The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1411: Real history

"You are standing on my head now," Ertos said slowly.

Lily just turned back at this time, and she was arranging the skirt while pulling the hair on her tail. When she heard the words, she picked it up: "The Ertos of Ustos?!"

The sluggish voice rang again, as if there was no emotional fluctuation: "I don't understand your way of expression..."

"You don't have to deal with her, she is engaged in literature," Hao Renshun pressed Lily and then looked up at the sky subconsciously. Since the energy accumulated in the battle had not dissipated, the invisible "Jellyfish" in the sky reappeared at this time. It came out, its undulating surface sparkling, countless slender tentacles hanging from the sky like the silk between the clouds, connected to the giant imagery regiment on the earth, "You... is that the sky?"

"You are the first to observe me. When I was not affected by the rich energy environment, you observed a part of me." Ertos seems to affirm Hao Ren's guess. "This makes me right." You have an interest... Few creatures can observe the spirit of the chaotic rogue, except those who are extremely special or extremely old. But no matter who you are or what I am, I should thank you, thank you. You let me free from this long-term labor..."

"Chaotic rogue? Is that your racial name?" Hao Ren frowned. He didn't ask what "long-term labor" meant. Instead, he first became interested in the creature of Ertos. "You are not already Did you die many years ago? Killed by the 'great master'..."

When he said this, he suddenly remembered something: "Is the 'great lord' who played a big fight with you that year, the ‘evil spirit’ in the pyramid?”

"Chaotic rogues don't die easily. Many times, death just changes a form for us," Ertos said slowly, its magnificent body stretched out in the sky and seemed to be repairing. The damage caused by the previous fighting, "As for the 'great master' you said, she is indeed the fallen monster in the pyramid... but I noticed that one of you is like her, I can Ask the person's name first?"

"You can call me Vivian," Vivian said. "You can rest assured that I am different from the crazy guy in the pyramid. We just look alike."

Utos seems to believe this saying: "It turns out that... this is very interesting."

Hao Ren coughed a bit and pulled back the topic: "Cough, so you said that you have never died? Was the great master actually deceived you after a big fight with you?"

"No, although the ‘master’ has destroyed my form, we are not hostile, and I have not deceived her,” Ertos’s answer was unexpected. “We have never had any battles between us.”

Even Izak couldn’t help it this time: "What does this mean?"

"The murals we found describe you as a devastating monster in ancient times. Many human city-states were destroyed by you. Later, when the great master suddenly came, it completely destroyed you." Hao Ren also frowned. "Do you have this legend?" error?"

"Humans will use their own way to understand what they see, but they often can't see the true side of things," Ertos's voice seems to be very sighing. "The first half of the legend is correct, my The activity has led to a wide range of destruction. However, it is not my intention. I can't control my energy leakage, just as human beings can't control their organs and live and die. For chaotic rogues, storms and flames are just our bodies. Part of it, but in the eyes of humans, those are devastating natural disasters... I tried to exhort those creatures that were close to each other, but the communication stopped at the war... Ah, war, then there was really war everywhere... ”

Hao Ren’s heart is lying in a trough: Is Ertos actually a pacifist? !

Lily looked straight at the big jellyfish in the sky and suddenly said: "So what is the truth about your fight with the 'great master'?"

“She suddenly appeared in front of me and showed great strength. I realized that this was an opportunity to solve the dilemma, so I reached a consensus with her,” Ertos replied. “I asked her to help me change my life. To relieve the damage that I have inadvertently caused to the outside world, as you know, the way to change the shape of life is to dismember my original body."

Heather Anna couldn’t help but spit out her tongue: "...the plastic surgery in that era was really heavy..."

"So you are not fighting with that great master?" Hao Ren also did not expect that the truth of the year would be like this. It took a moment to pick up the words. "The slate records how the two of you are playing for a few days." What happened? You two have come back and throw a ball of lightning..."

Utos said faintly: "That is what we are talking about, but for humans, this way of conversation is probably a bit scary."

Hao Ren: "..."

Heather Anna continued: "The communication between doctors and patients in that era was also very good..."

"It turned out to be like this... It turned out to be like this," Hao Ren did not know what to reveal. He could only sigh with a sigh of relief. "Hey, the history recorded by human beings is always limited by the times and eyes, and you are immersed in the ancient gods." This is even more true. Then what happened after that? I think you should stay in this city all the time? So the city of Ertos will be destroyed? The residents here? What are the stone statues? How is the evil spirit in the pyramid 'fallen'?"

