The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1377: Secret design of the goddess

The return of the aliens of the earth has stimulated some kind of "system" left by the goddess of creation, and a hidden network of divine power has finally emerged. However, a network encrypted by divine power is so complicated that even with the use of the crystal The computing power of the nuclear research station can't be easily cracked, and there is a bigger problem on top of it. Hao Ren now dares to make the network semi-activated because he doesn't know the mysterious and grand network. What is the role, but do not know the consequences of its operation will be combined, in the case of unclear, rushing to stimulate this ancient heritage is definitely the death of the welding rod saw bulb level. ??

Four days ago, after the "selected" first contacted the Hollerta ecosystem and led to the first divine oscillation, he let the nucleus research station and the drone group roughly calculate the energy level of the oscillation and reset it. After the process of making the “selected” contact with each test point, the grouping, route, and residence time of the selected candidates are based on the network of the gods that are not over-stimulated.

"Hao Ren's worry is very reasonable," Vivian naturally knows about Hao Ren's arrangement. In fact, she also helped design these things at the time, so I nodded at this time. "We don't know this power network yet. What is it, I don’t know if there was any other arrangement when the goddess of creation created this network of divine power. If we rashly destroy or activate those things in advance, we are very likely to face some of the current Unable to confront the situation."

Mendoza and Mulu nodded solemnly and expressed their approval for these concerns.

"It is better to be cautious," the female giant Xifu also said, first to put aside the specific content of information exchange in this divine power network, first understand the structure and mechanism of this network, and perhaps understand its essence and role. ”

"About this, I have summed up a few points," Hao Ren nodded immediately and said the rules he had already summed up. "First, this network needs a certain intensity of stimulation before it starts to work. Before this time, I Because of various coincidences, the ecological circle that once re-touched the dream plane with the aliens of the earth, such as the Kraken once returned to their mother star Io with me, but did not induce the change of this 'magnetic oscillation network' at that time. Only this time, I organized a group of 100 people to come in. Therefore, the activation condition of this divine oscillation network should be limited to 'a certain number of descendants of exiles returning to the dream plane'.

"Secondly, this power-oscillating network, in addition to its structural form, looks like a huge data exchange network. It should also have extremely efficient data processing and computing power. At some key nodes, the drone group has observed a huge amount. To the incredible rise and fall of information, hundreds of millions of megabytes of information have exploded from these nodes almost every second and have been transmitted to the entire universe in an instant.

"Third, this network should be distributed in the entire universe. My drone group is currently limited in scope and has not been able to cover the entire dream plane, but only in the observed space, we can confirm these points of oscillation. Everywhere, they are randomly distributed throughout the dream plane. As long as there is a stellar system, there may be such a shock point. I am almost certain that there are these shock points outside the 'line of sight' of the drone group. of.

“Finally, these stars that produce divine oscillations have a very desirable feature: there is absolutely no life or a 'livable environment' for life to be born within fifteen light years.”

When Hao Ren said the last point, he couldn't help but also showed a confused look. Obviously, this is what he did not understand.

“No life?” Rembrandt Drows frowned after hearing it. “These stars that are dizzying in their power are located in the 'desolate area'?”

"Well, according to yours, it is called a desolate area," Hao Ren nodded. "There are no ecological planets near these stars, not even a livable planet. Most of them are isolated stars without planetary systems. Even if there are planets nearby, the surface of these planets is too cold or too hot due to orbital problems, and it is almost impossible to produce life under natural conditions. Since these stars are themselves carefully selected by the goddess of creation, I have reason to believe The environment around these stars is also the result of her deliberate selection."

“Mothers have always loved life, and her attention is basically on those vibrant places,” said Shiv’s tone. “Why would she create such an information network completely out of the ecosystem? If this network is For areas that are not related to life, why is the activation condition of this network must be the ecosystem of the exiles touching the universe?"

