The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 882: 2 major turning points in the distance

After the new year, the Spring Festival is not far away.

The heavy snow that lasted more than 20 days gradually came to an end.

However, even if the snow stopped, the subsequent impact did not dissipate so quickly.

The piled snow mountains are not so easy to handle.

Of course, as long as the snow stops, everything is easy to say.

The Jiangbei Provincial Government started the post-disaster relief work to help the disaster-stricken area return to normal life, allowing everyone to have a good year.

Major groups also lend a helping hand.

On February 1, Yuanfang Group took the lead in donating 5 million cash to support post-disaster reconstruction.

In addition, among the few materials in the distant place, the daily necessities such as quilts, down jackets, and tents worth 5 million yuan were taken out to support areas where the snow disaster was severe.

There was a big China, and there were many in the affected area this time. Five million yuan of materials can only be said to be insignificant.

However, at this time, donating materials is even more important than money.

There was praise everywhere, and there was no small gain in the distance.


February 1.

Li Dong held a high-level meeting to sum up the gains and losses of this snowstorm.

Sun Tao was the first speaker to summarize the work of the supermarket.

"This snowstorm has further increased our market share in East China.

Not only in East China, including Hubei Province and Shancheng, we have also achieved brilliant results.

Before Daxue, our market share in East China was about 14%. Up to now, although we have not yet fully counted, our market share can generally account for 20%.

As for China Resources, the previous market share in East China is slightly higher than ours, about 16%.

This time China Resources lost little, and the changes should not be obvious.

This is mainly due to several other supermarket chains, which have been hit hard this time.

Especially Carrefour, RT-Mart, and Tesco, because many people resisted them at that time, and then we went online with 10,000 stores, and these supermarket businesses plummeted.

For the specific market share, we haven't done statistics for the time being. I'm afraid we can only get a rough estimate after they report it. "

Everyone in Li Dong nodded slightly, looking very satisfied.

Not to mention elsewhere, at least for now, in East China, the distance finally surpassed China Resources for the first time.

The market share of 20%, which may seem small, is actually amazing.

You know, from afar, nearly half of the markets in Jiangbei and southern Jiangsu have been won, which is only about 20%.

It's not that others are stronger than them. It's just that China is too big and East China is too big. It is unrealistic for a supermarket to occupy too much market share.

Some local supermarkets may not be large in scale, but they can be won in large quantities. In many rural, urban, and small county towns, these large supermarkets in the distance have not gone deeper. All local supermarkets occupy the market.

These large groups in the distance mainly share the above-scale urban market.

Even if this 20% is actually a lot of water, after all, it is just a group in the distance, and the statistical data will not be so accurate. I am afraid that some places have not.

But in any case, more than China Resources should be certain.

Whether it is temporary, or will continue to be the case, at least the distance won this time.

Less than four years after its establishment, Yuanfang defeated a supermarket chain that had become the nation's first in a large area for the first time.

After Sun Tao finished, Li Dong said with emotion: "I remember when I was in the acquisition era in 2006, when I went to Sunan to sign a contract, I was blocked by the media.

At that time, media reporters told me that they said that companies such as Wumart and Bailian were not optimistic about the distance, and felt that the era of remote mergers and acquisitions was the end of the era and the distance.

A reporter asked me whether the pressure was great or not, and if I had confidence, how would I view the analysis of these established giants.

What did I answer at the time? "

Sun Tao knows this best. He was the one who was in charge of the acquisition. He was beside Li Dong when he spoke.

Recalling that, Sun Tao smiled: "At that time, you said that the distance is better than Wumei. It is a matter of iron and steel. As for Bailian, pulling it out alone is not afraid of them.

The reporter also asked if you had written to Bailian and China Resources to fight for the East China market, and said that we were only two years old and certainly not an opponent.

Probably what it means anyway, I remember I was terrified.

At that time, Bailian and China Resources, in our eyes, were Big Macs. I thought we could offend them.

Even if I thought about coming to Zhuolu Central Plains, I dare not say it.

In less than two years, who would have thought that at this moment, we surpassed Bailian and China Resources.

Even at this moment, only in East China, but all this shows that we are not weaker than these giant companies.

The feared opponents now look at it again and find that it seems to be nothing more than that. "

This feeling is due to the few talents in Li Dong and Sun Tao.

At that time, it was really difficult. In the era of acquisition, there was no money in the distance.

Sun Tao proposed this plan, and Li Dong also said he was crazy.

The times are bigger than in the distance, swallowing big with small, Li Dong did not dare to think at that time.

In the end, the distant place won, and after the annexation of the era, it became uncontrollable.

