Sudden changes in the surrounding environment made everyone feel vigilant. Hao Ren took out the plasma pistol in front of him: "Is space transfer or illusion?"

“There is no trace of mental interference, and time and space are detected, which is confirmed as some form of spatial change.” The data terminal quickly analyzed the data changes recorded in the moment. “But we did not find any traces of space transmission. We are still just now. On the coordinates."

"The coordinates just now?" Hao Ren frowned. "Is that place just now?"

The data terminal said its own speculation: "We probably fell into a space that overlaps with the real world, and the location has not changed."

Lily’s ear screamed up and stood up: “Don’t the meaning of the border mentioned by the undead just now?”

Hao Ren shook his head and his eyes fell at the end of the corridor: "I don't know, go there and see, there seems to be someone there."

The long corridor is brightly lit, and the white-colored walls are hung with photo frames of portraits. In the former ruins, Hao Ren once saw the appearance of these portraits burned, but now it seems that time is back, he still I can't see the true meaning of these portraits: every portrait seems to be covered with a hazy mist, and a layer of constantly rotating white mist covers the photo frame, which looks very strange.

His eyes fell on the front corner, and he remembered the dying words that had been written in a row of blood, but now there are only bare walls, and a large decorative vase is placed next to it.

At the end of the corridor there was a wooden door, and the wooden door was hidden, revealing some lights, and the voice of the people came from behind the door.

A low male voice is talking: "The human world seems to be chaotic again. The civilians in this country are smashing the nobility and another order collapse."

Then there was a female voice that sounded very young: "They are always in chaos, it is normal. After all, it is a very short-lived race. It is difficult to maintain stability for a long time in both social form and themselves."

Another young male voice rang: "We don't have to care about this. The power of the world is powerless for us. I just returned from Paris. The division of the Order is busy hunting the werewolves. They should have no time to pay attention to such a distant place."

The young female voice sighed with relief: "That's good, the front is always right with them."

The conversation suddenly disappeared, as if it had never happened before, and Hao Ren just came to the door.

Lily squinted her eyes and looked across the door, then pushed the wooden door open.

Opposite is a very spacious room with comfortable velvet cushions, a bright light stand, and an oak wine cabinet filled with drinks that seem to be a place to rest, yet there is no one inside.

"Nobody," Hesperes muttered to himself. "The voice just happened to be echoed in time and space."

Vivian recalled the conversation he just heard: "Listen to their tone, isn't the family living here not human?"

Hao Ren opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, he suddenly heard another conversation from the other side of the corridor, and the sound sounded more and more close to here:

The young male voice I heard before appeared again: "I went to see the situation of Hercules. He is still in good spirits, but he is troubled by nightmares. In the village where he lives in the past, there are some bad things circulating. Things, about nightmares and **** murders."

The beginning of the low male voice also appeared again: "The strange talk of the villagers, most of them confuse the wind in the night with their sleep. We have checked the artifact before, it is still intact, you should not be shallow with those Human beings are as suspicious."

"Yes, Master Mohaben. But the situation in Hercules is indeed not optimistic."

"I know that he took too much power from the artifact and brought it out. Although we got rid of the long-term shackles, he was polluted. After all, we should be responsible for it. You Go to Xiwei"

The conversation was far and near, and even finally drifted from Hao Ren’s ear. However, there was no one in the corridor. There was always only a sound in this wandering. This situation can make ordinary people creep.

Fortunately, Hao Ren is a well-informed guy. They just think that the situation here is a bit strange, except that Lily is currently trying to push her tail back and everything else is fine.

Vivian held his chin and thought while saying: "It seems that this family is a heterogeneous group. I don't know if I can see the outside from here?"

Hao Ren was reminded and immediately turned to the door of the mansion.

The heavy oak door was pushed open, and the situation outside the old house was in front of everyone, and this situation made everyone stunned.

Outside the mansion is a vast open space with gravel and gravel. The front view is wide and unobstructed. The former forest vegetation disappeared. Although it can be judged from the terrain that it is the former forest hill, but now it can only be surrounded by See a wilderness.

"What about those trees?" Lily looked around in amazement. "How did this get to the Gobi Desert?"

"Heterogeneized" Vivienne bent down and grabbed a gray-white gravel from the ground. The gravel slipped at her fingertips and made a rustling sound. "Don't forget that this is a different space. Everything is mutated. These sands I have never seen it anywhere on the planet."

"If I didn't guess wrong, this house should be built on a space crack or magic focus. It is located in two spaces. Now the real world house has become ruin, but this space in the different space. Keep it intact, and because of the stagnation of time and space, many of the things inside it have been solidified and preserved, including those of the past," Hesperris as a caretaker at the Athens Sanctuary, for all kinds of different space phenomena If she knows the magic of her surroundings, she will say her own analysis. "What we see should be the projection of this forest in a different space."

"But it's weird." Vivienne interjected.

Hao Ren casually asked: "What is weird?"

"The earth is a place with weak magical power. The space is solid and the magic is thin. Except for the independent mysteries of the ancient mythology, such as Colpers, this environment rarely occurs naturally," Vivian explained. Unless there is something to induce the space here to break and overlap, such as the artifact."

Vivian's voice just fell, and a burst of rumbling sound suddenly came from high altitude.

Hao Ren looked up subconsciously, but did not find anything like lightning, and then he realized that it was "reverberating" in the past.

Then, he heard a heavy footstep from far and near, it seems that a very tall person is heading towards the house, even though he can't see any figures, he still listened to the sound and came to the door. The ground **** the oak gate.

There were several wet handprints on the oak door.

"Herris! Scorpio, what happened to you?!"

There was a slightly familiar female voice sounding out of nowhere, Hao Ren carefully recognized it, only to suddenly realize that this is the undead of the **** god!

"It's breaking through the border," an unusually hoarse voice, "I dream that everything is burning, the dark side of the universe is about to open up and the border is becoming very fragile."

"Herris, your body"

"That piece scratched me, or it controlled my spirit, let me take the initiative to scratch myself." The hoarse voice was very weak. "Get me ready for the ceremony, I can suppress it back."

At this time a steady male voice came in, it seems to be from the corridor: "What is the voice of the village?"

"The Green House's house collapsed and was pressed into a powder by a powerful force."

"That thing has entered our real world?!"

"Part of it, but soon there will be more than one part." Hercules said weakly.

"Haysea, you first take Hercules to the tower, I have to go to the village to see the situation."

"Master Mohaben, but your body"

"Don't worry, I'm just going to check the situation," Mohaben's voice was confident in his voice. "Don't forget, I used to be the most powerful hunter master in the region!"

The reverberations of the past have gradually gone, and the four weeks have returned to the silence.

Hao Ren met with his friends.

"I didn't get it wrong just now?" Lily shook her ear. "I have four channels! Shouldn't there be a hallucination?"

Vivian turned her head and looked at the big house behind her. The expression on her face was very subtle: "Yes, this place is a hunter!"

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