The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 900: I'm in a complicated mood now

in the afternoon.

The meeting room of the distant Beijing-Tianjin branch.

Li Dong said with a heavy face and a sorrowful tone: "This matter is my personal speculation. Before I could find out the truth, I spoke indiscriminately and caused trouble to many people.

I am here to formally apologize to those implicated by me. I am very guilty and I blame myself.

I am only 23 years old this year. I have not experienced these. As a public figure, I have brought you the wrong example.

At this moment, I have to apologize not only to those implicated in me, but also to Mayor Du, the media, and the public.

And my colleagues, I misunderstood you.

At first, I thought my peers suppressed me, and then I knew I was wrong.

Everyone is businessmen, businessmen are very kind, how come they are so shameless, and why are they so shameless?

So this is definitely not what they did, it was the reporter who was scrambling for the attention of the general public.

Here, I bow to everyone, sorry everyone! "

Li Dong bowed deeply and said with a sad expression.

Taking a toilet paper from Bai Su's hand next to him, Li Dong wiped his eyes, his eyes flushed: "Members of the media, let this end to him.

I will pay for my mistakes, and this is just my personal mistake.

Yuanfang Group is still a conscience enterprise in everyone's eyes. Our Yuanfang Group will never do anything that violates the law and discipline.

Finally, I add that I am really 23 years old.

At this time, I should have enjoyed the lush years on campus, I was not a smart person.

Today, I am very upset and uneasy.

Nowadays, there are nearly one hundred thousand people living far away from afar. I often can't sleep at night. I'm afraid that one wrong step will disappoint one hundred thousand people from far away and me.

Under multiple pressures, it also caused me to be speechless.

Here, I would also like to say, brothers and sisters in the distance, I Li Dong let you down, sorry you! "

"Woo ..."

Some distant female employees at the scene suddenly choked up.

Some people even shouted, "President Li, you will always be the invincible President Li in our hearts!

Whether you are wrong or right, we believe in you, you are the eternal hero in my heart! "

Li Dong on the stage suddenly blushed, uncle, this was not arranged by me, wouldn't it be arranged by Qi Yunna?

After glancing at Qi Yunna, she was also indignant and excited when she saw her. Li Dong was suspicious in his heart, wouldn't it be spontaneous, it seems that I am quite popular.

Without thinking about it, Li Dong looked at the reporters in the stands again.

At this moment, the reporters are all in a state of coercion.

What are you doing?

Say good shot!


Who are you, you are Li Dong, you are a famous cannon!

what happened?

It's just a while, you suddenly apologize shamelessly, what do you mean!

The reporters didn't know what to say, and for the first time the press conference appeared cold.

Li Dong waited for a while, and even after seeing them, he continued to grieve: "I am in a complicated mood now, and I have been greatly stimulated.

In the next period of time, I will choose to receive psychological treatment.

At this time, my temper was impulsive and irritable, but it was never my intention. If there is anything wrong, please understand.

Okay, that ’s it, I ’ll say goodbye first. "

Leaving this, Li Dong turned and walked outside.

The reporters watched him leave so unremarkably that no one stopped.

The employees in the distant place had red eyes, and some people choked with a whisper: "It's not Mr. Li's fault. Mr. Li just wanted to make the distance better.

Some people are jealous of us, they must plant stolen goods from afar. "

"Yes, we have won the golden land of the capital, and then the distance will be vigorously developed in the capital. These people are so insidious in order to suppress us!"

"Li is always innocent, he should not apologize, it is those who should apologize to us!"

"Well, Mr. Li is proud of this person, but this time he was forced to this one. You do n’t know how sad I was when Mr. Li said I was sorry for us?"

"Yeah, I really want to cry."


The reporters opened their mouths: "..."

Are you uncomfortable?

We are more uncomfortable, OK?

As for Li Dong, this guy doesn't want to be judged anymore. At this moment, the reporters really don't understand who he really is.

Someone thought of what Li Dong just said and murmured: "Yeah, he is only 23 years old."

Someone beside you said quietly, "My son is just 23."

"The ones he said that morning ..."

"Don't ask too much, maybe it's really a rage, or it's too young."

