The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1416: Confused

When the sun shone into the bedroom, Hao Ren was still immersed in his sleep, but the sudden cry from the door made him have to wake up. He faintly heard that Lily was vigorously tapping his door. Shouting while screaming: "The landlord! It’s a big deal! The landlord has a big deal!"

Hao Ren was so staggered that he hadn’t had time to blink, and he heard a loud noise coming from afar. Then he saw two broken door panels in the eyelids and broke through the air. This scene makes people scream in the air. Hao Ren turned over and escaped the first door panel with the greatest agility in his life and then slammed it on the wall by the second door panel.

Lily followed her up after the door fell, and she slammed Hao Ren on the wall and screamed at the same time: "The landlord has a big deal!!"

At this time, even if there is a 100,000 drowsiness, Hao Ren has already let the madness of the sudden madness of the sorcerer disappear. He almost feels that he is in a state of congestion from the lumbar vertebrae to the brain. He uses the power of breastfeeding to put Lily. The head is slightly rounded back: "What kind of nerves do you have in the early morning!! You have tossed me so much that I know something about it! I will know how to smash my shield twice!"

He deliberately used exaggerated arguments to scare and scare the crazy state of the century-old dog demon, but Wan did not expect that the usual trial and error tricks failed this time, Lily was unmoved, still holding his arm while trying to Out of the window: "Room... Landlord! Look outside!"

Hao Ren just glanced at the window and looked at it. The result of being smothered by the Huskies girl was instantly forgotten to the outside of the clouds. Only one face was left in the trough: "...I am a...There is finally a broken place in the southern suburbs. Will you invest in a theme park?"

"Not a theme park!" Lily screamed in a hurry. "All things are going wrong! All things are going wrong! Big one and Nangong Sanba just went out for a trip, and the other faces that are all green are more serious than here. !"

Hao Ren’s neck turned stiffly and looked at the strange and stunned scene outside the window:

A majestic megalithic temple with ancient Roman style stands at the end of the rugged streets in the southern suburbs. If you remember correctly, the fat boss who was supposed to be the location of a small supermarket in the street finally got his wish. The old house of ancestral home was replaced by a mansion, but this mansion does not seem to be a living. Around the megalithic temple, the dilapidated cement street is covered with slate in the west, and the pedestrians who wear all kinds of costumes from ancient and modern times in the past are in the middle of the world. In ancient times, there were even a variety of birds and animals that could not be named. Just a short hit, Hao Ren at least identified four or five distinct groups of ancient Romans, ancient Egyptians, and ancient Persians. He even saw a group of armored soldiers with bright armor. The team ran across the street, and their team was still mixed with two Vikings who were axe and axe...

Hao Ren took a deep breath and looked away to the farther.

He saw a pyramid standing in the direction of the southern suburban vegetable market. The sky above the pyramid was faintly visible to see a mountain shrouded in the clouds. Two giant flying creatures like pterodactyls swooped down from the mountain. The screaming screams of the two weird creatures are still riding on the back of the heroic ancient Greek style warriors, but it is clear that they are by no means ancient Greeks.

The ancient Greeks should not have three or four meters in height...

"The saw it..." Lily's weak voice came from behind, and Hao Ren finally returned to God. "It turned upside down."

"I saw it, I saw it..." While talking about Hao Ren, blinking hard and quickly letting himself into a calm state, he was not the rookie who would have a fuss when he saw a flying pda. What happened at the moment? The visual impact is far from exaggerated. Some of the things he has seen before are exaggerated. The shock of his previous moment is basically completely unprepared. After all, even with his brain hole and ability to accept, he never thought about it on earth. I will wake up to see this strange scene, but this time the unexpected emotion fades away, and he only has the calm attitude of thinking.

"When did this happen?" After he calmed down, he began to ask Lily about the specific situation.

"I don't know," Lily shook her head. "I woke up and it was like this. I asked other people, and they did the same when they woke up."

"That is to say, the external change occurred last night, and there is no sound, no one is aware of it," Hao Ren frowned and nodded. "You just said that Nangong 38 and Pharaoh have gone out to explore." A lap?"