At that time, the reporter asked, Li Dong was actually upset. People asked him who China Resources and Bailian are powerful, and who is his biggest opponent.

Li Dong was afraid to offend the two, he said cruelly, but his tone was half joking, and he didn't even dare to say anything too harsh.

However, until now, what used to be regarded as a mythical Big Mac seems to be nothing.

In East China, the distance is the king!

All of this took two years. To be precise, it was counted from the day of the acquisition era, and it has only been a year and a half.

Thinking of this, Li Dong looked at Sun Tao and said, "With all this today, I still have a lot to do with Sun Ge."

Li Dong rarely called Sun Tao and Sun Brother on formal occasions. Today, he also expressed his feelings. Sun Tao quickly said: "This is the efforts of President Li and everyone, but it is not my credit."

Li Dong shook his head and said, "I don't deny everyone's credit, but you can be the biggest hero now if you have a supermarket in afar.

In fact, there are two huge turning points in Yuanyuan Supermarket. Both of these turning points are your elder brothers. You finally have the current Yuanyang Supermarket.

When the Dongping store opened in 2004, I was thinking that a store was enough, mainly to support my parents.

I didn't think about making supermarkets all the time, this is my heart.

At that time, I got into Pingchuan with my whole heart, and wanted to show my hands and feet in Pingchuan.

I thought about doing real estate, Internet, Internet cafes, really, I have thought about everything, but I have never thought about making the supermarket bigger.

It ’s you, one month after the Dongping store opened, tell me that we can expand!

Expanding to the entire Qingyang area, I was really taken aback at the time, and thought you were crazy.

We only have a few dollars in our hands. It seems that we did n’t make much in the first month of business, and it was not enough to open another store.

But you said, either open it, or open it, and there will be five stores all over Qingyang.

It is precisely because of these five stores that I have tasted the sweetness, and then only with the current Longhua store and the Yuanfang supermarket company.

This is the first turning point. It can be said that if it was not this time, there would be no future.

It was you who convinced me, and that you propped up the whole distance at that time. "

Everyone else heard these things for the first time, and one by one did not expect this to be the case.

Only three people knew this at the time, Li Dong, Sun Tao, and Yang Yun.

They always thought that Li Dong was the initiator of the distant expansion. Unexpectedly, Li Dong was actually a conservative and Sun Tao was a radical.

Everyone is very interested in the big boss's journey.

Having said the first turning point, everyone looked at Li Dong again, expecting him to say the second.

Li Dong is also unequivocal, continuing: "The second time, that is the era of acquisitions.

I actually knew the news that the times were about to be sold, but at that time the distance was still struggling in Jiangbei.

Even Jiangbei is not unified, how can I expand to other provinces.

And the value of the time was greater than the total assets of the distant place, I really did not consider these.

I remember when we discussed the matter of splitting the e-commerce department, and I had dinner with my grandpa at noon. Grandpa suddenly told me about it and told me that we can devour the times!

You do n’t know, at the time I thought he was crazy and drunk.

Just like now, someone suddenly told me that if I swallowed the entire China Resources Group, you will understand this feeling.

is it possible?

It seemed impossible, daydreaming.

I asked him if he was drunk, he said no, he told me a name, and then I went crazy with him, and I did it together.

After that, starting from the south of Jiangsu, we opened the foreign market and gradually developed to the present. "

Everyone heard it with emotion.

Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly, it turned out that these things were all advocated by Sun Tao.

In the past two years, Sun Tao's status has gradually declined, with Yuan Chengdao before, Chen Lang, Shen Qian, and Wang Yue.

Even the newly rising Qi Yunna is also a figure at this time.

Only Sun Tao is more and more low-key, and his sense of existence is getting lower and lower.

However, he alone controlled part of the equity of the supermarket.

Before, everyone was a little bit dissatisfied, but now they ca n’t.

Just like what Li Dong said, if it were not for Sun Tao, it is difficult to tell whether there is a distant group.

Maybe Li Dong can go another way, but what exactly the road can do is really uncertain.

It is precisely because of Sun Tao ’s two suggestions that the supermarkets in the distance should be bigger. With supermarkets, there are others.

Otherwise, like the Internet, real estate, logistics, these early-stage companies are actually burning money.

There is no supermarket to support it, where there is so much liquidity for its development.

Sun Tao, who was looked at by everyone, was a little embarrassed and said modestly: "Exaggerated by Mr. Li, even if I don't mention it, in fact, Mr. Li will do it. I just let go of the cannon. I really let me do it. I do everything. Not successful. "

"Hahaha, let's stop touting each other."