"Also, after all, some people are really overkill. If you are so young to break out of this career, you don't need to help. Huaxia needs such young entrepreneurs to set an example.

At this time, I still thought about the evil way, really ... "

"Be quiet, don't talk nonsense!"

Someone was slightly dissatisfied and said: "What am I talking about? Everyone's eyes are sharp, and we can't see it!

My hometown is Sichuan and Sichuan. Last year, Li Dong donated 100 schools in Sichuan and Sichuan in one breath. How many people in China can do this?

He was the first to donate materials and materials during the snow disaster, and he also donated materials and materials during the flood disaster.

The road was blocked by heavy snow, he didn't raise the price when everyone else raised the price, others wanted to make money, he wanted to make the old man unable to break the grain.

Can't such an entrepreneur compare to those who are covered in copper? "

"Be careful!"

"I understand your concerns, but I am not afraid. When I go back this time, I must present the real distance and the real Li Dong to everyone.

This is a real entrepreneur, and he cannot be offended by his words because he is young and because he is too aggressive! "

"Yes, that's good! What our media is, it's not following the trend, it's not eyeballing, it's not making gossip.

We all speak with facts, and Li Dong dares to be daring, young is not his fault, and everyone should not wear special glasses to see him! "


The reporters had a lot of discussions, some people were unfair for Li Dongming, and some people thought it was not their business or it was better to be cautious.

Of course, some people think that Li Dong seems to be acting.

It doesn't matter whether you play or not.

The real results have to wait and see.


The news of Li Dong's development conference and the speech at the press conference were quickly spread.

At this moment, there are many people staring at Li Dong.

Some people originally thought that Li Dong was going to be a moth again, maybe this guy was desperate and continued to shoot at some people.

Some gangsters were a little impatient at first, and thought this guy would try to trouble everyone.

But when the remarks at the press conference spread, many people were choked.



I always feel familiar and have good memories, and immediately thought of a scene.

When Li Dong bombarded several Tang Longs, didn't he immediately issue a statement?

This is not the first time Li Dong has done this kind of thing. He likes to put a cannon every time, causing a sensation, and then he admits to bowing his head and low-key for a period of time to seek better development.

But everyone really eats this set. After he lowered his head, no one thought of him again.

At the beginning, Tang Long and Yu Run paid a painful price.

And what about Li Dong?

Everyone forgot that this matter was initiated by him. He took advantage of that opportunity and instead devoured part of the property of Menshen Real Estate.

This time the guy came back to this set, some people felt that they should just settle accounts with him, they couldn't get used to him so much.

But looking back, this guy didn't seem to do much.

He just said a few radical words, in fact, it is a fact, and do n’t forget that No. 1 did say such good things from afar.

Another point, Du Anmin did not fall. At this time, suppressing Li Dong is also equivalent to suppressing Du Anmin. Is it necessary?

After thinking about it, many people think it's okay, it's not necessary.

Besides, Li Dong also said that he was only 23 years old, much younger than some of their grandchildren, and he was very careful with such a young man.


at the same time.

At a club in Beijing, some people are talking about Li Dong.

There are not many people in the private room, about seven or eight.

What Li Dong said was quickly known to everyone, and suddenly there was laughter in the quiet room.

Jia Wenhao drank a glass of red wine and looked at a person not far away, laughing: "Zhang Fang, you lost!"

The man known as Zhang Fang is about 40 years old, a few years younger than Jia Wenhao.

Hearing Jia Wenhao saying he lost, Zhang Fang didn't mind, smiled and said: "I lost, or you know him better. I thought he was a lucky generation, think you all look up to him.

This time I discovered that I was narrow.

Everyone's success has its merits. Next, I will advise the province to introduce a distant place into Guangdong Province.

With such a wise man at the helm, I am very optimistic about Yuanfang Group. "

Jia Wenhao said with a chuckle: "Don't tell me this, you are always not honest.

If you lose, then you are willing to gamble and lose. You can't compete with me on the national highway ... "

Zhang Fang shook his head when he heard it: "They are all public servants. How can this major development bet on them.

I used to make a joke before, Brother Jia, this thing can't be taken seriously, and it was thought that we would use it for private purposes. "

Jia Wenhao was speechless and everyone else was a little funny.

