The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1442: No one is trustworthy

When the young witch said the words of Heather Anna, Hao Ren was taking care of himself and the only liqueur that looked suspiciously on the table to quench his thirst. He didn’t worry about toxins and so on. Then he did this name. A very appropriate response came out: the face of the wizard across the table.

Ok, there is no face. After all, most of the other faces are covered by hoods, but Hao Ren still feels too much to be convinced...

"Cough, sorry." He apologized to the opposite sorcerer, and the other person was unexpectedly large, just wiping his face silently and without any words. Then Hao Ren turned his head and looked at the young witch who looked like a girl: "You said that the arrested witch is named Heather Anna?"

The young witch had not spoken yet, and Mrs. Mary had already sighed with anger: "Helen! How can you say this at random?!"

"Mary, pay attention to your attitude," the young witch did not seem to have any fear of Mrs. Mary. Her tone sounded like she was on the same level as the other. "You are not here more than me." I didn’t say anything freely. The wizard had already investigated the clues. I just told him the truth. I don’t like lying as a habit like you.”

"And we are lacking people now," the other one was pale, as if the witch who had recovered from the disease had opened her mouth. Her voice sounded like a hoarse and cold from the ice cave. "A man who is good at fighting." Witch, and there is a wolf lady who is pure in blood (here Hao Ren says you say 啥?), they are at least not enemies, especially when we have to deal with common enemies."

Mrs. Mary squinted at the two witches, and the blood vessels on her neck moved like a viper, but in the end she calmed down, and the young witch named Helen looked curiously to Hao Ren: Wizard, do you know Heather Anna?"

Hao Ren is also seriously looking at this woman named Helen. The other person looks like a young woman with long brown hair. She looks very cute. She has bright blue eyes and thin lips. Although she is wearing a witch’s robes, she can still Seeing that her figure is full of charm, it is difficult to associate her with the sullen and sullen witches who cook potions in dirty wooden houses.

This appearance is likely to be disguised, but Hao Ren couldn't help but observe it carefully, and tried to remember whether there was a man with Helen's temperament around Heather Anna: it is quite easy for vampires to pretend to be wizards. With their superb magic skills, they pretend to be wizards even more easily than Hao Ren.

After hearing Helen’s inquiry, Hao Ren quickly weighed it and made a less positive expression: “I really know a friend named Heather Anna, but the person who told you should be just a name, I know That guy is not a blood mage."

Of course, the words "blood mages" in the mouths of these witches are not necessarily the truth.

"Yes, it should be just a name. After all, we don't know that Heather Anna still knows you like a wizard," Helen nodded. "Sorcerer, now that you know some of our situations, in exchange, are you? Should you talk about your intelligence?"

Hao Renxin said that he was a temporary traversal of time and space to use soy sauce to talk about professional ethics with the ancients who may have died for centuries. So he took out the silver stiletto shorts on the spot and said nothing about it: "There are a few demon hunters who may be near here."

Sure enough, his "important intelligence" was spoken, and the witches at the scene suddenly became quiet. Even the hooded witch who sat on the opposite side of the table and looked at life like a wooden man, moved invisibly, seemingly only It’s uncomfortable to hear the three words of the demon hunter.

No one makes a sound, just as the demon hunter has come to the vicinity, and any wind and grass will alarm the hunters who are blaming themselves.

"Then your short sword is..." Mrs. Mary looked at the silver stiletto that Hao Ren had taken with amazement, and her expression seemed to be a ghost.

"The demon hunter is not invincible," Hao Ren continued to swear. "I killed one when I was chased by one of them. This short sword can prove what I said."

"The demon hunter will never discard the weapon," the sorceress Helen whispered. "And unless they voluntarily give up control of the weapon, any enchanted weapon that comes into contact with their living body will be swallowed up by the flames of the seal... So this sword can't be stolen. The only explanation is that you really killed a hunter."

"It’s still the same, the hunters are not killing, they just can't be killed," Hao Ren shrugged. "In the age of myth, they didn't die in battle on the battlefield."

