After some fights, Hao Ren finally succeeded in cutting off the head of an Asgard warrior, but with the sound of a metal collision, there was only an empty armor on the ground.

The armor is empty.

After seeing this scene, Hao Ren was not too shocked, because in the previous battle he had already vaguely noticed certain things. At this time, he just said to himself: "Sure... I Just say how it feels wrong."

However, the armor that was cut off from the "head" by a sword did not completely "dead". It slammed on the ground and slammed around the ground. The rusted metal plate gap jumped with glare current, in a burst of self. After the repair process, the steel casing actually stood up again, and it did not look for its own head, just swayed and slammed again.

"I am going to go... This is not dead?!" Hao Ren was really a little surprised this time, but he was not confused. He raised the dangerous gun epee in the enemy's hand and then again. Sword, this time is the limbs of the opponent.

Between the sword and the sword, the armor was finally dismantled into pieces.

At about the same time, Lily, not far away, also slammed an Asgard guard with her agility and strength advantage. She was completely irritated at the moment, screaming like a primitive beast. With the claws forcibly tearing open the armor deck of the enemy's chest, while bowing his head and wanting to make his fangs and teeth also come in handy, her movements stopped abruptly, because after tearing off the armor of the chest, What she saw was just a hollow metal cavity.

The husky girl, who was slightly confused because of her anger, was a little bit forced. She slammed her head and finally reacted: "Hey! The landlord is empty inside!"

"These armor are all empty!" A loud bang came from the direction of Galajol, an Asgard heavy armor was smashed under the steel boxing of the dragon, an empty The helmet rolled out on the ground and went far away. "What is this stuff? Is the robot guarded?"

After discovering the secrets of these armor, everything went smoothly, and everyone’s offense used a big move. And after a few attempts, they finally fully understood the enemy's weaknesses: there are no people in these armor, and there is no clear point in visual inspection of the armor itself. Ordinary puncture damage, high temperature, arcane magic, blunt blows can hardly cause it. Obstruction, the most effective way to deal with it is to use brute force to force it into pieces.

Galajour's method is the most useful.

"Put them apart along the joints!" Vivian also flew in the air to remind him. "I remember what these are! They are Enkhria! Don't use magic, this thing is really scary!"

Several people who are good at melee suddenly became the main force of the offensive. Gallard, Izax, Hao Ren, and Li Li directly broke into the most intensive places of the enemy and began to smash in the May Fourth. Nangong saw all the dps in May and had been bloodthirsty, so I had to be strong and courageous. Various healing spells are thrown to the teammates like money, and Nangong 38 has taken up the guards in May to prevent those armor from interfering with his sister's spellcasting: this half-hanging demon hunter has the same strength but his various techniques. There are still quite a few, and it’s quite awesome to contain the armor with a single offensive style.

Not far away, Anthony looked at the "Enkhria" who had just been smashed by himself, and he felt that his dignity as a great magician was severely provocative, so he could only sigh: "Hey, So I am most troubled by this kind of magic-resistant guy..."

After he finished, he waved open the portable space, threw his own staff back and then transferred his hand and took a mace sticked with fine gold spikes. The old wizard took the arcane electric ball around him. He slammed on the ground and then pulled off his robes to reveal a large chunk of bronze muscles!

The old man was naked, with a heavy rune iron belt around his waist. Every inch of his skin was shot with a burning electric light under the stimulation of magic, just like a god. He took a big stride to welcome an Engheria closest to himself, and smashed his mace before the other giant sword hit: "The power of the bear! Strong endurance! Powerful stone skin! Powerful Agile! Powerful heroic!"


"Death to kill!"


In the bang of the metal impact, the heavy alloy armor was bombarded 20 meters away!

"I have been a censor for three thousand and four hundred years! The enemy of the 啥 type has not seen it! If the light will smash the cold arrow and set the fireball, then tm will die hundreds of times under various magical anti-monsters!" Anthony must be angry, and when he rounds the mace, he is full of anger and screaming. "By the way. Although the old man is bad under the magical goddess, Laozi believes in the dark female Valkyrie Icetis!"

"So the light of the holy mother! The goddess gives me strength! Let's kill and kill, then kill and kill and kill!"