Li Dong laughed, and didn't talk about it again.

They didn't say it, but Wu Shengnan couldn't help but be curious and said: "Mr. Li, you just said that at that time, Mr. Sun mentioned a name with you, and then you made up your mind to buy the era. Who is it talking about?"

Sun Tao suddenly embarrassed when he heard this.

Li Dong also coughed and laughed: "Shen President."


Shen Qian glanced at him, wondering what he was calling himself.

Li Dong laughed and said: "President Sun was talking about 'President Shen', did you understand?"


Shen Qian was confused, and others were puzzled.

But soon, everyone understood.

Under the circumstances at that time, Shen Qian was the only one who could make the distance far and wide.

Of course, Shen Qian does not have this ability, mainly Du Anmin.

Later, in the era of acquisition, it seems that the energy of Du Anmin was indeed used, and a lot of money was loaned from afar.

Although even without Du Anmin, it may be successful, but the confidence in the distance will certainly not be so sufficient.

Later, Shen Qian sold the shares of Shen Group and raised 500 million to Li Dong, which helped him a lot.

If it were not for the 500 million yuan, Li Dong would not have the money to enter the stock market, and he would not be able to make the money that came later. Naturally, there would be no future development.

In short, Sun Tao and Shen Qian, both of whom played an indelible role in the process of growing up in the distance.

As for the others, they may have credit and may have contributed to the group, but they are still very different from the two.

Now that Shen Qian is leaving, Sun Tao will then become the group's last hero and entrepreneur.

Li Dong mentioned these today, and it is not unreasonable feelings.

Some lay an ambush in advance and say that there will be great changes in the distance in the next year.

Sun Tao, an old comrade who has merit and loyalty to the group and is also capable, and is still learning, may be able to carry a more important burden next.

Half-jokingly, I took the matter through, and the other executives also reported their results.

On the far side of science and technology, this time the results have been remarkable.

Not to mention the development of industries such as Weibo and PP, the most important thing is the mall side.

With the help of a smooth logistics system, with the rise of, and with the power of Weibo, Yuanfang Mall became famous.

Most of Taobao ’s business in East China was destroyed by a distance. The reason why Taobao was destroyed is that Taobao ’s users are scattered and its sellers are scattered.

Some sellers are in East China, but the logistics of this city is not a problem.

In addition, Taobao Mall also maintains a smooth flow of goods, so the other party in East China still maintains a part of the market share and has not been completely defeated.

But even so, this time, Taobao defeated Taobao this time.

When the snow stops and the logistics are connected, Taobao may still recover part of the market.

If there is not much change in the distance, or Taobao makes other changes and wants to defeat the victory, almost no drama.

The rapid development of distant science and technology, even with the logistics side has also developed well.

Although Dongyu Real Estate hasn't made much progress, it can acquire a 5% stake in Longhua, which is barely a little bit. It's not bad, it's New Year in a few days.

At this time, some competition and expansion can be stopped. It is also an old tradition not to use military troops during the Spring Festival.

In the next few days, everyone can take a vacation, rest, and prepare for the New Year.

After we start work in the new year, let's do a good job again. "

During the one-year expansion war, other people were indeed tired and exhausted.

Li Dong said that he wouldn't move the sword soldiers for the next few days. Everyone took a breath and had to rest and relax.

This year, in addition to the real estate company a little easier, other people who are not alone are used by two people.

As soon as Li Dong finished speaking, Yuan Chengdao said: "This year the company will stay behind and let me come. Mr. Sun, you will all be on holiday ..."

Wu Shengnan also quickly said: "There is also me, Mr. Yuan and I work in shifts."

Counting, among the several directors, except for the director elected by the staff meeting, they are the most idle.

Even Liu Qi has to worry about things on the foundation.

Seeing that the two were willing to work shifts during the Spring Festival, Li Dong did not refuse and quickly agreed to the plan.

If you don't use the sword soldiers, you won't be able to do anything without representative.

Yuanyuan Group is so big, even if it is a holiday, at least one principal must sit here.

Yuan Chengdao and Wu Shengnan work in shifts. The others can relax.

After arranging these things, Li Dong finally remembered when everyone was going to adjourn the meeting: "The guy Xu Shengzhe invited guests in the evening, and everything went in the past. This guy gave birth to a daughter, who was not happy, and had a big banquet for three days."

Everyone laughed when they heard it, and most people heard about it.

Li Dong spoke, and many people said that the evening would pass. Of course, there were also people who could not go. Li Dong did not persuade him. Everyone was busy during the Chinese New Year.

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