The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1407: Gold 棺椁

Heather Anna still doesn't know Vivienne's "illusion", so this time it's foggy: "What do you mean?"

“Wei Wei’an has often heard people call their names in recent times, but they are all auditory hallucinations,” Hao Ren said as he turned to Vivian. “I heard the voice again? Isn’t it already good?”

"This time is clearer than before," Vivian said with a dignified face. "I can almost confirm that it came from that direction..."

The direction she is looking at is the end of the dark rampage. In the fire of the fire that is very happy to sway, only ten meters away, there is only a deep darkness left, and the end of the martyrdom is even more like the eternal malicious unknown, with a cold and cold atmosphere.

Hao Ren thinks that Vivian's "illusionary hearing" is not as simple as it was originally imagined, and now think about it, it seems that her "illusion" is indeed from the Heather Anna family who discovered this different space. Only appeared.

If there is a connection between the two, what kind of secret is buried in this ancient city?

At the end of the ramp is an open hall, empty and there seems to be no abnormality.

After crossing the stone arches in the corridor, Hao Ren looked at the empty place in front of him and asked: "Do you confirm that the sound came from here?"

Vivienne looked around and looked out from the long corridor. It was such a square, like a temple. From the position, it should be close to the central area of ​​the Great Pyramid, and other places in the temple. In the same way, it has been completely emptied here. Except for the huge stone pillars in the center of the hall and the reliefs on the stone pillars, it is impossible to be removed. The various decorations and luxurious statues that may have been set up here have long since disappeared.

"The voice is gone," she tapped her forehead. "But it must have been passed from this direction."

Since the stone statues outside the army would not enter the Great Temple, the data terminal had already returned to Hao Ren. It flew around in the empty hall and finally stopped at the square stone pillar in the middle of the hall: The pattern on this pillar seems to be a clue!"

The granite pillar is the most striking thing in the hall. It has a width of several meters on each side. It is engraved with beautiful relief patterns. Even after thousands of years of wind and frost, the patterns are still quite intact. Data terminal The restoration technique quickly repaired a few defects on the relief, and then found that the picture on the stone column was a subsequent part of the murals in the outer temple.

At the first sight, Hao Ren saw the mask pattern on the stone pillar: the residents of Otos used this mask to express their great "master."

"This is what happened after the death of the giants of Ortos, after people built the new city in the head of the giant beast," the data terminal used different beams to indicate the different positions on the relief. "Here, here, there are It is continuous."

"The 'great lord' did not leave after killing Etos, but settled down on the plains. Ta did not accept the mortal offerings, nor left the place, but silently watched the establishment of the new city..." Lily Slowly read the cuneiform text below the embossed finger. "Under the surviving beastmaster, people used to build Ertos in twenty-two years and built another four on the fertile land around Otos. Cities."

"On the day of the completion of the city, the sky of Ertos was enveloped by the clouds. The **** of the wolf in the beastly **** thought that this was a great auspiciousness, so he led other beasts to the caves on the plains and asked for great mastership. To shelter the city. They offered barley, chickpeas, honey and spiced barbecues, and worshipped the great masters as followers, so the great master finally nodded and became the main **** of Ottos."

Listening to Lily’s reading here, Hao Ren couldn’t help but ask Vivian: “What is this “consecration”?”

"The content of the offering is not much more stressful, because there is no uniform ritual at that time, and the "consecration" itself has a special meaning," Vivian said. "The various races of the mythology are swaying, not every other kind." For a long time as the supreme ruler of a mortal, sometimes a natural disaster or war will make some weaker 'deity' defeat, and they will sacrifice their own attitude to worship other kind of aliens, which will lead to They were annexed by other 'God', and even completely lost the status of 'God', but at least they could save their lives. It seems that the situation around Ortos was very bad, and the beastly gods felt that they could not keep their own territory. So I went to hold the thigh of the great master."

Hao Ren nodded and continued to look down and read the contents of the relief: "...the new Lord God lived in the Great Temple in the center of Otos, accepting the mortal pilgrimage day and night, under the protection of the mighty gods, Ertos became a country where no one dared to offend...

"The beastmasters chose to surrender to the new Lord God. They became the priests of Ertos and lived in the Great Temple and the surrounding small temples.