The heavy mace shines with the brilliance of the magical technique. A fierce slamming directly knocks another Enheria warrior into a metal dust that flies in the sky. This loud bang is the end of the battle. When the dust around Anthony was settled, the entire corridor was quiet.

Because everything is over.

In addition to Gallardo's faceless expression, the scene, including Izax, looked at Anthony in a **** manner. Lily was closest to the latter. At this time, the tail was already scared, and one half died. Herria armor just climbed up beside her. This jingle suddenly stunned the husky girl. She took two steps backwards, and with the claws against the crumbling armor, her eyes hesitantly swept a few times between the old wizard and her own enemies, and whispered: "Scrapping?"

With a bang, the last armor was shattered into a residue.

The old Master satisfactorily looked at the results of the scene, waved back to the original costume, dressed in a scholar's robes, holding a long oak stick in his hand, full of face and sorrowful color: "Everyone is all right?"

"Get used to it," Galazhuur's big tricks made everyone come back. "Anthony has always been like this, looking at the loyalty. In fact, once his magic is used, he will run away and believe in a goddess of violent. Then it is even worse."

Anthony did not defend, just continued to smile with a smile: "Oh, hehehe..."

Other people on the scene still want to say something, but they all remembered the other quirks of this old man, so they didn't say anything about it: compared with the rest of his problems, this person is crazy... It doesn't seem to be awkward?

Anyway, the people under the Raven 145 seem to have few normal, female neuropathic radio waves are endless.

As the smoke dissipated, there was only debris left in the palace corridor, and the twisted armor parts were everywhere, and the shocking thing was that even if it was knocked to such a degree, these armor parts were constantly Jumping on the ground and making a squeaking sound, it seems that I am ready to reorganize. This strange scene made the scalp numb, so that Hao Ren had forgotten the scene of Anthony's father. He looked at Vivienne curiously: "These things won't pick up again?"

Vivian shook her head: "No, at least not at the moment."

Contacted the name she had just called the enemy, it is clear that she is aware of these strange armor guards.

Elizabeth squatted from the shoulders of Izax. The little devil girl had been on the shoulders of the old man for a long time, and she threw a bunch of sinister fireballs but did not achieve much success. At this time, she was discouraged. Looking up at Wei Wei'an at the waist: "So what is Enkhria?"

"It is the spirit of Norse mythology," said Lily, who is next to him. The husky girl dismissed the mad dog mode at this time, and explained it with a slap in the arm. It looked like a young woman with knowledge. "Enkhria is Transliteration, the bat is for the sake of loading..."

Vivian immediately glanced at her: "Let's go! I just like to call it! I used to call this stuff all the time. The words of Yingling are still good for Chinese people in recent years."

At this time, the Nangong climbed over in twitching in May (it was really rare that she untied her tail this time), and while spitting the bubble, she carefully poked the tip of the tail and poked a piece of breastplate that was still beating. : "Hey... these are the spirits? It feels different from the legend."

"The legends are distorted, and the historical facts are often very different from what is known today," Vivian said, shaking her head and examining the wreckage of Enheria. "The Valkyrie collect the dead on the battlefield." The soul, in the depths of the soul furnace of Valhalla, these souls are forged together with steel and permanently cast into a pair of armor, which is Enkhria. They have no blood, no tears, no pain, always immersed in life. The excitement of the last **** battle is extremely aggressive. And they are extremely tough, and unless they are broken, they can hardly be destroyed. Even if they are broken, the gnome blacksmiths can repair it again if it is recycled. Because of the difficulties of Asa’s birth, With a limited population, these Enherias were once an important force in Asgard, but when the gods arrived at dusk, Valhalla’s control center was destroyed internally, and more than half of Enkhria failed to send On the battlefield, this is also an important reason for the tragic outcome of the war: if according to the original strength of the Asa Garden, they are very likely to be pressed at the beginning of the war. Live in the Giants and the Demon Legion, so that they have the strength to detect the action of the Demon Hunter, and even change the trajectory of the nine kingdoms in advance to avoid the destruction of the beam. But ... history is not, if the myth era is over. ”

Hao Ren didn't say anything, just silently watching the squeaky Engheria fragments, a feeling of rising.

He is facing the lost history.

I smashed the legendary brilliance and painted the mystery of religion. The real history is so red. It is in front of him. These cold souls are behind the real myth. (To be continued.)

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