The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1089: Three giants' knowledge

Hao Ren returned home with an epic quest. Lily immediately came over and asked Dong to ask the West. This happy Husky did not pay attention to Hao Ren’s specific work. She was just immersed in continuous questioning and confusion. The fun that comes with it. However, Hao Ren was very serious about explaining the Raven 145 to his own epic mission, so even the huskies who had always lacked their eyes were shocked.

"Wow! To create a creation engine?" Lily slammed directly onto the sofa, and her tail rushed through the air. "And you have blueprints now?!"

"It's just a part of the blueprint, and it's not building the whole engine. I only build the core part of it. Then I go to the dark field to find the rest of the engine structure and assemble the two parts." Hao Ren explained patiently, "I am Just prepare to go to the dream plane, talk to Mulu about it, and tell them about Mimil.

"Oh yes! There is a Mimir," Lily slaps her head and suddenly remembers something. "Right, when I talked about Mimir, I remembered that Yugudo Lahir had not found it yet?"

Hao Ren was reminded that he pulled out the data terminal: "How is the progress of searching for Yugudola Hill?"

The data terminal pops up a galaxy star map. The star map is densely marked with some grids and gradient color bands: "The entire galaxy's censor and the data network of each civilization circle are mobilized, and now it is still tracking that. Resonance signal. Not nothing: the Suha satellite station and several nearby civilizations captured some weak signal responses, and Gallardol sent a message saying that they 'may' track the Yugudola Hill, but the target It has been moving quickly, and it looks very alert. The radar stations around the Galaxy can only capture a series of constantly hopping feeds."

Hao Ren saw that a striking trajectory was marked on the Galaxy's star map. This trajectory covered the radiation range of thousands of stars. It is hard to imagine that Yugudo Lahir could drag a whole nine. The alien space continually jumps so far in the universe. But the clearer the trajectory of the road, the clearer the news: As more and more radar stations are put into search, the traces of Yugudola Hill are gradually being locked.

"As long as Yugudo Lahir does not stop, he can't talk to it, but its recent jump speed has slowed down significantly. So this is a patient tracker," the data terminal swayed. "We can already Roughly determine its transfer law, and now there are thousands of radar stations and Master Towers are gradually narrowing the search range. From one or two weeks to more than one or two months, Yugudola Hill will certainly be in a surveillance The rest of the whistle's eyelids rested."

Hao Ren sighed, although he did not catch the "world tree", but it basically could not run away.

So after confirming that the tracking operation of Yugudola Hill is going smoothly. He came to the dream plane with Vivian and Lily who couldn't stay at home.

The planet of Tanagus.

The nucleus research station is as if it is an eternal lighthouse. It shines in space as usual. The lower part of the space station is like a watchful eye, watching the light gold planet below. Happening. Even standing on the surface of the planet, you can see the bright blue dots in the sky and the red color in the center of the blue dots. The Zum people who were born again on this planet have now called the nucleus research station "the Ark of Heaven", meaning that they have escaped from the hometown of the sea of ​​purgatory by the transfer of the ark, and the life on the ark They are affectionately called "our long brothers" because they know that their long-time guardians have been reborn and eternal in life, even though the eldest son has lost his past form and can no longer follow the same as before. Direct contact with humans, the Zum people still know. The guardian of life is still with Himself.

This spiritual pillar, similar to religious beliefs, but more pragmatic, is supporting the Jum people to survive the toughest years of home reconstruction.

The ecological adjustment process of Tanagus has almost been completed to this day. The source blood containers put down by the eldest son Zhuom have formed thousands of "springs of life" on the planet's surface, centering on these springs of life, large-scale The new ecosystem is booming, and the flora and fauna that has been restored from the gene repository has emerged from the source of blood as quickly as the wind, and in almost a few months it has spread throughout the planet. Although Zum is a young and sturdy ancestor, its ability to control the ecosystem is still astounding. Under its precise control, the new ecosystem is perfectly integrated with the original ecology of Tanagus. A vibrant planet can be said to be born again.

Hao Ren and his entourage found three guardian giants next to a fountain of life near the Arctic planet. They are checking the operation of the new ecosystem in cold regions today. Hao Ren came, Mulu three immediately put down their work: they have received news before, very clear what Hao Ren brought this time.

Lehmen Duza flattened a huge rocky terrace next to the Fountain of Life. The observation tools and resting places of the guardians are placed on the rock platform. This platform may become a sacred ruin or tourist attraction in the legend of the locals for many years, but now, Hao Ren regards this as a meeting place.

He first took out the sword of the scorpion: "This is the sword that killed the goddess of creation in the same year. But I explained in advance, you calm down, this sword was only a tool in the past, and there was a debt. Don't smash it with a fire."

What is unexpected about Hao Ren is. They were only a moment of sigh and excitement after seeing the sword, and then the three giants showed a calm expression. Mulu just nodded slightly: "I didn't expect to see it in this situation." it."

Mendoza sighed softly (although he sighed so loudly enough to roll up a gust of wind): "This sword looks so unremarkable..."

Hao Ren looked at the three giants in surprise: "I thought you were going to run away when you saw this stuff. I was mentally prepared."

"There is no one in this universe who knows more about the importance of reason than we do." Heve looked down at Hao Ren. "And we are not tempted to anger at a weapon. We have no ability to attack our enemies. To vent your anger on a tool, this is the way to escape from the incompetent coward."

At this time, the sacred sword had already awakened under the intensification of Hao Ren’s mind. It found that he changed the environment again, and there was a stranger in front of him, so he immediately greeted with enthusiasm: "Ah, hello, my name is... ”

Hao Ren interrupted the goods without saying anything: "You are not allowed to say your name!!"

弑Shenjian was stunned and quickly changed his mouth: "Oh, simply, my name is 捅人居士..."

Hao Ren: "..."

This goods is the one that says the least what should be said!

After hearing the sound of the sword, Mulu’s eyes sharpened sharply: “Is this sword a soul?”

Hao Ren quickly explained: "I am trying to tell you this: this sword does have the ability to think, but its mind is a bit special, and its mind is in a state of sleep when the war of blasphemy was..."

Hao Ren told the three guardians in detail about the situation of the sword. One is to prevent the guardians from misunderstanding the sword. After all, an unconscious tool is innocent, but the meaning of a weapon with its own ideas is not. The same is true; secondly, he hopes that the knowledge of the three guardians can help.

The strange "Echo Wall" type of mental intelligence of the Sword is very much concerned. This is the culprit that causes the Devil and the Demon Hunter to fall into the frenzy. It is also the source of the Mind Sword itself. Hao Ren thinks this special kind. The phenomenon may be a clue to the pursuit of the real murder of the conspiracy of the year: transforming a part of the universe into weapons, and infusing the power of the "echo wall", so that it is impossible to leave a trace of the traces, Mulu they It is the oldest life in this universe except the goddess of creation, and they may be able to think of something from the source of the sword.

“Echo?” Rembrandt Dusa slightly frowned, and exchanged a look with Hev. “There is no life in our memory that is thought of in this form, and no one has ever created this form of artificial intelligence. There is no such information in the database on the life of the universe."

Mulu frowned and didn't talk for a long time. At this time, he suddenly broke the silence: "I have never heard of this 'echo', but I think of something... you still remember that it is called 'starry sky' The people of the ancient race?" (To be continued.)

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