The horrible expression on Mrs. Mary’s face finally converges, but the tone is still incredible: “But now it’s not a mythical era, the wizard is not the 'goddess’ of the year... ah, yes, you have helper."

She only took her eyes to Lily, who was not far away: the Husky girl was bored when she came here. She saw that Hao Ren had nothing to do with the witches, so she sat at the table and ate. Specially eaten, Hao Ren always feels that the food ingredients prepared by the witches are suspicious, but a hungry husky can ignore this.

"Ah? Call me?" Noticed that there was a line of sight next to him. Lily looked up and looked at Mrs. Mary in confusion. "I have something to wait for after I finished eating, my aunt, ran all day long throughout the day. It’s not enough for me to eat the two dry foods..."

Hao Ren: "...wolf people are like this, straightforward..."

Mrs. Mary squinted: "I know."

"Cough, or the thing of the demon hunter," Hao Ren continued. "The exact number is unknown, because I only met one of them, but it is certain that he must have a companion nearby, I doubt These hunters are coming to the city, because there is no other place to stay in the vicinity, and now it seems... this city has just caught a witch, their goal is more likely to be here. It is."

The witches seem to have no unexpected look on their faces. They have been shocked a bit before they first heard the exact news of the demon hunters. They seem to have expected such a day. The witch with a sick face shook her head: "I didn't expect them to come so fast, it seems that our movements have accelerated."

"Can I ask, why are you gathering in this city?" Hao Ren looked at the witches. "Just to save another witch? Or for other reasons?"

"We have already said that it is to seek the shelter of a large organization," Helen said. "The blood mage named Heather Anna comes from a place called the City of Shadows. There are not many that can give us this. One of the free city-states that provide shelter, where we are still free to study magic and communicate with other wizards without fear of hunters and church knights that may appear at any time."

Mrs. Mary has also regarded Hao Ren as a rare boost at this moment, and perhaps she may want to take the "sorcerer" in front of her eyes with enough interest to entice her, so she no longer hides anything: "Just The City of Shadows is not open to strangers as well as any asylum organization. They are also worried about being mixed into spies. After all, there are too many weak guys who are scared by the demon hunters and willing to become a running dog."

Hao Ren’s eyelids lifted up: “So you heard that a ‘herder’ from the city of Shadows was caught. I think this is a good opportunity to introduce a letter?”

Several witches said in unison: "What is the introduction letter?"

"Cough... It's a recommendation for you," Hao Ren coughed twice. "In short, I am very interested in the 'City of Shadows' that you mentioned. If you can, I hope to act with you, I think I Partners will be willing to help..."

He glanced up and Lily looked up from the dinner table: "Hey?"

Hao Ren continued to squat and said: "Cough, my partner is sure to be willing to help you, don't worry about nodding."

Lily snorted and nodded.

This time, the consensus is easy to reach.

Hao Ren did not think that he was ready to pretend to be a demon hunter. In the end, he had to act as a wizard. He could only sigh that the plan could not keep up with the changes. After chatting with a few witches about things about magic and the situation, he walked to his side and looked at the cemetery in the mist like a lonely wizard who was tired of chatting. The main thing is that he really does not On the rhythm of these magical professional households, I worry that if I go to the other way, I might find that I don’t have any black magic at all: the knowledge about magic that he finally got out is usually heard when he talks with Wei Wei’an. Two sentences are OK, and it is totally useless to discuss with people.

And the hooded wizard who was always silent, stood up at this time, and came to Hao Ren as quietly as a wandering soul.

Hao Ren turned his head and looked at the hooded man: "I thought you were sitting there and falling asleep."

"I just don't like to talk, especially when I don't like to talk when a group of women are noisy." The hooded male voice said in a low voice, this is the first time Hao Ren heard the other party's voice since meeting.

"Looking for something?" Hao Ren frowned.

"You have no interest in the City of Shadows," the hooded wizard silenced for a moment and said bluntly, "You are not really willing to help, what you are looking at is something else."

This time, it was the turn of Hao Ren’s expression of a **** expression...


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