Lily nodded hard: "Well, they went out to inquire about the situation when they were not right, and then found that everything seemed to be like this. At least they went to the city and the city next door to see this kind of variation. ""

"Is it a phantom or something else?"

"Not a phantom!" Lily shook her head immediately, and then handed out a small gadget to Hao Ren. "This is the Nangong Sanba brought back from outside."

Hao Ren took a look and found that it was a silver coin that was not very refined. With his shallow historical knowledge and cultural relics identification level, he could not see what the silver coin was. He could only judge that it was definitely not Chinese.

"What is this?" he asked, looking up.

"The silver coins of the ancient Persian period," Lily blinked. "The Nangong 38 was found by a Persian soldier who died on the side of the road. The soldier was killed by an ancient Egyptian."

Hao Ren: " messy..."

"The landlord, what do you say about this?" Lily grabbed Hao Ren’s arm and swayed her tail. The tail was dragged behind her because of tension. "It is reasonable to say that this is not the case on the earth... what!"

"On the earth, it is only relatively peaceful, but since I know that the God of this universe is a female neuropathy, I am mentally prepared for everything," Hao Ren said, letting Lily relax and pull the coat next to the bed. Lily, let's go out first, I changed my pajamas. By the way, I put the beans out and she woke up."

After changing clothes, he went straight to the living room. Unsurprisingly, he saw that everyone had been concentrated here. He sat around the coffee table and filled a large circle. Even the Nangong couple came over. The lineup was quite neat. Outside of Wei'an.

"Wu Wei'an?" Hao Ren frowned and asked, Vivienne's absence is a rare phenomenon.

"I don't know where to go," he answered in May, sitting next to Nangong Sanba. "I didn't see her early in the morning, and there were no signs of pots and pans in the kitchen."

Hao Renyi said: "The kitchen has not been moved?"

He felt something wrong in an instant: For Vivienne, the kitchen is almost her own territory in this home. One of the most important things of her day is to go to the kitchen on time to prepare a meal for everyone, no matter what happens to the big day. As long as she is at home, she has never been delayed in this matter.

Is it too much to watch the outside change, so put the chores on the side and fly out to investigate?

Hao Ren quickly threw this conjecture behind his head, because this is not in line with Vivienne’s character. She is a very thoughtful and attention-grabbing person. Even if there is such an urgent situation, she will definitely not leave her alone. When people run out, they will at least leave some notes or something.

"Have you looked carefully?" Hao Ren turned to look at Lily. "I mean using my nose."

Lily scratched her face: "I have found it. After all, the first thing I got up in the morning was to see what Wei Wei'an had done. Her smell was left yesterday, and she didn't find her traces at the door, but she If I fly out of the skylight, then I can't do anything. It can't be heard."

More and more intense uneasiness came out, so that Hao Ren felt that Vivian's disappearance could not be separated from the changes outside today. Although it is too early to say that Vivian is missing, a series of abnormal situations still make him Can't help but care.

Even if she is really just going out to check out the situation, I can see the strange situation outside today. It is enough to worry about her being alone for so long.

The more he thought the more wrong, he stood up and said: "I went to the basement to see."

Vivienne’s room didn’t look any different.

Except for the quilt that is not stacked.

"Wei Wei'an is not like this," Hao Ren glanced at the bed that had not been cleaned up. "Getting up the quilt early is the first priority."

"I never fold it." Lily squinted and said of course.

"Crap, you are called a kennel," Hao Ren glanced at Lily and bent down to check Wei Wei'an's bed. "I didn't clean up. She should have left after lying in bed, but she couldn't see any fight." Traces, and the warning facilities around the house did not respond, so it was possible to rule out the possibility of someone taking her away..."

In fact, Hao Ren does not believe that there will be people on this planet who can rob Vivienne quietly: even if the latter continues to weaken, it is still one of the best creatures on the planet, no one can easily Take her away and leave no trace on the scene. Even if I don't think about it, there are various alarm facilities inside and outside the big house. It is a high-level toy that the Greek empire tossed out. Each alarm device is directly connected to the core of the thinking of the data terminal and Hao Ren's own spiritual connection. There are these things, even if it is a demigod, it is impossible to mix into the house.

So Vivian left him.

"It’s hard to disappear." Lily grabbed her face and shouted.

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