"In order to protect the city, the beasts collected the bone plates that were detached from their bodies after the death of Ertos. They forged and burned these bone plates, injecting them with the power of flames and the earth, and then making them into Huge warrior...

"These warriors are made in the image of the goddess of the beast, they are powerful, have a strong body like a rock, and never tire tired..."

"The shape of the beast god, the huge stone statue, never tired," Lily blinked. "This is the giant elephant we met."

"There is no doubt," Hao Ren agreed to nod. "I didn't expect the body of the stone statue to be made of the remains of Otos. It is no wonder that it is so strong and looks like metal and ore known on earth. ""

Izak pointed to the embossed picture depicting the new Lord God in Otus: "So this great master lives in the central temple of the city, which is where we are now?"

Hao Ren stood up straight, and his eyes looked more and more confused.

This is a temple that has been evacuated and even said that it is not a looting. If the "great master" is really the supreme ruler of Otto, if ta really has supreme authority here, then Why did it become like this?

Considering that everything in the surrounding small temple is intact, this big temple is more like being abandoned before the accident in the city. At that time, has the "supreme master" that ruled this place been removed?

There is no follow-up record of this incident on the relief, and there is not even a record of the abandoned temple. However, if people have already abandoned this place, there is no need to leave a construction note in the demolition ruins.

Vivienne stood in front of the embossed stone pillar for a long time, seemingly trying to remember the city that was destroyed by her moonlight, but her broken memories were as difficult to mobilize as ever. After a long period of thinking and silence, she put her hand on the stone column to represent the "master" mask pattern: "To tell the truth, this mask is really ugly..."

When she said half of her words, the stone column suddenly changed unexpectedly!

The lines on the reliefs are distorted. The original hard stone is like a soft mud. The cuneiform characters on the stone pillars and the patterns filled with ancient civilizations are swallowed by the surface of this soft mud, which is stunned by everyone. In the gaze, all the reliefs on the stone pillars dissolve in a few breaths!

Subsequent lines of distorted text emerged:

Don't wake him up! Don't wake him up! Don't wake him up! ......

The text on the stone pillars popped up line by line like a crazy screen, and then quickly dissipated along with the muddy surface. This scene is strange and horrible, and this is just the beginning: with the stone pillars The change, the entire pyramid also suddenly echoed a low voice:

The sound is hard to describe. It is like a tumultuous thunder in the clouds. It is always like never ending, but the muffled sound is mixed with the sounds of countless people shouting screams, and the tears and whistling sounds of the hustle and bustle are mixed. The sharp sound of the sound, on the back of Hao Ren's back was almost awakened by this sound, she hurriedly jumped from Hao Ren's back, kneeling on the ground with four feet, eyes constantly looking in all directions, the tail seems like a The furry stick is erected straight, and the back arches the old high: "喵呜呜呜"

"Detecting spatial distortion, repeating, the unit detects spatial distortion..." The data terminal also sounded an alarm at the same moment, and then an indication beam was shot forward. At the end of the beam, Hao Ren saw a stone wall in the hall suddenly. "Extension" is coming.

This is a phenomenon that is difficult for the human brain to understand directly. The original four-square, unobstructed stone hall is as sharp as the mirror flower and water, and the stone wall becomes more and more distant in the shaking. The area has more than doubled, as if it was so huge, and in the newly added part of the hall, Hao Ren saw a tall stone platform standing there, surrounded by a circle of braziers around the stone platform. They burn automatically at the moment they appear.

At the top of the stone platform, which is like an altar, a heavy shovel made of gold is slowly being pushed away.

Hao Ren instantly felt the hairs upside down.

"One of the necessary knowledge points for digging graves," Lily said with no vigor around Vivienne. "Don't touch anything you don't understand."

Vivian was staring at the golden dragonfly on the stone platform, trying to swallow her mouth: "I actually sleep gold coffin... I have money..."

Everyone: "?"

"What does it matter about it?" Hao Ren can enjoy the variety of movies and TV drama novels regardless of the three seven twenty-one. He is waiting for his opponent to complete the transformation / awakening / recharge / explosion is equal to death. The reason, so when the golden coffin just opened halfway, he directly raised a gravity bomb and threw it in.

At the moment when the blast of the bang banged, he took out his own censor, and then he made three shots.

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