The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1128: Downtown area

The bottom of the elevator shaft is not a regular sealed space. In fact, as the height of the shaft decreases, the surrounding well wall gradually shows a tendency to expand to the surrounding area. The boulders, steel and pipes that make up the well wall are gradually integrated into the buildings in the lower city. In the group, this is a transitional structure that has gradually evolved over thousands of years. The feeling for Hao Ren is that he has come to a block unconsciously as the height has dropped.

Downtown area.

At the deepest point of the Twilight Capital, the foundation of the Doomsday Refuge is where the first impression of Hao Ren is dim, followed by old mess.

There are still many things that were preserved two thousand years ago. Huge stone buildings and cast iron columns with runes are everywhere. Two thousand years ago, humans did not have the ability to build such a magnificent megalithic city, so the original of Midgard The city-states were all built with the help of the Nordic gods (the later generations have seen various miraculous legends), and it is for this reason that these ancient buildings can take on the responsibility of the foundation of the Twilight capital.

The vicissitudes of the old buildings are lined up next to each other. The lower part of the city is like a huge and complicated maze. There is no way to cast your eyes in any direction. You can see only the layers. Buildings and platform structures of different ages. The whole city is heavily pressed over the top of the head, so that the biggest feeling you have in walking around these buildings is that the suppression is followed by fear of the sudden collapse of the entire city.

Hao Ren looked up and saw that the capital of Twilight was like a bloated nest. The criss-crossed urban structure was entangled in his head and extended to the endless darkness. He could see between the urban structures. There are no rules of light, but these lights can't dispel even the slightest sense of darkness. He tried his best to distinguish it, and finally saw a line of white at the end of the dark abyss. He guessed that it might be a little "light" from the upper city, but soon he found himself wrong: it was just a cloud Because the city is so stacked, there is a thick cloud layer between the buildings.

If you are a native of Twilight, you will know that there is a condensing pipe area of ​​a large boiler, and another "nation" that degenerates in a harsh environment lives there. They are called "Barnier". The platform they live in has been raining for many years, and the rainwater falling from the cloud layer of the condenser tube contains some kind of slightly toxic substances, so that the skin of the residents on the platform will emit slight fluorescence.

"This place is more than imaginary..." Looking at the situation in front of him, Vivienne couldn't help but swear.

“This is the city two thousand years ago,” Wendell shook his head. “The more you go down, the older and older you are, but the power of the ancient holy blessings, these things are still solid and durable even if they are old, at least so far... The city will not collapse due to heavy pressure."

Hao Ren carefully observed the surrounding situation. He thought that there would be a certain degree of urban defense force here, but he found that there was only a quiet scene: the battle that occurred on the upper platform seemed to be another world here. Things. He thinks this is a bit abnormal.

No matter how badly the old city is, it is also the residence of the ancient saints. Even if Lily is so loud and noisy, it will not be attracted to all the city guards. At least it is necessary to leave some soldiers.

Wendell obviously felt that something was wrong. He watched the black stone houses around him with vigilance: "There should be a Twilight squad stationed all the year round, and they will not leave the post anyway."

In the depths of the dark and messy city streets, several figures shook a few times. Hao Ren saw that there were several ragged civilians. They rushed in the road, and two of them looked at it. But the numb expression did not change at all, they quickly left.

The whole town is “peaceful” and it’s a goose bump.

In order to understand what happened, Hao Ren and Vivian were carefully guided by Wendell to the Twilight Guard’s outpost at the place. The station was an independent square building 100 meters away from the lift. High, unobstructed around. Usually there are always two soldiers standing in front of the building. The searchlights at the top of the building will remain bright and constantly sweeping around the entrances and exits of the lifts. But now the post is completely covered in silence, no soldiers are moving, even the searchlights are Extinguished.

"There are signs of life inside," Vivian pulled his nose. "The smell of blood, people are alive, but they seem to be under control."

The situation became more and more strange. Hao Ren raised his vigilance and walked ahead in the lead, but nothing happened until he reached the front of the post. Vivienne followed behind him, surrounded by a black cloud with **** scorpion, and the bats were hidden in the clouds ready to attack.


Hao Ren kicked the door of the outpost and shoved in with a long gun: "Do not move!"

There were several chairs in the outpost, and six soldiers in the uniform of the Twilight Guard sat stiffly on the chair. They tried to turn their eyes and watched the plasma of Hao Ren’s hand with a look of horror and pleading. Long shots, but the whole body can't even move with one finger: they seem to be controlled by some kind of spell.

And a mysterious man in a linen robes stood across the table. This is a young woman. Her skin is pale, her body is thin, and her head is wearing a strange headgear. The headgear looks like a thorn. The woman said to Hao Ren: "Hello, strange traveler said that I can move?"

Hao Renyi said: "Which are you?"

"I am the servant of the ancient saint," the young woman's voice was very soft. She couldn't see the strong man who could control the six soldiers. She smiled and looked at Wendell. "The old gentleman probably knows us."

“Are you a caregiver?” Wendell exclaimed. “How can caregivers leave the sanctuary?!”

"There is only one reason to change the vows of the caregiver, that is the command of the ancient holy," the young woman, known as the "caregiver," continued to whisper. "In the world above, you should be the only one who can hear the voice of the ancient saint. People, so you probably guess why I am here."

When Winderton thought of the great voice that suddenly came into his mind when he was in the Upper Town.

"Are you coming to pick us up?" Wendell's face showed an excited look. "How is the situation of the ancient holy?"

"A lot of things are not convenient to talk about here," the young woman fainted and turned and walked to the door. "Please come with me, strange travellers."

This mysterious young woman took the crowd out of the square and quickly turned into a hidden path. In the process of walking between the complicated buildings, Hao Ren curiously asked Wendell: "What the **** is this? people?"

He saw that Wendell recognized the identity of the other party and judged that the woman should be a reliable guide to the light-seekers, but he still did not understand the organization of the Twilight Capital.

Wendell looked at the woman who led the way and nodded slightly: "This is a member of the caregiver. They are the ones responsible for the care of the ancient saints. Only the whole time of the dawn can be in contact with the ancient saints. Let's meet. The words of the ancient saint must also pass these people. I just didn't expect the caregiver to take the initiative to come and pick them up. They never left the throne hall."

Vivian came to the woman: "What is your name?"

"Angelika." The young woman said her name.

"What is Angelica? You seem to have a little Warner's blood," Vivian looked at the other curiously. "It looks like... The situation of your ancient holy is not very good?"

" know when you get to the place," Angelika squinted, not answering the question positively. "I don't know your origins, and I don't know why you want to see the ancient saints. I just take orders."

Hao Ren still has a question and can't understand: "Hey, let's say that since the ancient holy wants to see us, why should the city guards stop it? You ordered the release of the guards on the top. We still have a group of people. There is a lot of trouble with them over there."

Angelica’s footsteps paused slightly: “Seeing the situation at the post just now, do you think we can command the Twilight Guard?”

Hao Ren suddenly woke up.

“There were a lot of people who could hear the voice of the ancient saint, but now, even if there are very few caregivers, they have this talent, and since the beginning of 500 years ago, Gu Sheng has almost never said a word. "Angelika's voice is very light, and almost no emotion can be heard. "In this case, the Iron Throne has become a symbolic supremacy, but can not issue orders." (~^~)

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