The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1391: Red Moon!

Hearing Lolita's confident and confident tone, Hao Ren calmed down from the shock of the beginning and looked very seriously at the copy of the magic emperor: "How did you judge?"

“The founding star is filled with divine energy, which is clear and sensible even in illusions, and its surface is a liquid ocean. This sea of ​​origin reflects a special halo in space, its characteristics. Very obvious," Lolissa explained carefully. The details she mentioned mentioned Hao Ren did not know before. "And the red moon in the illusion... it is totally different. I used to see it twice in prayer, can Certainly it does not have the sacred energy that is unique to the founding star, and the red moon surface can also see strange shadows and lines, which is more like a solid outer shell from the visual point of view. In every illusion, the red moon They are all hung on a dark and ridiculous land. It rises from the horizon, and the light seems to cover the whole world. A sense of trepidation will hold your heart, which is the opposite of the peace and tranquility when watching the founding star."

Lolissa's description completely denies the rest of the speculation that the features she said are 100% coincident with the red moon summoned by Vivienne!

"What's wrong?" Lolissa noticed that Hao Ren's face was weird and couldn't help but ask.

"No...nothing," Hao Ren shook his head. "Your intelligence is very important, but I need more detailed information about the religious life of the ancient magical empire, and every piece that the goddess of creation created in the last few years." God, I need it."

"Of course, no problem," Lolissa smiled. "The time is still very long, I can tell you slowly."

After the end of the long talk with Lolissa, the time is already late at night.

The few people who had slept earlier in the house had already returned to the house to rest, and even the most arrogant roll in the evening was asleep because of the madness of the two days, so at the moment, in addition to the peas not far away, they were still in the basin. Just a little bit at the head, there is only Hao Ren and Lolissa in the living room.

When they talked about business, the atmosphere looked very serious, so other people did not come to bother. Already getting along for so long, the tenants and landlords in the family have long been familiar with each other. Everyone knows that if something matters, Hao Ren will definitely speak out. If he doesn't say it, there is no need to ask for it. So after going to sleep, he will go back to the house. .

But Hao Ren knows that Vivian should have not slept: according to her habits, this time she should be cleaning up the house on the second floor. After cleaning up, she will fly out directly from the skylight to "walk", and the sun will inspect it by the way. "Resort", when it comes back, basically it will be in the middle of the night. In fact, she is the one who sleeps the least at home. Basically, she sleeps for two or three hours a day or even less. It’s no wonder that Lily will ridicule that Vivian’s sleepiness is to bring a feeling of lack of everyday life. Sleep, sleep for three hundred years, and sleep on a regular basis is purely sleepy...

Hao Ren thought for a moment and decided not to go to Wei Wei'an to say about the Red Moon now. After all, the night is deep. At this time, it is said that there is no way to verify it immediately, and it is only possible to have a sleepless insomnia. It’s better to look for opportunities tomorrow.

"Your room is upstairs," he said, turning to Lolissa. "Wei Wei'an has already cleaned it up for you. You can go up and find her."

There was no spare room in the original home, but these days, the small restaurant opened by the parents in the South Palace in May was getting on the right track. The couple summed up and rented a house next to the street restaurant and moved to live. Hao Ren here. There will be more rooms.

"I have been disturbed here in the past few days," Lolissa stood up, smiling, and gracefully bent over. "So good night, the pope of the world."

Hao Ren smiled and did not try to correct the strange name of the other party. After watching Lolissa go upstairs, he also turned back to his room.

That night, nothing tonight.

The morning sun shone on the old roofs and streets of the southern suburbs, awakening the city that was sleeping all night.

In the Hao family's house, the new day always starts from the movement of the chicken and the dog, or when the door is rolled, Hao Ren is screaming, or Lily wakes up and squats in the living room to wake everyone up. Either Nangong Sanba couldn’t afford the result of being dragged out by his sister and rolling out the windmill with his tail. Even if none of the above appeared, there would be a small weak chicken that would be drilled out of the mouse hole. Then I ran to everyone's room and looked at everyone's face biubiubiu...

Eventually everyone will get out of bed.

Vivienne made breakfast early to prevent a hungry brain from screaming with the siberian huskies. A large pot of hot cereal porridge and a bean paste steamed out last night were placed on the table. This is the simple and delicious breakfast in the “Palace of the Palace”. Lily sat cross-legged in the chair, holding chopsticks in one hand. The chopsticks were skewed with three kinds of steamed buns, and the other hand was holding a porridge bowl. I poured it into my stomach and sat on her stomach. The opposite Vivian saw this situation and couldn't help but frown: "You can't tell the image? How much is a girl..."

