The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1085: Little little little

Hao Ren immediately came to the residence of Raven 145 after leaving Coopers, together with Vivienne.

This neurotic goddess, who is always accustomed to the slogan and disappeared, seems to be suddenly working hard. Not only does Hao Ren get her response every time she reports back, but this time she is also seriously busy in her office. . When Hao Ren came to visit, she was frowning at a lot of illusions floating in the air, and she was dealing with what was important. Hao Ren saw the planets and stars that were born in those illusions, the wisdom of being active. Biomes, there are some mysterious phenomena that are difficult to understand and deep in the universe.

He had to disturb the goddess from his work because he brought important new news. But before the official report, he was a bit curious about the work of the Raven 145: "It's very rare, are you busy?"

Well, he is not curious about the work of Raven 145. He is curious that this female neuropathy will work...

"Monitor the operation of the universe, optimize the celestial system, and see if the believers are busy recently." Raven 145 raised an eyebrow. "I am usually very busy. Saying that your expression is very serious... Let me guess, you find it again." The clue of the goddess of creation?"

"Significant clues," Hao Ren handed out the data terminal and presented the holographic projection of the core components of the Genesis Engine. "I returned to Colperus, after I took the sword, Colpers. Some things have changed, this thing has come out. Guess what?"

Raven 145 replied casually: "The core module of the creation engine."

Hao Ren was shocked. He didn't think that the goddess sister could see this at a glance: Could it be that the Raven 145 had already known this thing? Or the goddess' insight into all the powers that allowed her to directly see the nature of the image, no matter what, she succeeded in scaring Hao Ren.

"You see the title on the projection," Raven 145 pointed to the picture, "'Creation Engine Core Components - Accurate Model Diagram'."

Hao Ren: "The cough and cough...this is this. This is the core of the creation engine, um, if we didn't guess wrong."

"Talk about how you found it," Raven 145 couldn't see the change on her face. She just put the upper body a little bit forward. "I know you have found three gold discs. But this part is obviously It’s not an order of magnitude with those discs, and I think your expression is so serious that the discovery process of this thing is probably different from those of the disc.”

Hao Ren took a breath and made the tone more serious: "Yes. It is very special. This is the relic of the creation goddess specially reserved for Vivian. It is stored in a hidden time and space vault in Colpers. There is a complete security system, which is the creation of the goddess of creation. This vault is activated by Vivian's blood, the data terminal stores the scene and environmental record parameters. In addition, I also found Colper by the way. The meaning of the positioning of the buildings in the space. I have described to you those floating temples that the temples are floating in in order to maintain this time-space vault."

The eyebrows of the Raven 145 were lifted: "I understand what you mean."

"Of course, let's study this ball now," Hao Ren said, and nodded to Wei Wei'an. "We and Vivian have been studying for a long time, but we have not made progress. We think the goddess of creation. Leaving this relic is definitely what I want to do with Vivienne, but..."

"She definitely wants you to do something," Raven 145 glanced at Vivian. "But from the degree of temptation on your face, you certainly don't know. I need to improve the goddess of the urban and rural combination." Evaluation, although she is young, she is very clever. She made every effort to make a lot of arrangements, but it seems that these arrangements are still flawed: she is the most hopeful descendant of the blood, she lost her memory. Hao Ren, you Where did the ball go?"

"In the spaceship Gennakuli, if you want to see it, we should find a place where the open space is: the size of the thing is larger than that of the holographic projection. It is several hundred meters wide, and it needs to be completely suspended to make it easy to observe. ""

The Raven 145 made a snap, and everything in the room instantly left in all directions, and soon disappeared into a chaotic chaos. After a few seconds, the space was replaced by an endless experiment. field. At the foot of Hao Ren is the gray-white ground that extends infinitely. On the top of the head is a solid blue sky with unknown light source. The gray and blue colors are clearly separated, giving people a sense of infinity.

Hao Ren’s magical power to the Raven 145 has long been eccentric. He just called out Nolan and then released the huge golden ball.

The giant ball floats in the air and continues to run as usual. The complicated parts and the roulette rotate and change silently, without any meaning, but still keep running.

"This is this." Hao Ren pointed to the ball and said to the Raven 145.

The Raven nod 145. Before you come to the golden giant ball, gently point your finger on its surface.

So this complicated device, which is always running, seems to have stopped even if it is not at the end of the world, is so sudden and static, just like an anxious beast is suddenly hypnotized, in the fingers of the Raven 145 Under the light, it stops.

At the same time, the melody that continued to flow from the golden giant ball stopped together.

“A powerful data processing device... but with layers of protection,” Raven 145 asked in his own way to explore the inner side of the giant ball. “How many of the above are reserved for the gold disc? The bayonet?"

"Twelve," Hao Ren replied. "There are twelve grooves along the waistline. But it is not certain that all the gold discs will be installed on this device."

"That is, there are at least twelve gold discs, and you have found three now, and the other nine are likely to be in the 'dark field' or bombed elsewhere." Raven 145 uses fingertips Gently slam the metal plates that are at rest. "My eyes are blocked. I can't see the deep truth of this thing. You wait, I call a helper, just let you know her."

Hao Ren and Wei Wei’an suddenly showed curiosity when they heard this. They are interested in the "helper" mentioned by this nervous goddess, and they don't know that this normal brain is not able to greet a kind of person.

Just as they were curious, a huge shadow suddenly enveloped the space.

Endless clouds emerged out of thin air, gathered from all directions to the top of the crowd, huge lightning and aurora general ray storms rolling in the depths of the dark clouds, wrapped in rolling thunder, thick clouds and lightning to form a whirlpool, as if to swallow the world Opened a funnel-shaped door, and behind this horrible energy gate, there is a strong existence that has broken through many different universes and world barriers, and is about to fall in this world!

Hao Ren and Wei Wei An immediately got a goosebump, they just listened to the female neuropathy when they were called helpers, and they still watched the hilarious mentality. They thought that the guy who could walk with the Raven 145 should also be a funny attribute. But at this time, both of them were serious. They felt that at least one of them could be a giant spirit with a height of ten meters.

As a result, their thoughts just came out, and the dark clouds and thunder storms of the sky vanished in an instant. Then an unidentified living body with only a big palm fell off the air and slammed into Hao Ren’s head. : "Hey! I am so flustered, I am flying next to the Void Bridge... Wow!! Big egg! Golden egg!"

Hao Ren was shocked by the sudden drop of things on his head. He quickly rushed to pull down the "sound source" on his head: "Hey, let me go! This is a sly thing!"

"Hey? Hey?" The small voice screamed and quickly flew down from Hao Ren’s head. Hao Ren saw that this was a "fun": a really only palm-sized ... little girl.

The little girl dressed in a black dress, looks small and delicate, with a long, shiny purple-black hair behind her, and a little sparkling light between the hair. She is like a human girl who is scaled down, and everything is normal except for only a dozen centimeters.

It took Hao Renxi to stay for half a minute to realize that this is the so-called "helper" who just rolled up the thunderstorm and the squadron with the giant god.

"This is the helper you have found?" Vivian whispered and whispered, completely unaware that this sudden drop... is a cockroach species.

"Yes," the Raven nodded 145. "I will tell you about her, Maggie, a crow, a powerful shuttle." (To be continued.)

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