The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1095: Seclusion of the Great Sage

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In the space, a crack like a curved lens was opened, and then the silver-white giant turtle rock head was explored from the crack. After a while, the spacecraft was completely out of super space and suspended in a space.

And a strange star system is presented in front of Hao Ren.

The scale of this galaxy is very large. An ancient yellow star shines on a total of twenty-two solid planets and three amazing masses of gaseous planets. Three of the twenty-two solid planets have obvious life reactions, even There are obvious signs of civilization. The giant turtle rock was pulled down by the examiner's internal navigation signal to the planet above the center of the sun. This planet is therefore the mildest of the three ecological planets. According to the navigation signal, Galajol And Anthony is waiting for everyone on this planet.

"We have to leave the spacecraft on the track," Hao Ren turned to look at the others. "Nolan, you switch the antenna to the forwarding channel, Mimir, you stay online anytime, wait for Nolan and Yugudola Hill. After the connection is established, you have to complete the call before the other party escapes."

As the oldest and largest pan-civilization circle in the first Galaxy, Chad is vast and complex. The examiner Anthony is in the universe, but he is not able to show his identity in any place. : Just as Hao Ren needs to conceal the true meaning of those civilizations that have not yet reached the assessment standard, Anthony J. Alfonso remains mysterious in most of the kingdoms of this region, and these kingdoms include Hao Ren’s eyes. This planet.

The identity of the examiner Anthony on this planet is a powerful and mysterious sage.

Therefore, Hao Ren can't open the spacecraft brightly, but considering that it is the territory of the examiner, it is not dangerous to land directly.

With the removal of Mimir remaining outside of space, the Giant Turtle Rock Station uses a space projection device to transmit everyone directly to the predetermined coordinates of the planet's surface. When the transmitted halo dissipated, Hao Ren opened his eyes and found himself standing on a high mountain.

The endless mountains were spread out in front of his eyes, and the towering ancient trees were freely flowing between the mountains, almost turning the whole mountain into a green sea. The huge ancient wood hangs around the visible green light, and a huge magical power with a strong life is running in this forest. Even if it is only far from the sense, it is enough to inspire the spirit. And above this forest of life. The high blue sky is so faint that you can see an incomparably huge rune array that is slowly running. It is superb and spectacular, and it is a giant enchantment that runs directly near the stratosphere: this incredible The enchantment has been shrouded from the top of the scorpion to the earth, and the entire jungle has been completely protected.

And in the depths of the endless jungle. Hao Ren stared at me and finally saw a city hidden in the shadow of the shadows...or a kingdom. There are a lot of elegant and beautiful buildings hidden in the jungle. Because the buildings themselves are integrated with the forest in color, plus the interference caused by the magical field that permeates the whole area, Hao Ren is almost at first glance. I could not find the magnificent building complex.

Lily rushed to the big stone not far away and looked up. After a while, she ran back around Hao Ren's circle: "The landlord! How come no one came to pick us up?"

"Slightly wait, the respondent should be here," Hao Ren waved his hand and looked at the city in the distant jungle curiously. "The ecological environment of the planet's residents is also very good... well. Visual inspection should be a magic." civilization?"

Hao Ren’s voice did not fall, and he saw a distorted light curtain in the distant air. Then a huge golden dragon was drilled out of the light curtain and flew straight in this direction.

It was Galajol who came to welcome everyone.

The golden dragon is amazingly fast, just flicking a few wings, and the curtains have already come to the hill where everyone is. The giant creatures that covered the sky were slowly slamming down with the wind, and Hao Ren and they were almost not blown down the mountain. After Garazhuol slammed and stood up, Hao Ren went up and said hello: "Oh, I haven’t seen you for a long time, and it’s really awkward to show up every time."

"But it's not your name," Galajour gracefully lowered his head and joked. "Come on my back, I will take you to Anthony."

Hao Ren led a large group of people to climb on the back of Galajol. But just climbed up a few Lily and picked it up: "Hey, is this a bit crowded?"

Vivian hula suddenly opened her own bat giant wing: "Forget it, I fly myself, so many people ride on the backs of people. I am embarrassed."

Galajour dangled his head: "I don't have to be polite to grab the bone plate behind my shoulder. There are two tickets there."

Everyone: "..."

The courageous gold dragon not only has a ticket ticket, but also a ticket!

A group of people were so crowded and squeezed all over Garad Zall's back. After the dragon's wings, they carried the brigade and flew to the distant kingdom in the jungle. Hao Ren specializes in riding behind the neck of Galla Zall, so that he can also chat with the other person with a braid, although it can be connected with a spirit. But he felt that the feeling of riding on the back of the dragon was quite awesome.

The romance of a man who makes him usually only a dog knight in most cases?

"There is a place below? Look good!" Hao Ren asked aloud at the building in the forest below.

Galajour slightly tilted his head: "The Elf Empire Grandia. This planet is a rare land in the Chad area, at least compared to those in the hot battlefield. It is much calmer here, and because the civilization declined earlier The environment here is also a good recovery. I really like to come here to take a fake. Anthony also likes the scenery here. He settled here more than 100 years ago."

After the dragon turned around, he circled the center of the city below the Elf and flew north along the giant wooden wall at the edge of the city. Her voice continued: "The elf is the most powerful race on this planet, but said To be honest, they have begun to decline in the past two years, because the alliance of human and Asian races is rising in the southern continent. The traditional magic of the elves has a hidden disadvantage to the magical technology of the human alliance. We estimate that within 50 to 100 years. There will be a certain degree of war between the two sides, but in the current situation, the relationship between humans and elves is not bad. Yes, Anthony is a personal class, but he lives in the vicinity of the Elven King City. He is a powerful ancient human wizard here. Even the elves feared his magic, so let him settle down next to his king city."

Galajour slowly slowed down and landed on a cliff at the edge of the giant wood fence.

"He lives under the green wood cliff. He is a bit quirky. You will know later."

Hao Ren was greeted by the last sentence of Galajol, but the dragon did not want to say anything more. The group quickly found a landing on the bottom of the lush cliff: a huge open space with a spired tower that was rock-filled and looks weather-beaten.

After being landed, Gallardol turned into a human form and led a group of people to walk toward the Master Tower. Hao Ren noticed that the Master Tower was not completely empty: some small magic creations swayed in the open space. There is a whirlwind-like unconscious arcane body, but also a strange creature like a small animal, but the whole body is a trace of magic lines, and there are many little devils jumping and jumping: other wizards summoning the little devil may be a dangerous act. But a little demon summoned by the examiner, they obviously can only act as servants honestly.

The little devils and magical creatures rushed up when they saw the guests, and all sorts of weird voices rang at the foot of Hao Ren: "Shuai, staying at the hotel? Beauty, you want to order local products." No? Big Brother, you don’t want to wash your car... Ah, you didn’t drive? Hey, I’m stepping on my foot! Where is your fire, the element of your fire?! Let’s let the show let me not see the guests. Like it! Funny, you can see a ghost in the belly of the wind!"

Hao Ren: "..."

Just when he wondered if these noisy magical creatures were not the "quirks" of Anthony in Galata's mouth, a heavy stone door at the bottom of the magic tower suddenly opened, and then a young man seemed to escape from the tower. The inside ran out, and while running, he groaned: "I can't do it anymore! Teacher, please ask Gaoming, please Gaoming! I can't stand it!"

Hao Ren continues: "..."

This is another embarrassing situation?

[Thank you for your continued support, this time from the 515 fans festival writers Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival, and you will receive a subscription and continue your subscription! 】(To be continued.)

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