However, everyone is not true. Those who can sit in this room today are real arrogants.

Everyone originally came to the capital to run the project, get together to talk about the situation, talk about the project, and expand their vision and network.

Unexpectedly, Li Dong suddenly appeared, and several people could not help but talk about it.

Finally, Jia Wenhao and Zhang Fang bet, one said that Li Dong will plant this time, and one said that Li Dong will definitely be fine.

The result was obvious. As soon as the press conference came out, everyone knew that it was almost over.

Li Dong's face was gone, plus there was Du Anmin, who did not speak, nor did he deny what was said before. What does this mean that it is not thorough?

But after all, it was just a businessman, and no one talked much.

Everyone changed the subject after a few simple chats, as if Li Dong's business was not important at all.

Jia Wenhao glanced at everyone, with a slight smile on his face.

Don't look at everyone's indifference, in fact, how can it really not.

If Li Dong is fine this time, the tiger skin is really borrowed, not Du Anmin's skin, but the upper skin.

Someone is escorting, Li Dong itself is not weak, and then I am afraid that the distance will enter a stage of rapid development.

The tens of billions of groups are actually nothing in their eyes.

One hundred billion?

Hundreds of billions?

At that time, where to develop from a distance, it is really able to drive local economic development.

At this time, will they be indifferent?

Having a good relationship with Li Dong ahead of time, everyone mobilized in the future, and as soon as they went, they pulled far-away investments, investing billions to tens of billions, and their status has stabilized.

What ideas these people have in mind, Jia Wenhao is clear.

However, everyone is a smart person, and there is no need to disassemble, depending on who is clever.

After thinking for a while, Jia Wenhao showed a faint smile on his face. Compared with others, he felt that Li Dong was quite in tune with himself.

As for where this confidence comes from, there is no reason. Anyway, he said that he would make a joint shot.


Li Dong didn't think he was pulling tiger skin.

It is the fact!

The one who said that it is far away is very good. As for the conscience enterprise, I will translate it and use it.

This is the case. Let me tell you the truth, how is it?

He didn't think he was doing something wrong, nor did he feel that the development cloth meeting would apologize to pretend to be a grandson.

But soon, Li Dong felt a little bad.

At the end of the press conference, Li Donggang walked out of the branch and was blocked.

Shen Qian looked at him with a penetrating eye, and after a long time, he said nothing.

In the end, Li Dong couldn't help but yell: "Why don't you look at me like this ~ ~ Am I wrong? Isn't it wrong? I didn't want to find fault. I just wanted to say something.

I apologize now, and I will go back to Jiangbei to be my grandson right away? "

Shen Qian rolled her eyes, and after a while chuckled, "Okay, don't install garlic. My dad called me just now."


Li Dong was a little worried: "What did Uncle Du say?"

"He says……"

"Say what?"

"He says……"

Li Dong gritted his teeth and glanced around. When no one was looking at this side, he reached out and pinched her face, angrily said: "Don't hang your stomach, what did Uncle Du say?"

Shen Qian glanced at him with a weird look and snapped his hand and smiled: "My dad said, don't really treat yourself as a child, it's enough to use this once.

Next time, do n’t say you are a child, even some people ’s grandchildren do n’t work.

Be cautious and prudent, go back to Jiangbei for a low-key development, and you are all right here in the capital. "

Li Dong grinned: "Uncle Du praises me?"

Shen Qian looked speechless. Where did you hear that you were complimenting you?

But having said that, Dad's mood is indeed not bad, otherwise she will not specifically call her.

Although Li Dong fired artillery randomly this time, he had to say that some people jumped to the bright place at once.

Originally Du Anmin was about to burn the first fire, but unfortunately the opportunity was hard to find.

Well now, because of Li Dong, the opportunity came.

At this time, Du Anmin shot, and no one would say that he was not, and he was bullied to the head. At this time, if Du Anmin pretended to be a grandson, he would make people laugh.

Clay figurines have several fires, and as long as they don't fall indiscriminately, Du Anmin burns a fire justly.

PS: I ’m in a complicated mood. Nine leaders have disappeared, and the tenth is just not showing up. At this moment, I want to say: pity my child o (╯ □ ╰) o

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