As a vital transportation gateway, this huge steel platform is busy and crowded, with a variety of mechanical equipment and the heads and compartments to be assembled, even on the edge of the platform. The member of the Iron House is also as precarious as being squeezed. Busy workers are running around between various equipment, preparing for the next start, or busy repairing the mechanical equipment that has been devastated by magic radiation. Almost no one has time to pay attention to the sudden appearance on the platform. The uninvited guest stood on the tower because of several supervisors who were full of flesh and blood. Any lazy behavior could not escape the eyes of these guys. Compared with the money earned after work, a group of strangers who suddenly emerged couldn’t count anything. .

Hao Ren and his entourage walked through this busy and messy platform under the leadership of Wendell, and walked toward the iron house of the administrator not far away. A boiler under repair was roaring in the distance, and the pungent smell of oil accompanied the steaming sound, so that Lily continued to sneeze all the way: this twilight capital gave the Huskies girl A very bad first impression was left, and the pungent smell here was a torment for her.

Finally, she had to re-apply the life support collar. She had taken the gadget after she entered the twilight barrier.

“Every ten hours, two locomotives depart at the same time, from here to the mining field in the wilderness,” Wendell pointed to the rough steam locomotives. “Send a group of numb miners and pull back a group of half dead. The miners and the ore that had just been dug up were then sent to the large forge furnace to become the city's building materials and repair materials. There are several such stations in the outer edge area, which are connected to other places in the dark wilderness. Mines, if you have the chance, you can go and see the mines. You have magical ancient techniques. I really hope that you are willing to put these technologies... I will talk about them later."

The iron house of the administrator is as old and messy as the rest of the platform. The only thing that shows that it is different is that this black lacquered iron house has a striking roof painted with red paint, which makes it The dull station building looks extraordinarily bright. No one came to trouble along the way. Wendell led the crowd directly to the front of the iron house, then pushed the rusted door open.

A rough and angry voice came from inside. This voice was previously isolated in the door: " guys are idiots whose brains are blocked by oil! I want you to check every gear, every bolt, every one, listen, every one! Not Take a nap around the machine, then come back and write an 'everything' waste paper for Laozi! Do you know what it means to stop the locomotive in the dark area? That means it will almost stay there forever! Unless I Put your dregs on the outside of the barrier, let you fix the machines in the dark with the blisters in the dark! You know that there was really a bad luck, and now his bones are still hanging out! Help waste..."

The sound of "啪" came from inside the house. It seems that something was heavily photographed on the table, and then the rough voice screamed again: "Now all get out of the way! Go check the machine, check the boiler, check every rivet and shaft! Otherwise you will be one day sooner or later. I got out of the barrier!"

A rush of footsteps with panic sounded, and five or six people in rags were running out of the iron house as if they had escaped. One of them even slammed into Wendell. The locomotive technicians who had just reprimanded (should be this position) noticed strangers standing at the door, but they almost did not dare to stop and take a look. Before the sound in the room snarled again, they ran away.

Hao Ren, they looked at each other and then walked into the house with Wendell.

There is a huge desk in the iron house. The table was full of messy things, and a thick red-nosed man was "stacked" with the sundries: he sat on the wide chair in an indecent position, and the clothes in his clothes were almost the same as his The desk is just as messy. The red nose man put his hands in his arms. I bite the stick in my mouth, as if I want to hate it: "The new technicians are all a bunch of bags, no sense of responsibility, completely better than not... Who let you in? I don't mean... Wendell ?!"

The red-nosed man finally noticed the group of people standing in front of him, and saw a familiar face from the group. He almost stunned like a fright, making a move that did not conform to his appearance: slammed hard. Rub your own thighs, then hurt your teeth and pout.

"Wendell! Old things! Are you coming back alive?! The ancestors are fascinating, is this true? I haven’t started drinking today!!"

Wendell greeted the old friend. Although the two people have seen a lot of age from the ages, they are as tightly embracing as they have been for many years: "Bacon. You are a big voice, I can hear you outside the door." the sound of!"

"Nonsense. The sound insulation of this door has always been good!" Boken, with a red nose, snarled his neck. He pushed Wendel away, as if looking at a rare creature and looked up and down. "You actually came back." Actually, I really came back, and I didn’t have any poisonous sores, and there was no place where I was shrinking and necrotic... Are you old guys really blessed by the ancestors, and you can come back alive twice!”

"The ancestors blessed," Wendell smiled softly, slamming Boken's finger on his arm. "Be careful, my age is big enough to withstand a few slaps."

Boken finally quieted down from the excitement. He sighed. "You are a dead old guy. I dare to go to the light-seeker twice. I am not so crazy when I drink high... you are alone. come back?"

Wendell’s eyelids hang down with a dark look on his face: “There are not many people who can return from the night.”

"May they have rest in the eternal kingdom," Boken scribbled a few prayer gestures on his chest. The wrinkled clothes and his casual tone made this prayer sound limited, and then he Finally, I turned my eyes to Hao Ren and his team who had been standing beside them for a long time. "What are these people going to... Look at their dresses, how many are from Shangcheng?"

"No," Wendell suddenly and mysteriously laughed. His efforts to control his expression were serious and mysterious, but the excitement from his heart made his smile more and more obvious. "They came from the outside."

"Oh, outside, that's very far..." Boken waved his hand at random, and he didn't react at all, but after a moment his movements suddenly froze, his eyes widened and his throat rang. The strange voice, suddenly smashed, "outside!"

His ear was almost shocking.

Wendell grabbed Boken's shoulder and pressed hard: "Small point, you will collapse the entire station. Yes, it's from the outside, outside the twilight barrier, outside the Twilight capital! They come from A Skader."

"Askard, Asgard..." Boken repeated it a few times. "Oh, I learned, the ancient kingdom, it is said that the gods personally ruled there before... my God, old man, you Really gone?! No, no, it’s not like this. You came to me to be amused... You burned your brain by the darkness outside, or I was infected by the toxins carried on you..."

Wendell slammed Boken's shoulder: "This is not like you, when did you become so rigid?"

Boken’s face pulled down: “Is this true?”

"It's true, and it's not only true. These messengers from Asgard still have something to help you," Wendell pointed to Hao Ren and his party. "I want to bring these people to the light-seekers headquarters. They are very Urgent, and the most convenient means of transportation I can find is your locomotive."

Boken touched his nose: "Shun the windmill? This is fine, but I can only send you to the upper city. The shaft from Shangcheng to Xiacheng can be ignored. You have to deal with the people in the steam council, but if you are The bureaucrats are entangled. I guess you and your friends have to go through a lot of procedures. Their identity is too...special."

Lily listened to this and rolled her eyes: "Is the steam council people still not happy to see other survivors in the world? They will be confused?"

“It’s not a mess. The people in the steam council are also people. Of course they are happy to know that there are other viable areas outside the Twilight Capital.” Boken opened his hand. “But the bureaucracy is the official residence, and we live in the outer zone. Come and don't deal with them."

"Where can you take us?" Galazhor waved his hand indiscriminately. "The rest of the matter depends on the situation."

(Speaking on June 10th, yy channel 54631703 has a Dragon Boat Festival! The time is starting at 8:00 pm, everyone is interested in the past to join in the fun.) (To be continued.)

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