The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1138: Deep connection

After the two self-regulating machines were busy, the "heart of darkness" and most of its nerve fiber bundles were finally completely stripped from the nucleus of the brain, and the nerve base was removed and remained connected to some key tissues in the nucleus. In addition, it can be said that most of the structure of this weird organization is presented to everyone. As for the nerve base part, before analyzing the nature and working mechanism of the "heart of darkness", it is very risky to detach it, so Hao Ren decided to maintain it for the time being.

Galajo and Hao Ren stood in front of the dark heart, and she held her arms in her arms: "What do you think?"

"It looks like a brain nucleus that pollutes the disease, but it is connected to the normal brain nucleus... This is probably not just a simple lesion. You see the shape of these nerve fiber bundles, and the surrounding tentacles, giving It feels like this thing is competing for the dominance of Yugudola Hill."

A self-disciplined machine floated from the side, piercing its variable needle into the epidermis of the "Dark Heart", and piercing another needle into the normal brain nucleus. After reading some of the surface nerve impulses, Hao Ren’s guess was confirmed.

The brain nucleus of this lesion is indeed eroding the power of the healthy brain nucleus, and it is not just nerve suppression: it is releasing a pollutant similar to the source blood, constantly killing the organization of the healthy brain nucleus, and the offensive and defensive war between the two sides must have It has been going on for many years.

"Unheard of the phenomenon," the data terminal couldn't help but sigh. "The eldest son has never been sick. At least the eldest sons discovered so far have no lesions. Even if those who become mad have become devastating, they are only mentally ill, physiological. There is no change in structure. This physical lesion that can be observed by the naked eye makes the machine very confused."

“Can you check the cause of the disease?” Hao Ren glanced at the terminal.

"I am trying to analyze, but this machine is pessimistic," the data terminal swayed. "You know, the life form of the eldest son is too strange. It itself contains a huge number of ecological evolution templates, and its 'cell' can be said. No matter what type of variation is normal, it is difficult to determine its root cause and evolution..."

The terminal said, suddenly the tone turned: "Of course, there is no conclusion."

Everyone immediately focused their attention on the line: "啥 conclusion?"

"The heart of darkness is probably the original brain nucleus," the data terminal speaks astoundingly. "But this looks healthy... it is a younger organ. That is... trying to capture the control of Yugudola Hill The right is not the heart of darkness, but the health."

When Hao Ren Deng, his eyes were rounded.

"Analysing the 'age' of a biological organization is a very simple technique, so you don't have to doubt the conclusion of the machine." The data terminal knew that the information was a bit irritating, so it immediately emphasized its reliability. "There is a speculation now. ......"

Everyone continues to speak in unison: "Oh guess?"

"Let's not ask if the eldest son will be 'ill', just assume that it also has a chance of disease, then it must have some kind of 'self-healing' function. If one of its brain nucleus is damaged, and its body is still unable to Clear the brain nucleus of this lesion, then how should it heal itself?"

Vivian understands the meaning of the terminal: "You mean... it created another brain core to attack the diseased organs?"

"This is a war," the terminal floated up and down. "The immune system's immune system is bigger."

Hao Ren breathed a sigh of relief: "In any case, we need a treatment plan. It is clear that this diseased brain nucleus is the cause of the corruption of Yugudolahil, then it must be solved. Excision? Drug killing? Physiotherapy chemotherapy? Do you think that the trick is to work?"

Galajol’s arm was once again covered with scales, and she cautiously poked the nerve fiber bundle between the dark heart and the healthy brain nucleus, and the brow frowned: “To be honest, I think any treatment plan is too risky. Big: This thing is completely integrated with the healthy organization. I can feel that it is not only meat. In fact, there is also a confrontation in the spiritual field. I am worried that any form of stimulation will lead to the damage of healthy tissue. There are also limitations, and the situation in front of us is too complicated."

Hao Ren touched his chin and put forward an idea: "You said, let's ask the patient directly?"

Galajol was awkward, but other people knew it instantly. Vivienne jumped up at the time: "Wait, this time it’s too dangerous. This dark thing is a fusion of healthy brain core. Your spiritual connection can mean who you will be picked up!"

