then you screwed everything up!"

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