The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 904: Discussing financing again

Coming out of Jinding Club, Li Dong and Hu Xiaorui are on the same road.

At the end of last year, "Step by Step Frightened" was on the golden file of Xiangnan Satellite TV. There was no accident, and the fire was very hot.

Originally this TV series was hyped so badly, it was just then that there was a snowstorm.

The company is on holiday, the school is closed, and it happens to be the New Year. Many people are idle ...

It can be said that the ratings of "Step by Step Frightening" caught up with the best when the first broadcast time caught up with the best.

The ratings of 2.5%, at least at this time swept the domestic provincial TV series invincible.

As for CCTV, it is generally listed separately without comparison. The audience of CCTV is too wide, which is boring compared with CCTV.

In fact, at this time, there is also a TV series that will be broadcast in the future. "Soldier Assault" started from the first broadcast in 2006. In 2007, it was actually a hit.

However, at this time, because the online video was not a fire, few people actually watched "Soldier Assault" on TV.

This is also the reason for the lack of publicity. The production cost is not large. In addition, it is also a military theme. The broadcast TV is not too famous. It has caused embarrassment that the ratings have not been up.

Instead, it was "Step by Step Fright", which became the first in 2007 under the influence of various factors.

Of course, this is Li Dong's own arrangement, because the end of the year is actually broadcast, and it can only be counted as a TV series in 2008.

Hu Xiaorui said while walking: "Before the TV is over, many TV stations want to cooperate with us to win the second round of broadcasting rights.

Finally, we just received more than 30 million for the copyright fee for the second round of screening.

After this wave passes, there should still be some local stations that will buy our rebroadcast rights, but at that time the price is not high.

Lin Lin finally came down and should not lose money, but he didn't make any money. "

Li Dong satisfied: "Okay, the first time I make a TV, I can make money without losing money. And after this time, my fame started, and this is making money.

In the next TV series we made, it was a gold signboard. It was not easy to make money. "

Hu Xiaorui immediately smiled and said: "Well, that is indeed the case." Zhen Huan Biography "just kills, and many satellite TV want to win our premiere right.

Xiangnan Satellite TV, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV, and Sunan Satellite TV all have high bids, and Jiangbei also offers high prices.

But compared to the other three, it is still a bit lower, and I am now considering who to sell it to. "

Li Dong didn't care: "You just have to make up your mind. In fact, a few of them are good. In the end, you have to look at the price."

Li Dong asked, "How did you prepare for the variety show I told you last time?"

On the far side of the technology, recently launched its own video website.

However, the effect was not satisfactory, and it was entirely supported by a "Step by Step Fright".

Bai Fenggang, the president of the interactive entertainment business group, is now rushing to Beijing to want to win the right to broadcast the Olympics.

It is almost impossible to broadcast solo, but it is not so easy to win the broadcast. In addition, the Olympics have to wait until August, during which Li Dong hopes to use the variety show to open the market for remote video sites.

Previously, Li Dong told Hu Xiaorui several brainstorming variety shows.

Like "Good Voice", "Where Does Dad Go", "Running Man" ... Li Dong briefly said something about it.

Hu Xiaorui took note, but she didn't know which program she chose.

It is not necessary to launch the three major variety shows at one time. Good things need to be thrown out a little, otherwise it is not a long-term plan.

At this time, I was not afraid of copyright disputes, and even these variety shows were not launched abroad. In the future, if I want to introduce foreign countries, I have to buy copyright from Dongxing Entertainment.

When Li Dong asked about this, Hu Xiaorui immediately said: "It's still in preparation. I have discussed with the company's producers and screenwriters for a while. First," Where is Dad? "This is relatively simple. Just invite some star families to participate .

As for the music program you are talking about, one is that it takes a long time to choose the sea, which is more troublesome, and the other is that it is more professional. We are still investigating to see which judges are invited. "

Li Dong nodded slightly, and the production of "Where's Dad?" Was indeed simpler. He doesn't need to make all of them now.

It is enough to have a variety show to open the market. It is not too late to wait until the variety show is on fire.

After talking about the business, Tan Yong drove to the door.

Seeing this, Li Dong said: "Did you drive by yourself?"

Hu Xiaorui smiled and said: "No, it's a taxi, you send me back."

Li Dong didn't think much, and nodded: "OK, get in the car."

On the way back to Hu Xiaorui, Hu Xiaorui chatted non-stop, all of which were small things in life.

