The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1179: Xiao Wei Wei An feeding plan

"All in all, this is the case."

Hao Ren sat on the sofa in the living room and told everyone what happened to her goddess sister. The coffee table in front of him was placed with a rectangular cage made of wire (just turned out from the basement), and the palm was big. The mini Vivian is mad inside and throws everywhere, making all sorts of weird buzzing sounds, and sometimes a magic arrow comes out: the power is basically the same as the fireworks played by children.

"In the future, this little point will have to live at home... well, at least at home."

"Hey, I don't like this!" Rolling on the coffee table and staring at the cage, "You let me eat her!"

"This stuff can't be eaten, bad belly," Hao Ren said with a white eye. At the same time, he saw a cat-like girl's ear with a band-aid on it. It was the place where the blood was broken before the blood was broken. It’s not enough to understand your resentment."

Vivienne looked at the mini version of the cage in a distressed manner. The latter also looked up inductively. However, there was no communication between the body and the body. The evil thoughts immediately gave off a haha. Howling, it looks offensive. "The goddess really can give people a problem, even to raise this kind of creature..." Vivian said with a headache. "Don't say anything, what does she eat?"

Hao Ren suddenly felt a feeling of deja vu, he vaguely remembered the last time the family studied the problem or just hatched the beans...

"I don't know, I don't want to eat chopsticks anyway," he said casually. "But she bites everything."

"Is it true that the evil spirits still use food?" Nangong Sanba touched his chin. "This kind of creature is not in the seal for a thousand or eight hundred years without eating or drinking. Can it still sweep the world?" ?"

Lily immediately expressed her objection: "I must have eaten. You also said that it is a seal state. When you seal it, there is nothing to consume naturally. If you don't eat anything when you come out, it doesn't meet the conservation of energy." ”

"You wait, I will feed her to order the leftovers." Vivienne said as she got up and went to the kitchen. When she came back, she had the leftovers left at noon. She picked up a few of her own. I like to eat and throw it into the iron cage, and then look at the reaction in the cage with the expectation of feeding the hamster. Lily looked around and was really full of disobedience and feelings: "You don't feel strange when you feed a mini version?"

Vivian did not raise her head: "I was surprised enough to know that I was able to split."

A few pieces of food residue fell on the side of the mini cult, and she immediately stunned. However, the smell of the food obviously did not cause the slightest interest. She immediately released the corrosive energy of the large group and turned the food residue into A pile of coke, then a haunting threat to everyone outside the cage.

Lily grinned: "It looks like she doesn't eat."

"Don't let her eat or eat, let me eat," Hao Ren looked at the food in Wei Wei'an's hand and suddenly felt hungry, and quickly took the tray. "I haven't eaten at noon yet, Raven 145 I spent two hours with me, so I didn’t even drink it..."

"This machine thinks that your thinking is not right," the data terminal that has never been humming at this time suddenly floated over and interjected. "This is also an evil spirit. How can the evil spirits eat normal meals and remember the essence of evil spirits?" It is the source of corruption and deterioration, so she must add blood, you should give her blood, um, it is estimated that fresh meat will do."

Everyone looked at each other, and Izak went up to the sky above the iron cage. A pale green demon rune flashed through the air. The old demon showed a thoughtful look: "Well, it really does. Inducing the negative tendency to hunger for flesh and blood, although it is very weak, but this evil spirit is indeed in a very hungry state, she wants fresh flesh and blood to be satisfied."

The old devil is even more awkward. Lily feels that the goose bumps on her neck are coming out: "I am going! I said that this kind of evil guy can't raise it. Her feed requirements are too high."

Hao Ren took a brain and collapsed on Lily's head: "High fart. Vivian, the family should still have some dumpling stuffing, just give this small piece of meat and try to pick two pieces of raw meat."

Lily stunned and suddenly reacted to this tm seems to be ok, so I took advantage of Izak: "Can you talk to a big man, don't be so sacred, what fresh flesh and blood can satisfy, I thought she was going to eat. people!"

Yazars scratched the big bald head innocently, and said that he was a demon king. It is normal to speak like this. It is not allowed to have an occupational disease.

It turns out that the cult is really edible, and her recipes include raw meat.

The **** raw meat **** that Wei Wei'an had found was quickly eaten by the younger ones. The firewood evil spirits, which are all weak in all aspects, only show a little bit of power when tearing the raw meat. .

