The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1113: Light seeker

Although Hao Ren had already guessed what the world at the other end of the Rainbow Bridge looked like, he also speculated on the destructive power of the "magic radiation" in Vivienne's mouth, but it was not until he and everyone stepped out of the portal. Realizing how terrible the kingdom outside Asgard is now.

They crossed the spiral door of the Rainbow Bridge and stepped into a place like a purgatory.

The earth was burned to ashes, and everything in the world collapsed into ash. Hao Ren stood on the side of the Rainbow Bridge wreck and looked out into the distance. Every inch of land he saw showed signs of severe distortion, huge cracks. The valley is everywhere, and there is a thick smoke in the rift, as if the endless fire in the cracked ground has not burned out until today. Outside the rift, you can see the continuous stained green glass covering everything. The vitreous bodies are fluorescent, and their shape is like a disgusting, viscous fluid. They are scattered in groups, extending from under the Rainbow Bridge to the end of the horizon. These vitreous bodies are the powerful magical energy of the magical radiation products. Together with the catalytic shock of the demon hunter beam cannon, the resulting mixed magic can completely burn and destroy the earth, turning all the organic matter on the earth into this. A kind of disgusting, seemingly glassy thing, these debris that is soaked in magical energy can hardly be used any more. They are like the curse itself, burning and disgustingly covering the earth, making it even a few thousand here. Every year is not a grass.

A sky dominated by ashes and dust shrouded the earth, and the thick dust clouds almost obscured all the light, and the heavens and the earth were shrouded in a darkness, making this purgatory world even more terrifying and gloomy.

Here is the world of burnout. It is the world after all the prosperity and smelt has been smelted into slag. The air is full of deadly poisonous gas and radiation. The sky no longer has bright light, life is cut off, everything is infested, no creature can be in this kind. At least most of the common species will not work in the environment.

May was a little scared to grab Hao Ren's arm, stretched his neck and looked at the distance to try to find a trace of life. But obviously she could not find it. Only the only creatures that survived in this completely burned place were the tentacles on the edge of the continent.

Powerful Yugudo Lahir. Its tentacles that run through the mainland can survive even here, and now everyone is standing on one of his tentacles, while the other dozens of tentacles are slightly swaying in the distance, and the silver-white singular runes are also on these tentacles. shining. However, these biological organizations can not bring a little vitality and warmth to this place. On the contrary, these strange things can only make this place more horrible, like a nightmare in the abyss.

The Rainbow Bridge on this side is the same as the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard. Only the spiral door is still in operation, the crystallization trails covering the branches of the Yugudolahil have been fragmented, and due to the erosion of the magic energy, the crystallization trail on this side is in a more tragic state. Hao Ren walked in front and led everyone along the eldest son's tentacles to slowly walk toward the completely dead land. He had seen the appearance of Asgard after experiencing the twilight of the gods. He thought that it was already a terrible wasteland, but when he got here, he realized how beautiful Azgard was.

Although it was destroyed by the war, it can be compared with this. It’s just like heaven in good condition.

"Which kingdom is this? Nibelungen of the dead country? Walter Alheim? Ms Belheim?" Nangong Sanba couldn't help but chanting. "It's not like Midgard... it’s like this." ""

"I can't recognize it completely," Vivian frowned. "I never thought that the magic can burn so fiercely, even... this space was completely burned again. Everything is unrecognizable, the mountains are collapsed, the river is steaming, and I don't know where we are."

"The 'sports scavengers' we saw on the surveillance video came to Asgard through the Rainbow Bridge," Hao Ren looked at Vivian. "That means they crossed the wasteland, you think Who can do this?"

"The strongest or flame giant in the **** of Asa should be able to survive in this environment, but certainly not to survive for a long time: there is no water and food, it seems unlikely to produce those things. In addition, the video on the surveillance video Regardless of whether it is dressed or physical, it is obviously not a giant or a **** of Asa. I look more like a human being in Midgard.” Vivian said, helplessly spread his hand. “Human is absolutely not. The law survived here for more than ten minutes, I can't explain the problem."