"Since the activation condition of this network is that the descendants of the exiles re-touch the ecosystem of the dream plane, then this network is certainly not an area unrelated to life," Hao Ren waved, "and its physical foundation is built on Those that are far from life systems or unable to produce life... I have a guess about this."

Vivian, Lily and the three guardian giants said in unison: "What guess?"

"From the behavioral model of the goddess of creation, I guess she is set up because this network will have a great negative impact on life when it is running. Perhaps powerful divine energy will destroy the ecosystem around those stars, or maybe this The network will attract some dangerous things in the depths of the universe during the operation, so the goddess of creation will choose to establish its own power oscillation network in the 'desolation zone'."

Izak touched his chin and nodded slightly: "I think this is a great possibility."

"So our caution is correct," Vivian said with an eyebrow. "Whatever the real reason, each node of the network is chosen to be away from the life circle, which means that it is a life for itself. Dangerous things, we must not rush to fully activate it."

There was no humming in the door, and it was only after watching the holographic image suspended in the air at each test point. This "magnetic oscillation picture" has become more perfect. Many of the previously hidden nodes are one by one from the dark. The cosmic space emerges, and they together outline a huge complex and magnificent three-dimensional structure, which is even dizzying at first glance. The guardian giant who once guarded the goddess in the door of Suluen wrinkled his brows slowly. He changed his angle to observe the holographic image, and the expression on his face became more and more dignified.

"Lenmendusa, what are you doing now?" Hev first noticed the change of the old partner and asked with concern.

"I seem to have seen a similar picture..." Lehmen Duza said with a little uncertainty. "Perhaps what I saw was an unfinished design..."

Hao Renyi couldn't help but listen to this: "Where did you see it?!"

"In the mother's palace, that is one of her 'confidential design institutes'," Remoutza has a low tone. "Many guardians know the existence of secret facilities, but only a few have the opportunity to see them inside." ”

“Confidential design office?” Hao Renyi said. “What is that? The goddess of creation has also done a lot of secret projects?”

Lehmen Duza slowly nodded: "In fact, before the blasphemy war broke out, the mother's behavior had some weirdness... She never shunned her own children, and they were very generous in letting us participate in her grandeur. The plan, including activities such as sowing of life and exploration of the universe, was carried out by us, but then she built a series of secret factories and secret design houses in the space around the founding star and the Kingdom of God. The blueprint for the creation engine is one of the products of these secret projects. We didn't know what the creation engine was built by the mother until the thing was designed in her secret research facility, and some of the guardians got the initial part. Drawings. We know the factories and laboratories that she set up, but I have very few opportunities to know what they are doing inside. She has arranged soulless craftsmen and servants in those factories and laboratories. Those who have no life and soul. The 'magic couple' works day and night, but never reveals the task that the mother confesses to them. But even so, there are still a few In the accidental circumstances, there will be opportunities to enter those secret facilities. Sometimes the mother seems to suddenly forget that the facilities are not open to us. She will suddenly call us to discuss things, and then suddenly seem to react to us from the secret. In the lab, I was given the opportunity to see the inside of one of the secret design offices."

Hao Ren woke up: "The original blueprint of this information network in the 'Confidential Design House'?"

"Yes, the mother should have designed this thing at the time. Its backbone is very similar to what I remember," Remoutza pointed to the holographic projection in midair. "She suddenly called me over and asked me to The view of the soul and life, I also remember that there is a magnificent rotunda there, the center of the hall is a shimmering energy well, the original blueprint of a complex network is suspended above the energy well... like this thing."

"Can you remember any details?" Hao Ren asked urgently.

"No more..." Lehman Duza slowly shook his head and then suddenly stopped. "Wait, maybe a detail is useful... At that time, the mother asked me something, some about the soul field, some are On the field of life evolution, but then she asked another question that I felt strange at the time. She asked me if one day the whole universe was zeroed and everything went back to the original point, then the new world is god. Okay, is there no god?"

"Is there a **** or a god?"

Hao Ren frowned, and I did not know how to repeat this sentence. 8

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