The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1145: Return to dawn

The barrier is still the barrier. The Twilight capital is still the twilight capital. The steampunk is still the steampunk. The Twilight Guard is also the group of Twilight Guards. Of course, this group of people has changed a little bit when they first met. There was a bandage around the head of the brain. In some cases, the bandages that had been severely severed had been entangled in the brain. It was quite a sigh of returning from the dead. Anyway, Hao Ren saw that these people were so desperate. Everyone was hurt like this. It’s better to go back and lie down. At this time, standing on the boulevard is welcome to add to the Galal Zall...

Of course, even if these people are really rushing to add to Galajol, it is not a big deal. After the Tang Long, it is a reviewer with thousands of years of experience. What is the concept of thousands of years of seniority? Basically, the old fritters can no longer be described. At least the level of oil residue, Taishan collapses in front of the eyes and does not change color, and the nerves are as strong as the necrosis of the distal ends. Hey, hundreds of scars are hanged with enthusiasm and the resentful Twilight Guard is on the side of the avenue. Gallard and Anthony are as close to the army as they are, and they are just a fat man. In front of the past, while walking, I praised it: "The young man just played well. All of you are brave people, the old man is very admired. The soldiers are working hard! This little brother, the old man looks at your bones, the eyebrows are amazing, there are Not interested in learning the mystery with the old man?"

This is basically the case.

Odin has been waking up from the chaotic sleep of hundreds of years. The great "Ancient St." has regained control of the entire city in a very short time. The Twilight Guard has now returned to the Iron Throne. When Hao Ren and Odin simply talked, everyone returned to the city from the main entrance of Twilight, and the Steam Council was enthusiastic about whether it was voluntary or how to welcome it. The city guards were in the past. The light-seekers set foot on the steel avenue of the journey to meet the foreign heroes returning from Nibelungen. The steam chariots and armored soldiers were discharged on both sides of the avenue, while the residents living in the outer edge area trembled from nearby buildings. Things peeped out and looked at what happened on the avenue: for these numb miners, life has always been lacking, and the unheard of clues in front of them made them a little helpless.

Looking at Gallard and Anthony, they greeted the roadside guards with great sorrow. Hao Ren, who had just been in office for a few years, was a little embarrassed. He smashed the sleeves of Xiaolong from behind: "That said this sister, hey, the opposite of this, just the brains of the friendship, this time the chat is so familiar?"

"What's the problem," Gallas Chelsea indifferently tossed, "I am sincerely praise their guys though somewhat indiscriminate white, but the man came to tell the truth, my life, large and small battle to fight More, you can rarely encounter a situation in which the dragons swoop down and there are people who dare to carry their heads and squat on the street. Hey, this is a bunch of good soldiers."

Listening to the feelings of the dragon after the dragon, Hao Ren’s mouth did not say anything. He said that the thought of the female dragon king is really different from that of ordinary people, but look at the one who is catching who is pulling and who is going to collect people. The old god, he suddenly felt that Gallardol was already grounded...

The two sides of the road were rushed out to meet the spiders of the Steam Six Branch. These huge and daunting black iron machines gathered their mechanical legs, like small fortresses, crouching on both sides of the steel boulevard. Many pairs of compound eyes on the head flashed red, watching Vierent and his entourage passing by them in a vigilant manner. For these special elite troops, even if the orders from the steam council are not absolute, these scientific madmen who only regard urban security as the sole mission still maintain a considerable degree of vigilance against these "invaders".

However, one of the spider robots suddenly stunned when he saw a little guy in the Hao Ren team, and then unconsciously moved back half a step. The huge movement generated by the huge robot immediately caused Hao Ren to pay attention. He glanced up and found that a robotic leg of the robot was obviously new and not far behind him. The little devil Elizabeth was walking next to Izak with a smirk, and the little girl was still in her arms. There is a complicated mechanical ball, which is what kind of stabilizer that was removed from the belly of the spider robot. As for the mechanical leg that the little girl used as a baby, it has been received under Haoren’s soft and hard foam. In the portable space...