In the face of a lot of problems that suddenly came over, the voice of Ertos was still not urgent: "That was many years ago when the 'great master' in your mouth finally helped me to get rid of the layer and could not adapt to the environment. After the shell, some Aboriginal people took the materials and started to rebuild their homes with my debris. They used my armor to make weapons and golems, used my organic matter to make medicines and living materials, and built them on my bones. A city. My spirit has been wandering around them, because this energetic little creature is really curious... After a long wandering, I found that the 'great master' actually moved from the wilderness. The city is more surprising, so I simply attached the spirit to the city and wanted to pass the time by observing the activities of the short-lived creatures like 'humans'...

“In the early days, all the races in the city were safe and sound, and human beings worked diligently. Those tribal leaders who were slightly larger and called the 'God of the Beast' were responsible for giving orders, while the 'master' lived. In the big temple in the city center, as the nominal supreme ruler here, accept the offering of all."

Hao Ren heard that he couldn't help but interrupt: "Is the ‘evil spirit' really a ‘city lord’ for a while? How long?”

“It’s not been a long time, about a few decades,” Ertos did not care about Hao Ren’s interruption. “And she never really “ruled” the city, she spent most of her time in the pyramid. Sleeping in the air, and occasionally waking up is just a person talking to himself. But in any case, the city was peaceful in the first few decades... After that, the situation gradually deteriorated.

“The emotion of 'master' is not stable. In fact, I suspect that she has no normal reason and logic for most of the time. She seems to be completely immersed in her own world. The response to external stimuli is even in my opinion. Weird, in a very popular saying of that era, she was a 'motive and unpredictable **** of chaos.' Initially, her mood swings only caused her to be occasionally violent, but her temperament gradually changed over time. It became tyrannical.

"The gradual tyranny of 'master' has also caused panic among the residents of the city. However, no one is her opponent. Only those 'beast gods' who have combat power in the city, but they do not have enough fighting stone statues. To suppress the 'master' in the wrath. The conflict is getting worse every day, and the 'master' behavior is gradually reaching a level that is completely unreasonable, so the residents of the city are finally led by the priestly class, that is, the heads of the beasts. Revolt.

"It's strange that the consistently brutal 'dominant' has turned a blind eye to such blatant rebellious behavior. When humans and beasts gather in the city, she keeps watching, and when the traitors are about to rush to the highlands. She disappeared from the Great Temple and left no trace. The angry rebels were stunned by their emotions and did not realize the abnormal situation. They ransacked the entire temple and put all the treasures of gold and silver. I have been robbing home. According to my observations of human beings for many years, I think this is precisely a manifestation of fear."

Lily nodded: "Fear can make people overcome fear, because only with more crazy behavior can self-anesthesia to escape the inner uneasiness."

And Hao Ren next to him felt a doubt in his heart and finally got the answer:

Why is there a scene of being looted in the Great Temple? It seems that it was because of a rebellion, but the specific form of the rebellion was very different from the original guess: not the lower class rebelled against the upper priests, but all the people, including the priests and the people, rebelled against the "God". In the early stage of this rebellion, the so-called 'God' has not been shot at all, which led to the fact that the Great Temple did not have any more serious damage except for being looted.

"The ‘evil spirit’ is definitely not a sudden change to be a good person,” Izax said in a sullen voice. “She should start quickly?”

"Yes, just as the rebellion ended, the priests and the people dispersed, the ‘master’ suddenly appeared and brought down a huge disaster.”

Hao Renyi raised an eyebrow: "She destroyed the city of Utos?"

"It’s more terrible than that," Ertos said. "She summoned a **** moon, letting the whole city bathe in the moonlight. The moonlight controls everyone's mind, so everyone in the city begins to kill each other. Some people tried to escape from the gate, but the moonlight formed a wall-like barrier in front of them. Some people tried to record what happened here to warn the descendants before they died, but the moonlight made them illusion, they were just in the air. The text was engraved, and the last group of beastly gods who were awake were dying and almost successful: they summoned the power of the ancestral spirit to smash a section of the wall and make a hole in the moonlight barrier, yet they still failed... ..."

Lily eagerly asked: "Why?"

“Because the space has collapsed,” says Etos. “The ‘master’ has torn the space structure and threw the whole city into a different time and space.”

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