Li Dong listened quietly without much interruption.

Hu Xiaorui didn't care, and he still said to Li Dong cheerfully.

When he was at the door of Hu's villa, Hu Xiaorui got out of the car and waved his hand with Li Dong, hopping to the house.

Seeing her will always be this cheerful look, Li Dong in the car couldn't help laughing, beckoning Tan Yong to drive away.

Until his car was gone, Hu Xiaorui, who had just jumped, suddenly calmed down by pulling his head.

Staring at the distant car shadow for a while, Hu Xiaorui lowered his head and entered the door.

Hu Ming was watching TV, and saw a smile on his daughter's home: "Good girl, why did you come back so early? I didn't hear the sound of your car, I thought you would come back later."

"I came back after eating, and the car was left over to Jinding." Hu Xiaorui responded listlessly, and then he was ready to go upstairs.

Seeing this, Hu Ming quickly hurriedly said: "What's wrong, who made you angry?"

"No, dad, you're so annoying, I'm upstairs!"

When Hu Xiaorui went upstairs, Hu Ming couldn't help but touch his chin, and then shouted, "Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang!"

Along with the voice, a man in his fifties hurried into the door.

Hu Ming asked: "Just after Xiaorui came back, who returned from the car?"

Lao Zhang hurriedly said: "It's Mr. Li's car."

Hu Ming guessed this is the result, did not continue to ask, waved his hand to signal Lao Zhang.

When the housekeeper left, Hu Ming sighed, a bit distressed.

He was astute all his life, and even the Sun family was applauded by their husband and wife, but this daughter was the common nemesis of their husband and wife.

From childhood to old, what the daughter wants, the couple will try to satisfy her.

Fortunately, her daughter's mind was simple, and such arrogance did not completely turn into a playboy. In the past two years, she started her own business.

Originally everything was going in the good direction. If you continue this way, the couple's business will be handed over to her daughter in a few years.

Unexpectedly, there was a Li Dong in the middle.

The daughter took a fancy to Li Dong, and Hu Ming and his wife could see it.

If Li Dong is an ordinary person, even an ordinary person, in order to satisfy his daughter, Hu Ming will agree even if he is not happy.

But Li Dong is not. The industry that his husband and wife are proud of is the same in Li Dong's eyes.

In addition, Li Dong and Du Anmin are involved too deeply, Hu Ming is even more reluctant to get involved.

Thinking of these, Hu Ming was a bit big.

My daughter is getting older, and I can't persuade myself with some things. Since I was a child, I've been a tendon. Now it's even more troublesome!


March 1.

All of the 47 supermarket stores in Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and Gan provinces have opened.

As of this time, the only supermarkets in the distance that are still expanding are Beijing, Tianjin, Shancheng, Henan, and Shanghai.

There are only 100 stores in Beijing and Tianjin, and there are not many stores that have not yet opened. There are about 10 stores, and the same is true in Shancheng.

The expansion time in Henan and Shanghai is late, and it may take a while.

According to statistics, the total operating stores of Yuanfang Supermarket reached 581, 46 stores to be opened, and more than 60 stores have been set for construction.

Except for Shanghai and Henan, the peak period of the first round of supermarket expansion gradually passed.

The province of Guangdong province that Li Dong had set up before expanded because of tight funds and has not yet started.

According to Li Dong's prediction, it should be no problem for the supermarkets in the distance to break through 800 stores by the end of 2008. If enough funds are available, there will be no chance for 1,000 stores to fight.

In the office.

Sun Tao briefly reported and then said: "By the end of the year, our number of stores should exceed Suning, which is not far from Gome.

However, the gap between Bailian and CR Vanguard is still relatively obvious.

At the end of last year, Bailian had more than 6,000 stores, and CR Vanguard had more than 2,500 stores.

It is not realistic that sales and the number of stores exceed these several at the same time. The only thing we can fight for is to surpass them in sales.

Although they have a large number of stores, most of them are franchise stores and convenience stores.

According to the estimated data given by various companies, Gome, Suning and Bailian are all set at more than 100 billion yuan, while China Resources Vanguard estimates the target to be 80 billion.

Beyond China Resources Vanguard, if we strive for it, there is hope.

But the other three are hard! "

At the annual meeting, Li Dong said that supermarkets should be the first. If they only discuss supermarkets, they now only have Bailian and CR Vanguard.