After a small meal, he sat full and sat around in the cage for two laps, and then began to more spiritually toss. Of course, she still can't open this cage.

At this time, Lily suddenly raised a constructive question: "Hey, you said she didn't need to go to the bathroom?"

Hao Ren is sweating coldly: "Your observation angle is as sharp as ever..."

"Let's watch for a few days, I am responsible for taking care of it," Vivian sighed, and accepted the situation of living under a roof with his negative strength. "I hope she will not be as annoying as Heather Anna." ""

After some inconspicuous research and observation, everyone still left their own busy things. The Nangong couple only went home the night, and they were shocked when they learned that a sinister body suddenly appeared. He soon showed a strong interest in research, but eventually found that it was just an irrational creature with no communication possibilities, and they did not continue to pay attention to it.

Only "rolling" in the family shows strong and lasting interest in the evil spirits. However, this interest is not because the stupid cat likes to be small, but she insists that the mini evil spirit is the mouse she has caught, she waits. Open the meal...

The night was low, and everything was quiet. The rest of the family had already gone to sleep. Hao Ren was disturbed by a strange dream. He opened his eyes and saw a clear moonlight slanting into the house. The sound of the peas flipping in the sleep was heard from the basin on the table. It took less than twelve o'clock to see the time. However, he was sleepy.

There was a movement in the living room.

Hao Ren casually put on a piece of clothes and pushed the door out. It was obvious that Vivienne was sitting on the sofa. In the corner where the clear moonlight could not be seen, the pale-skinned vampire girl meditated in the darkness. It is like a gothic oil painting. On the coffee table in front of her, the iron cage was placed.

The little evil spirit in the cage seems to have no concept of going to sleep in the dark. She just tossed it as always. She jumped up and down for a while and threw magic arrows everywhere. Occasionally, it was the strangeness of the unique hahaha. . If her size is really small, the movements that are tossed out are quite limited. This is simply an annoying source of disturbing people.

"You haven't slept yet?" Vivienne woke up from her meditation and showed a smile when she looked at Hao Ren. "It won't be awake by her."

"As for her movements, I still can't wake me up. I can't hear anything about the door." Hao Ren waved his hand. "I have a dream, oh, it's not a big deal, it's just a tossing can't sleep. Say you too Don't sleep?"

Vivian smiled: "I have always felt less, and probably because I just split it... now I don't need to sleep at all."

Hao Ren nodded, and his attention was still attracted by the mini Vivian, who was constantly screaming in the cage: "Isn't it quiet when I say this little?"

“It’s quite violent, tossing it to the present,” Vivian shook her head. “But it’s occasionally quiet for a few minutes.”


"She sometimes stares at the rat hole in the corner and can be quiet for a while," Vivian shrugged. "It seems that she really made the mouse hole a home, and we were angry that we would not let her go home."

"Can she have such a complicated thinking activity?" Hao Ren licked his mouth, but the corner of his eye saw a pair of shiny eyes suddenly flashing under the coffee table. "Roll, give you a command to die, this little creature." Never allow you to eat!"

There was a slight rubbing sound from under the coffee table, followed by a resentful chanting: "If you have something like this, keep the cat from eating fish, and don't let the mouse eat! Twins are hopeless!"

Hao Ren and Vivian listened to the complaints of the cat girl's resentment, could not help but look at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Still sleep," Vivian stood up and stretched out, and picked up the cage and walked to the basement. "I took her to the bottom and saved the noise. I can sleep without fear."

"That good night," said Hao Ren, but when Vivienne was about to walk to the door, he stopped the other person. "Yes, your soul..."

Vivian turned back and smiled: "I know that there seems to be something in my soul, but I don't worry, because you can definitely get it."

"Yes, I can fix it." Although there was no reason, Hao Ren said with a confident expression and smiled, and when he saw the cage in Vivian's hand, he said more, "Right, There is still something."

Vivian stopped curiously: "Well?"

"She was staring at the mouse hole," Hao Ren pointed to the little evil spirit in the cage. "Can you set a binding spell or track mark on her?"

Vivienne nodded: "Of course, no problem, she is weak and pitiful, and she can hardly resist any spells."

"Don't keep her in the cage, give her a few spells. She loves to stay in the mouse hole and let her stay inside. Maybe it can be quiet." (~^~)

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