The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1176: The reason why the cult is turned into a chicken

The hand-wrenched genius that was locked in the lunch box was still tossing hard. It was probably jumping up and down the squat. Anyway, the lunch box was very loud on the coffee table. The peas next to it looked at it and suddenly came and ran. I used to pick it up with the lunch box.

Probably she thought it was her new toy after the data terminal.

And "rolling" is wide-eyed and staring at the side of the coffee table: she still insists that she has just caught a mouse, and that the mouse in the lunch box is her own spoils, so this time the eyes are not blind to prevent the spoils from running away.

Others have no time to fish and cats, they are discussing the problem of Vivian's sudden split.

According to the birth time of the ecstasy judged by the data terminal, the most likely explanation now is that Vivian has just undergone a split. However, this split is completely different from what Hao Ren has been investigating, not to mention the one that ran out. Only the size of the palm, rolling and peas can not beat the chicken, Wei Wei'an himself, she seems to be unaffected.

"Are you sure this is Vivienne's recent split?" Hao Ren was a bit skeptical. He looked at the enamel lunch box swaying on the coffee table and reached out to poke the data terminal. "Wei Wei'an has been with us for the past two days." One piece."

The data terminal swayed: "It can correspond to the time, it can only be explained."

Wei Wei'an brow wrinkles, autologous division is a hidden worry in her heart for a long time. She has been worried about how she can suddenly control her strength and release a new evil spirit. But today this happened really, but she fell into a huge circle: "I don't feel that there are no abnormalities in these two days. According to the past rules, when I split, I should not fall into a century or so of sleep, and Will it be in a state of arrogance before the split? And there will be serious loss of memory and loss of power after the split."

Hao Ren hasn't had time to analyze it yet. Lily, who has a good idea, has already picked it up: "This is a good explanation. You usually get a big glimpse. The amount you split this time seems to be not as big as one big. aunt"

Vivian said nothing but an ice scorpion on the face of Husky: "Don't talk, no one takes you as a dumb!"

Hao Ren looked at the scene with a cold sweat, and hardly swallowed the phrase "I think it makes sense" in the eyes of the blind man.

At this time, Nangong Sanba suddenly remembered something and looked up at the corner: "Yes, where is the mouse hole?"

"I really don't know about this," Hao Ren scratched his head. "This house has more than 20 years of history. You will check it in May."

In May, Nangong summoned a stream of water to explore the mouse hole. After a moment, her face showed a surprised look: "Oh, this hole looks like the basement of the passage, just where Vivienne usually sleeps."

"That seems to be that Vivienne split when she slept," Hao Ren looked at the vampire girl beside him. "I don't know why, this time I split up such a thing."

When everyone was talking about it, the sound of opening the door came from the entrance direction, followed by the scream of Elizabeth’s vitality and flew into the house: "Uncle Ren uncle! I am coming back, we eat at noon. What are you doing? What are you doing?"

This is the time when Izak went out to collect the scraps. Elizabeth first came in and saw a large group of people sitting around the coffee table with a serious look. The little girl was shocked on the spot and followed. Behind her is the Izax like the Iron Tower. The old devil saw the unexpected appearance in the house, but soon he put his eyes on the lunch box in the center of the coffee table.

He didn't feel the breath in the thing, but he didn't see the lunch box so fast.

"Wei Wei'an split," Hao Renyan said concisely. "The split body is in this lunch box."

The old devil looked awkward: "Hey?"

Ten minutes later, the ins and outs of this strange event were explained. Izaks also participated in the discussion. Elizabeth was curiously holding a lunch box: "Can you show me?"

Hao Ren and Vivian looked at each other and nodded. "Be careful, prevent her from running, although the little things can't run fast."

Elizabeth snorted, carefully removing the scotch tape wrapped around the lunch box, and then holding the screwdriver in one hand, she didn't know that she was going to take out the screwdriver, and slowly opened the lid of the lunch box.

Almost at the moment the lid opened, a small black figure slammed out from it and slammed it on the coffee table.

The small palm of the palm of the hand, Vivian, rolled on the table, then climbed up and down with her hands and feet, began to make a "hello" threat, and immediately saw Elizabeth, who was holding the screwdriver and nearest to her. She immediately swooped over and raised her hand to pull out a black-red poisonous blood arrow without hesitation.

The arrow of poisonous blood hits Elizabeth's small corners. It looks like this dish is not like a chicken. I don’t even say that the little devil doesn’t even feel it. She was only slightly shocked. I used the screwdriver to hold down the mini Vivian, who was rushing over myself, and began to study curiously.

Izak touched his chin and looked at the scene with great interest: "The strength and breath are really similar to the evil spirits we have dealt with before, but it is not generally weak. Right, Vivienne, you. Did you feel the loss of power or memory problems after this split?"

Vivian has been asked this question several times. This time she tried to think for a long time, and finally finally nodded in a certain uncertainty: "If you want to say it, it seems to have a little bit of weakness when you get up this morning, but basic It’s the same as the state of not sleeping. I don’t know about the loss of memory.”

"Oh, bat, you said that I will cook the pork ribs at noon today!" Lily suddenly cried. "It’s 11:30 now! Are you still stewing?"

"When did I say that I would give you a stewed pork rib?" Vivienne looked inexplicably.

Lily nodded her chin and her face was full of reflections: "Well, it seems that this is the memory of the bat lost."

Hao Ren and Wei Wei An said in unison: "Roll! Don't add chaos!"

"I didn't add any trouble! When did you return the mouse I caught?"

"There is nothing wrong with you."

"Wait a minute, I have an idea," just as everyone’s discussion about Vivian’s splitting became more and more ridiculous, Nangong’s 38th suddenly thought of something. “Is it true that the amulet given by the goddess weakened this time? The impact of the split?"

"Amulet?" Hao Rengang began to squat, because he had forgotten this, but Vivian was obviously very fond of every amulet on her body, she immediately felt a silvery feather from the close-fitting place. Pendant pendant.

This is what the Raven 145 gave her, to relieve her usual symptoms of lethargy and amnesia.

At this moment, the amulet is emitting a faint white light and releasing a warmth. Vivienne immediately judged that the thing was recently launched according to the condition of the talisman.

"I am afraid this is the reason." After thinking of the origin of this amulet, Hao Ren instantly felt that the idea was smooth, and the reason for the strange situation was solved:

Vivian did have a split last night. She slept, lost a little bit of power, and perhaps lost a little bit of memory. Maybe Lily’s ribs are real and created a violent tendency. The evil spirits are separated, but this time her splitting process was completely harmless by the blessings from the goddess!

However, after thinking about these things, he felt a cold sweat after fear: What if Vivian did not wear an amulet?

I am afraid that the fun is huge! !

Everyone thought of this possibility, Vivienne’s face was not good enough: “I thought that I would sleep for at least a century or two after I fell asleep for the next time. Fortunately, this time I have a talisman, otherwise I wake up. Come"

The more she wants to be more and more afraid, she can't help but look around, this big family, this place that has never existed before, she is almost a bit lost today.

Hao Ren noticed Vivian's shaking, and he reached out and held the other hand's cold hand: "Don't be afraid, don't you worry about it. Isn't that all the anecdote? We were the most worried about the sleeping problem, and it passed without any danger. At least you can be safe for centuries."

Vivian sighed with a smile: "Also, I am a little nervous."

After comforting, Hao Ren stood up and said: "All in all, although the evil spirits that emerged this time are not threatened, this matter still has to say to the Raven 145. Elizabeth, don't play, I will take this little thing to see. Goddess. Lily, continue to borrow your lunch box." Unfinished

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