Everyone walked down the Rainbow Bridge and explored in this dead world. There are no relics to collect, and there are no things like the ruins of the battlefield that can be used for investigation. The magical storms have destroyed everything here, leaving only the worthless ash for people to pay respect.

If nothing can be found here, Hao Ren’s next goal is another Rainbow Bridge, which is more than 100 kilometers away from here. There is a gate that leads to the next “world”.

According to Vivian, except for Asgard, which has only one “universal rainbow bridge”, the other eight kingdoms each have two spatial passages that can point to two kingdoms. When Heimdal died, these space passages were fixed in pairs, connecting several kingdoms into one chain.

Now there is no guide to Odin's gems. Hao Ren has no way to control the mapping of the Rainbow Bridge, so he can only go on such a kingdom and a kingdom.

Originally, Hao Ren did not have any hope for this desolate continent, but hope always came inadvertently: it is not really nothing.

"The landlord! There is something here!"

Lily, who was running around in front of her, suddenly stopped in front of a hillock and turned around and shouted at this side.

The group rushed over and Lily pointed to a pile of objects on the ground: "It looks like humans left behind."

Several pieces of rock that have been knocked and formed are neatly stacked together. There are some invisible pottery pieces and leather fragments scattered around the stones. On the top of the pile, a metal-cast cane is placed, placed next to the cane. A small device like a compass may be a symbolic souvenir. A polished, smooth slate lay flat on the ground, and the slate was written with ancient words.

Hao Ren bent down and used the translation plug-in to identify the writing on the slate: "...the light-seeker Tana Rosa is resting here. His life is devoted to finding the sparks in the nine kingdoms. However, he has not found any traces of death. The warrior fell in Warnerheim, wishing the ancestors and Valkyrie to shelter his soul and lead him to the eternal kingdom."

Lily carefully turned the slate and found that there was still a word on the back of the slate:

"Friend, I will continue our journey, even if there is only one person left, I will also arrive in Asgard. May you bless me in the palace of the eternal kingdom, as I fall, may we reunite in the eternal kingdom. Someday, there will be new light-seekers starting, I hope they can see this text, we are stuck in the night, but we will march toward death."

"The light-seeker..." Vivian whispered the word whispered. "I have never heard of this in the Nordic culture."

"Obviously, it is a noun produced after the separation of the nine kingdoms from the main material plane." Hao Ren frowned, reasoning about the hidden meaning in the text, "falling down in Warnerheim...that is, here Is Warnerheim?"

"Warner's homes, the original water plants are plump, there are several big rivers and an inner sea. There are often illusions in the sky," Vivian looked at the land completely destroyed by the magic, and sighed softly. "I didn't expect it. It turned out to be like this."

Anthony took a closer look at this little grave and suddenly found out: "The writing is very new."

Hao Ren immediately got up in spirit: "Just left?!"

The old wizard immediately summoned a test-type ball, which circled around the metal cane for a few laps and disappeared: "Time is no more than... two days, here is full of magic energy, according to magic energy The degree of accumulation in the metal surface can be used to determine when it was last touched by the creature."

Lily suddenly picked up: "People who left these things are still in Warnerheim!"

"Divided to find!" Vivian's voice did not fall, and immediately called out a group of small bats, black pressure a large group of bats spread out in all directions, "The Rainbow Bridge over Asgard has no signs of passing, this I am afraid that something has already happened!"

Hao Ren, Gala Zall, and Anthony also immediately opened their own portable space and released all the detection probes they carried. The detection probes and bat colonies quickly disappeared under the canopy of Warnerheim's chaos, while a rapidly expanding scan area was mapped out in the data terminal and Vivienne's mind.

Galajol was worried: "This person said that he was going to Asgard, but when they came over from Rainbow Bridge, they did not find a trace. He was afraid that he was lost."

Hao Ren’s heart followed and sank: “I lost my way in this ghost place... I can’t imagine the consequences. The man can walk all the way here, I hope he has more ways to save his life, otherwise we will be one step late.” (To be continued.)

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