But if it is calculated according to the retail industry, Suning and Gome have to be added.

For these four companies, the minimum target is 80 billion in sales, and the other three are over 100 billion. Sun Tao really has no such confidence.

Once Li Dong's goal was to surpass these companies 10 years ago, and now two years ahead of time, sometimes the time gap between two years is not so easy to pass.

Seeing Sun Tao look embarrassed, Li Dong said with a smile: "It's a matter of man-made things. I don't want to ask if I really want it."

"Now it's not a matter of demanding or not." Sun Tao whispered: "Now that the matter has spread, it's related to your reputation in the distance and your reputation.

Hao Yan Zhuang language has been released, everyone is waiting to read the joke.

Even if it can't surpass Gome and Suning this year, Bailian must surpass it, so that at least it is the first in the supermarket industry, it is not a shame.

Mr. Li, the expansion of Guangdong and Hebei provinces has to be accelerated.

Strive to have some stores open in the middle of the year. In this way, we still have hope. If it is too late, the hope will be small. "

Li Dong knocked on the table and thought about expanding it. The key is that he really has no money.

The remaining money from the last time spent 1.6 billion on the Beijing side and nodded with 1 billion left.

This time when I go to the mountain town, I also need money there, at least a few hundred million.

The profits of Yuanfang Supermarket and Yuanfang Technology can only guarantee the expansion of Henan Province and the development of logistics parks.

Even Shanghai has no money to continue to expand, let alone others.

Next, there is logistics expansion on the far side, and far technology itself is still in the investment stage, and all need money to develop.

The money in the stock market, of which 5 billion was borrowed by Li Dong, and he is also set aside to shoot at the peak of the financial crisis.

The trouble of funds really has to be solved.

Thinking of the financing plan mentioned last time, Li Dong exhaled: "Well, let's open a board of directors and talk about financing."

"Financing ..."

Sun Tao gave him a glance, this is the second time to discuss financing formally.

The first time ended in failure, if Li Dong did not make up his mind, he would not start the second financing negotiation so soon.

Sun Tao pondered for a moment: "Or is it mainly based on distant technology?"

"No, just take the mall, PP, Weibo as the main body, not to mention the other."

These three have developed relatively maturely, and can also get the value they deserve.

Things like Wantong, games, video websites, distribution platforms ... these projects are still in their infancy, and financing at this time is not cost-effective.

Li Dong would like to see how much valuation he can get with the three Weibo as the main body.

A few days ago, Weibo registered more than 100 million registered users, becoming the largest self-media platform in China, and far behind the second Sina.

Compared with the launch last year, the value of Weibo at this time has more than doubled.

The same is true of the mall. Taking the opportunity of heavy snow last year ~ ~ Yuanfang Mall's market share in East China rose sharply, and its overall strength rose again.

Although the financial markets in the world are not very good in 2008, the far side is going against the trend, and the strength of the far side can be seen more clearly.

In this case, the impact from afar is not great, and several projects can be maximized in value.

Sun Tao heard this and thought about it and asked, "Is logistics included?"

Distant Logistics didn't even make a name last year, and it almost became a joke in the industry in the early days of heavy snowfall.

However, after the late snowstorm, Far East Logistics exerted amazing strength.

At this time, if remote logistics is added, it will further increase the added value of several industries, especially the mall.

"No, don't add logistics first." Li Dong shook his head: "It's not the right time, just three things I said is enough."

Said Li Dong again: "You will preside over this financing event!"


Sun Tao was shocked in his heart and quickly said: "Where is Mr. Yuan?"

"He is in charge, you don't care about it first, and let Liu Hong also participate in it. Other people are enough to do their own work."

"The supermarket side ..."

"In the case of supermarkets, Chen Lang will be in charge for the time being. There is no money on the other side of Shanghai. It is of little use for him to stay there."

Sun Tao didn't ask any more questions this time, but various thoughts flashed in his mind.

He is responsible for financing, and Chen Lang is responsible for the supermarket. What about when the financing is over?

After the end, will Chen Lang continue to go to Shanghai or somewhere else? What should I do?

Regardless of what Sun Tao thinks, Li Dong finally said: "I have to go to Sichuan and Sichuan for inspection in the past few days, and the group will hand it over to you. I will not participate in the financing in the early stage, but I hope to have a good result. . "

Sun Tao nodded hurriedly, this time Li Dong was serious, he also hoped to have a good result.

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