She is poor and poor, even poor for 10,000 years, but she still has the self-confidence of the "blood ancestors". When she was poor to a meal a day, she insisted on eating etiquette. She couldn’t understand Lily’s sandy A huge amount of eating style.

But Husky can not care about her, she is quite reasonable: "I consume a lot of food (chewing), eat according to your vampire rules, I will starve in a few days (咕咚), and I will wait There is still something to do, and after eating, I still get the door (chewing)..."

Vivian looked at her suspiciously: "What can you do?"

"Backstreet 'Bean Bags' gave birth to a litter of puppies from a female dog from the field, and then the **** stayed in the bean bag and did not leave, live and live, it also drove the bean bag out, and then found A soil dog 鸠 鸠 鹊 鹊 豆 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊 鹊Losing the dog's goal, I have been depressed all day, I will give it a psychological counseling, and take a look at the litter puppy..."

Nangong Sanba was stunned by the side: "The trough, the dog's circle is also so chaotic..."

Vivian shook her head. She had long been eccentric about the various situations of Lie’s army under Lily’s hand, and she was more than a hundred times more chaotic. She had seen it again and again. Chaos on Mount Pace?

"The bigger things are waiting for the meal to be finished. At the very least, you put your legs down and sit down. It’s hard to sit on the two days of education. You will give her a wrong demonstration here. She took it back," Vivien glanced at Lily, then grabbed the specially prepared raw meat from a small plate at hand and left it in a certain direction without looking at it. "Weak chicken, eat!"

I saw a black shadow suddenly in the corner of the corner, as if I was rushing into the air with lightning. It turned out that Vivian was smashed out of the corner of the hiding place. She held the piece of meat in the air and finally caught it. Finally, she hugged it. The meat fell on the ground, but the little one did not care about this little mistake. She rolled over and rolled the meat into her shoulder and quickly ran back to her mouse hole. Very incomparable...

To be honest, Hao Ren has more than once suspected that this little madness is pretending to be out. You see that she is smart when she is being fed. Why is it like no brain?

"You are more and more skilled in feeding her now," Hao Ren swallowed the last porridge and looked at the mouse hole where the weak chicken lived. "She was fed by you as if it was a bit human." ”

"Where, there is no one to grow up, as long as you are full of food and drink, you are crazy," Vivian said. "I have a virtue with the big dog. When I finish eating, I forget who made the meal."

Lily didn't like to hear this when she was on the scene. Put the bowl on it: "The bat, you talk and pay attention! Compare you to find a brain that compares with me?"

Hao Ren coughed two times and interrupted the two: "Cough, it's OK, you really can't be cleaned one day. Wei Wei'an, I will ask you about it."

Vivienne is getting ready to get up and clean up the dishes, and the words stop: "What?"

"The red moon that you summoned... Do you know what it is?"

"Red Moon?" Vivian couldn't help but frown. "Is this question important?"

"It's very important."

"Well, I don't know the truth," Vivian opened his hand. "I summoned most of the Red Moon to be in a state of chaos before sleep. At that time, I didn't even remember what I called. The experience of summoning the Red Moon in waking state is very limited: it is a huge ability for me, and even I can't control my own reason, so if it is not forced by the situation, I can use it without it. ""

Hao Ren frowned, the other's answer was in his expectation, but he still didn't want to give up: "Do you think the moon is actually present or just a projection?"

"How could it be actually," Vivi couldn’t help but laugh. "Can I really summon a celestial body?"

Hao Ren heard this but didn't laugh, but he thought seriously: "Even if it's just a projection... I'm afraid it's not that simple. Have you ever thought about where the red moon you summoned is? Since it hangs in the sky, anyone can see it. Optically it can be 'arrived'. At least there is something that is physically or optically there. Have you studied this?"

Vivian was aware of the seriousness of the problem from Hao Ren’s tone, and she couldn’t help but be serious: “To tell the truth, I’m really curious about this. I once flew it once after the red moon was summoned. But no matter how you fly, you can't reach it..."

Lily噗 laughed: "Crap, the carrot on the stick has not been heard? The thing is projected on the basis of you. When you move it, it will follow, how can you fly up!"

Vivian immediately glanced at the dog sister: "I can still think of this? Later I sent a small bat to fly on the moon, I was waiting on the ground, and did not succeed!"

Hao Ren nodded after hearing: "There are two explanations. Or, the existence of the Red Moon is beyond our understanding. The light it emits may be discontinuous in space, not even based on the general law of time and space. So it can't be reached, or it's as big as a real celestial body, and it's located far in the orbit of the planet. Vivienne can't break through the atmosphere and naturally can't fly there."

Vivian looked at Hao Ren with curiosity: "You want to..."

"I want to study the red moon that you summoned," Hao Ren said seriously. "It is best to see it once in the past."

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