The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1132: Alternatives to alternatives

Odin is now weak to the point of sudden death, not only because he was hit hard in the dusk of the gods, but more importantly, he was sitting on the iron throne after he was seriously injured, but he did not take a rest injury for a full twenty-three centuries. Instead, it is constantly being extracted by the starship shield. ≯

The spaceship shield itself relies on the shipboard reactor to power it, but since the spacecraft control system is offline, Odin can't take control, so he needs to input an extra energy for the shield to control the entire defense system. And this extra energy is now almost taking his life.

Even Odin himself had never thought about it. He would one day sit on such a throne and pay almost the price of his life in order to shelter those "rough, weak, ignorant indigenous creatures."

"Maintaining the shield is a very difficult task," Odin's voice echoed around, his body still sealed in the crystal, and under the illumination of the energy, his whole body seemed to be shrouded in a shimmer. "But I feel that I should do something that humans have enshrined in the 'God' for thousands of years, even until the gods are still loyal after dusk, but the gods they offer are actually no more noble than them... A sense of responsibility makes me sit here And several times resisted the idea of ​​giving up."

"I have seen real gods," Vivian said directly to his own thoughts. "The gods who can truly manage the whole world are never gods. There are too many differences. But to be honest, here is dying. At the time, you have finally done something that God should do."

"The purpose of our visit here is for this ship..." Hao Ren looked at the huge shadow under the Iron Throne. "But it seems that it is necessary to complete the resettlement work for the Twilight Capital. Uh... we need to have an internal meeting."

There are already a few vague ideas in Hao Ren’s mind, but these ideas are far from being mature plans. He felt that he should greet his two predecessors. Galadall and Anthony had been working for the magistrate for thousands of years, and they might have better suggestions.

Just then, a burst of vocals suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Your friends have arrived," Odin said.

After a while, the main entrance of the hall was pushed away from the outside. The caregiver Angelica and the light-seeker Wendell came in, and behind them came a large group of people, Izax’s big bald head in the crowd. Especially bright. As soon as Li Li entered the door, she rushed to Hao Ren’s side and made a circle: “The landlord’s landlord’s house...”

Hao Renshun took out his roots from his pocket and stuffed it into the mouth of the Huskies girl: "This is awkward, how to be excited and eat the wrong medicine..."

"The fight was more embarrassing and the spirit was more exciting," Izak said with a smile in his arms. "There is nothing wrong with it. It is said that there is a messenger who went to the steam council. I don't know if they are busy inside." Anyway, no one is in charge anyway, Gallard Zall takes us down."

At this time, Lily had been around Hao Ren for almost thirty laps. She finally quieted down. She curiously looked at the huge hollow under the transparent ground while holding her bones: "Is this awkward?"

Galajour came to the Iron Throne: "This is the ancient holy capital of Twilight?"

Hao Ren smiled and said: "I will explain it to you..."

It didn't take long for the brief introduction to be made. Soon everyone understood the secrets of this twilight capital. They could not help but be amazed at the truth of the twilight barrier. They were also deeply feuded by the "Ancient St." Odin. Deep shock. Gardall and Anthony checked around the Iron Throne, and then Anthony began to lay a simple magical array next to the throne. His movements were dazzling, and in the blink of an eye, a flashing array of light emerged in the air, while dozens of optical flows were connected to the pipes and cables around the throne.

Odin looked at it slyly. In fact, he didn't have any expression changes, but he said that he looked at Anthony's move more. He knew that this stranger should be asked by Vivienne, but he didn't. Know what Anthony is doing: "What is this?"

"Give you a virtual machine," the old mage said as he patted the dust. "Do you feel better now?"

Odin realized that the magic arrays that had never been seen miraculously deflected the connection between the Iron Throne and the Twilight Barrier, and the soulless exhaustion and thorns that have never disappeared in the past twenty-three centuries. The pain is weakened unconsciously. This torture lasted for so long that Odin had fully adapted to their existence, and when they suddenly disappeared, Odin's devastated nerves did not even respond at all.

"What have you done..." The former king of the Nordic gods was surprised at this time as an ordinary person who saw magic for the first time. "The energy of the twilight barrier is terrible. How can you use such a simple set of symbols? Wen... Even the runes that are not in the entity give it its energy..."

"This energy is really terrible, but the buff that our boss gave to the person after drinking high is much more terrible than this." Anthony proudly licked his beard. "When the energy is deflected, your body and soul will not continue to deteriorate." But only to maintain the status quo, we will use special medical equipment to restore your health. But now... you can leave this throne."

Odin: "..."

Anthony licked his beard again: "I say you can leave this throne."

Odin: "...I think..."

"Please don't worry," Anthony had a steady and reliable smile on his face. Although there were a lot of quirks, this old wizard still showed his anger as a "great sage" to ensure that after you left. The light barrier is still stable, what else do you want to say? ”

Odin was silent for a few seconds and finally said: "Come and bring me down."

Everyone: "..."

Hao Ren was slap on the face at the time: "I said how I always feel that something is wrong..."

Galajour took a closer look at Odin's situation and waved his hand to Anthony: "Then we shouldn't rush to get him out of it. I now have his body and these pipes and even this chair. When you get together, you cut off the connection between him and the light barrier. The rest of the things will be said after the professional equipment is in place."

"That grievances you stayed on this for a little longer," Hao Ren nodded to Odin and then turned to others. "Then let's discuss it: how to deal with the problem of the Twilight capital. Now the barrier over the city. It is powered by the following spacecraft. For the sake of safety, I suggest that the safety of the Twilight Capital be solved first."

"Two programs," Gallardol did not think about it. "The first one is to evacuate everyone in the Twilight Capital. At present, the position of Yugudola Hill is in the Chalk civilization circle. Anthony should be able to organize enough Capacity has transferred these millions of people, but in this case, the city is equal to being abandoned. To be honest, this is a valuable 'unnatural exhibition of civilized specimens', so it is a pity that the magic storm can be destroyed. In the two schemes, we built another layer of shield outside the twilight barrier, and then began to explore the ancient starship, so that even if something went wrong during the exploration process, the twilight barrier would not be a big problem, but This program also has its drawbacks: it takes a lot of effort to build a city-scale shield."

Hao Ren waved his hand: "And there is a more important question: Yugudola Hill. We must choose the most stimulating solution for Yugudola Hill, otherwise this ancient creature may awaken at any time, the eldest son, Once you wake up, you dare to do anything."

Anthony spread his hand: "Whether it is a million-scale population transfer or another light barrier, I think there will be some excitement for Yugudola Hill. The key now is that we don't know this 'eldest son'. What is the mental stability? There is no clear quantitative indicator. Who knows how much stimulation is a safe stimulus?"

Hao Ren’s three reviewers started a professional discussion, and each of them took out the data terminal to calculate the difficulty and time required for the various programs. As they discussed, Odin suddenly spoke up: You mentioned... Yugudo Lahir?"

"Yes, the world tree," Hao Ren did not raise his head. "In fact, your name is wrong. His scientific name should be 'eld son' or 'the eldest son of God'. This is a very powerful ancient. Creature, he is currently sleeping, but we have sufficient evidence that his mental state is very unstable."

Odin thought for a moment: "I have a suggestion, do you want to listen?" (To be continued.) 8

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