When Nangong saw this situation in May, he couldn’t help but raise his hand and sighed softly: "Hey, how do you suddenly feel that we are guilty?"

"Heavily a hair," Nangong Sanba holding his arm. "We are here to help, they are taking the initiative."

This unfortunately half-barreled water hunting demon is the only injury in the previous battle. When he put the 16th group of po color, he was caught by his sister's tail and smashed to the next column. At this moment, he was full of resentment.

At the end of the queue, Hao Ren saw a small group of people, many of whom wore uniforms from the Steam Council, which seemed to be the legendary high-level parliament, and in addition to some wearing black robes, Wearing a crown of thorns, there is no doubt that they are the spokesperson of the ancient St. Odin: caregivers.

From the composition of this small group of people, it can be seen that the transfer of power in the city has been completed, but the transfer of power completed in such a short period of time, how many internal operations and thunder means, foreigners are not known.

Lily stretched out her head and found a circle in the group of steam council members. Unfortunately, she turned to Wendell: "Father, your bad son is not here."

Wendell smiled helplessly: "Hop he... is just an ordinary sheriff captain in the steam council, not eligible to appear here. And I guess he doesn't want to see me at this time."

"Oh, I know, the world view has collapsed." Lily looked at her face very well. "I just crashed when I first knew that I was a huskies. I didn't sleep for a whole half of the night. I thought about it." I forgot about it..."

Wendell: "...?"

"An Jielika," Hao Ren came to the small group of people and finally found an acquaintance inside. "I didn't expect the ancient holy to get things done so quickly. I thought I had to spend a lot of time with the steam council people." ""

Angelica showed a gentle smile, but the answer seemed to be somewhat unanswered: "The ancient holy is the foundation of the entire city."

Lily couldn't help but sniff her nose as she approached the female caregiver. She saw a few weird caregivers behind Angelika, who had black steel masks on their faces. The black robe on the body is thicker, and the crown on the head is not a thorn, but a circle of decoration like a spear. In these masculine caregivers, Lily smelled a trace of **** anger, which made her think.

Hao Ren also noticed this. He looked at several steam council members around Angelica, but unfortunately he did not know what the former members of the parliament looked like. If he knew, he would find that one third was high. The Member of Parliament did not appear in this place.

But even if he doesn't understand the inside story, Hao Ren can guess something.

Humanity, that's it. After hundreds of years of ancient sacred silence, the members of the Steam Council have forgotten who the real ruler of the city is. For a short-lived human being, it will not be opened a few hundred years ago. The King is already equivalent to ancient legends. If the twilight barrier on the top of the head is still shining, I am afraid that some people will even fundamentally deny the existence of the ancient saint. This tendency is not only in the private sector, but also in the steam council.

And the people in the steam council who have this tendency are more stubborn: they have more power on hand, which makes them even more reluctant to have an ancient sacred suddenly wake up to order themselves.

Human beings are so fickle.

But no matter what, the wise man still occupies the majority, and the same is true inside the steam council. The city is completely back to the control of the ancient holy and its caregivers before Hao Ren and his team returned from Nibelungen. The follow-up work of Ren has paved the way.

At this time, a group of white light "嗖" suddenly came out from behind Hao Ren, white light circled around the crowd, then curiously strolled around, while strolling to the side: "This place... look at it from another angle Different."

The members of the Steam Council saw a sudden emergence of an "unknown organism" and suddenly became nervous. To be honest, they have not yet slowed down from the big event of "Ancient St. Awakening, Reconciliation, and Order Reorganization". God came here. At this time, I saw that I was forced to take the lead. Hao Ren quickly said: "Don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous. This is the world tree soul white, don’t sway, this place is full of steam engines, off I can't find you in the steam."

Nangong sighed in May: "The soul of the world tree has become so white..."

The Speaker of the Steam Council is a calm and serious middle-aged woman named Lavinia. Hao Ren told the other party that there is only one sentence:

"The weather will be fine in twenty-four hours. After the clearing, you have to prepare. The city will soon be unable to live." (To be continued.)

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