The data terminal also called out to Hao Ren’s nose: “This machine estimates that you must be insured, then the locals try to persuade you, and then you come up with a bunch of alternatives that sound less dangerous. So, we will be suspicious of your ignorance, and then you will say that you have additional security measures and it sounds like this. In the end, we will not be able to find you in the north and support you to say if you are This routine?"

Hao Ren was suddenly smashed by the pda-like peas: "I haven't spoken yet..."

“What the **** is going on?” Galazhol curiously glanced at the strange guys in front of him. “What special means do you have for Hao Ren?”

"He has an inexplicable 'spiritual direct talent' talent," Vivienne said to Hao Rennuu. "Of course, unlike the usual spiritual dialogue, he is able to connect his spirit directly to the special aspects of the dream plane." On the body of life, the current rule is that the guardians of the goddess of creation can connect with him. But this connection has no guarantee. Basically, he relies on the side to protect the law every time. If he is not correct, he will be beaten immediately. To ensure safety. To be honest, I feel that this method will be used sooner or later to get the problem."

"This is an interesting phenomenon," after the dragon heard the words of Vivian, he suddenly showed an expression of interest. "The ability to connect with a specific creature and tell the truth is not very rare. There are countless worlds and countless races. No one can say that he suddenly connected to a race with a ii, but he can connect with a demigod... This ability is not natural."

Hao Ren reluctantly spread his hand: "I also know that my abilities are a little weird. My family has said that these abilities are mostly related to the dream plane, but it is not clear to contact her."

"Well, maybe our goddess is thinking about it," Galazhor said a seemingly deeper word, and then she took the topic. "We still turn the focus back, about this dark heart, with it. Establishing a connection is quite dangerous, but there is something I should be able to help."

Hao Ren was suddenly curious: "What?"

Gara Zall took out from the space and took out a small stone with a slight golden glow. The stone was grotesque, the texture was like a clear amber, and inside it was sealed with a ray of light. Looking at the light of the group, he suddenly felt that his whole heart was sucked in by it all at once, as if a drop of water fell into a vast and vast ocean, and it would be swallowed up by its assimilation at any time.

But this illusionary feeling is fleeting, and he feels a warming force that permeates his spiritual world and instantly calms himself.

Obviously, this is a powerful artifact, and it is very likely to be spiritual. The veteran reviewers who have been working for thousands of years really have some insights.

"Is this a good thing?" Lily blinked at the moment she saw the stone. This hobby, Wang Xiaozi, who collected all kinds of small stones, saw the strange stone and saw the bones like walking. Of course she saw the bricks. It was also a reaction, and this small stone that glowed was of course arousing her great interest.

"Occasionally, the baby, the spiriter of the spirits, the spirit of the spirit, do you know? The goddess of the gods and the mind, the goddess of the gods, the goddess of the gods and the mind, Sandra, Kelwe, Urasis, three thousand years. In the battle of the 'Spiral Rift Valley' in the seventh quadrant of the Nether, the planet's most powerful psychic attack ship, the 'Chengfeng' planet, was damaged. The crust of the Arctic part of the fortress was torn, and the fragments of the star ship that had been split were formed. This kind of material is called the 'spirit of the spirit of the soul of the soul.' Because 'Crystal Peak' has been in contact with Shandora all the year round, it is deified as a whole, and the soul of the spiriter has a very powerful spiritual power. For members of the Spiritual System, wearing it can effectively enhance their mental resistance. I think this thing should come in handy at this time."

Hao Ren suddenly took the stone in a rare and serious way. However, he did not know what the background of Galajol meant. Because he is now in the "Census Theology Foundation" (also known as individual places). The progress of the study of "The Pope's Accelerated Book" or "The Coronation of the Thousand Days" has stopped at the cover. He has already recited the names of several scorpions from the other handbooks from other manuals, but I have been arrested for the history... I don’t want to say anything else, he knows that the "Spiral Rift" campaign is a slap!

But this does not prevent him from feeling the powerful power from the soul of the spiriter.

After obtaining the artifact bonus, Hao Ren’s thoughts can finally be put into practice, and this time, everyone does not raise objections.

So he carefully put the soul stone on his body, and then carefully placed his hand on the surface of the healthy brain.

In the next moment, his consciousness sank into the darkness, and a full-fledged voice came from the opposite side of the sea of ​​spirit:

"Sun thief! There is a kind of fight here today! Today is not my death, I am dead!" (To be continued.)

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