The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 857: Do not eat this set

On the road.

With a smile on her face, Shen Qian looked straight ahead.

Li Dong was a little awkward and twisted his body and said, "Cici ..."

"Don't talk while driving."

"That one……"

"Pay attention to safety. The temperature has been relatively low recently, and the road has frozen."

Li Dong scorned, and sat down honestly.

After a while, Shen Qian suddenly said: "How is my dad recently, is his appearance okay?"

"Aren't you saying nothing?"

Li Dong murmured, Shen Qian turned his head and glanced at him, Li Dong quickly smiled and said: "Okay, okay. Uncle Du's face is very ruddy, it must be taken care of by Aunt Shen, everyone is more than ten years young ... "

"No seriousness!"

Shen Qian snorted and stopped caring, and continued to drive.

Li Dong scratched his head, why am I not serious?

For a while, Li Dong suddenly wanted to understand what she meant, and suddenly dumbfounded: "You are so dirty!"


Shen Qian's black line stained your head, how did I stain it?

Without taking care of him, the car quickly arrived at the Provincial Party Committee compound.


In the small courtyard.

Zhou Yawen was talking with Little Stone. When Li Dong and Shen Qian came back, they suddenly looked nervous: "Mr. Li, Miss Shen."

Li Dong nodded with a smile, then crouched down and hugged the thrown small stone into his arms.

After playing with the fat girl for a while, Li Dong heard her speech more clearly than before, and then looked at Zhou Yawen and said: "Miss Zhou, please."

Zhou Yawen quickly said: "No trouble, this is what I should do."

Shen Qian aside smiled lightly: "Dr. Zhou is not humble, the stone is indeed much better than before. Looking back, I will say hello to your dean."

Shen Qian just said this, but it made Zhou Yawen smile.

She came to the Li family to help Xiaoshitou for rehabilitation treatment. The reward was one point, and the other was for this.

Whether it is Li Dong or Shen Qian, it is a big one in Pingchuan.

At the rehabilitation center, whoever said a few good words, they would be better off in the future.

Li Dong didn't care much about these little things. He thought it would be enough to pay a lot. It was Shen Qian who read it thoroughly. In a word, Zhou Yawen immediately gave him **** passion.

A few people chatted briefly, and Li Dong and Shen Qian entered the house.

As soon as she entered the room, Shen Qian said, "Go to your room."


Shen Qian frowned: "Ah, what?"

Li Dongqian smiled and said: "In the daytime, and I am tired from the journey, or at night ..."

Shen Qian glanced at him with a smile, and then reached out and squeezed his face. After a while, he said: "The skin is getting thicker and thicker. What are you doing in gags? Confessed?"

"No, I have a guilty conscience." Li Dong straightened his waist bar.

Shen Qian said with a smile: "This is also true, you are so thick-skinned, of course, not guilty."

"What does this say ..."

"Go upstairs!"

Shen Qian did not give him room to continue to play, dragging him upstairs.

Li Dong had no choice but to go upstairs.

Entering the room, Shen Qian locked the door back, and Li Dong began to undress as soon as he saw it.

Shen Qian didn't stop. She found a place to sit down and smiled like a play: "Go on, let's go off. Let me see if you have gained weight these days. I heard that you have lived in Beijing. Not bad. "

Li Dong twitched, stopped her undressing, and admitted: "Miss, don't talk like this? I'm wrong, come, beat me, scold me, I all recognize."

"What are you doing?"

Shen Qian said inexplicably: "I am a lady, do you think I will do something about beating people?"

Li Dong smiled bitterly: "Don't do this, you say, what do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything."

Shen Qian chuckled and said slowly: "I just want to discuss something with you."

"what's up?"

"Hirakawa has a deputy mayor, do you know?"

"I heard about it once, what's wrong?"

Shen Qian sighed softly: "People are very young, they are in their early thirties, they are handsome and tall.

I went to see it a few days ago, and it's quite appetizing for me. I was looking for you to help me ... "

Li Dong was a little stunned and scratched his head: "What do you mean?"

Shen Qian glanced at him, and said silently: "I still don't understand? I said I had a blind date with the other party, and I saw the other party. The person is very good ..."


"Did you have a problem with your ears? I said I'm fancy with each other. I'm going to get married and have a baby, okay?"


Li Dong finally recovered, and said stiffly: "Cici, this joke is not funny, don't make trouble."

"Who is in trouble?"

Shen Qian gave him a strange look, got up and poured herself a glass of red wine, and smiled while drinking red wine: "I don't like joking very much, this time I'm serious.

Shi Guanglin was able to become the vice mayor of the provincial capital city at the age of 32, and he was very capable.

People, it ’s okay to be longer, at least stronger than some people.

Coupled with my age, both parents are also satisfied ... "


Li Dong interrupted her hurriedly and hummed: "Don't try to lie to me, I don't believe you ..."

"Don't believe it? Why don't you believe it?" Shen Qian said slowly: "If you can hold flowers, I can't talk about marriage?"

"Besides, people are indeed longer than you ..."

"Shen Qian!"

Li Dong said badly: "You must have lied to me! I said, this joke is not funny!"

"Ha ha!"

Seeing his half-death, Shen Qian smiled and said, "Shall I show you his picture, will you help me palm your eyes?"

Li Dong blacked her face and stared at her fiercely, dumbfounded: "Don't excite me, and then I will go to the city government to find someone desperately!

I thought that I was a heads-up king. If I tried hard and killed the other party, you had to stay alive. "

"Go, I support you." Shen Qian smiled more and more happily, while tasting red wine, and said with satisfaction: "If you really go in, I think, it is appropriate to find a few white faces?"

Three? Five?

Hey, headache ... "

Before she was finished, Li Dong snatched the glass.

Then Shen Qian felt herself vacated, and soon she fell into a soft bed.


Shen Qian felt a numb buttocks, and listened to Li Dong behind her, angrily angrily said: "I'll let you find a little white face!"


"I made you deliberately mad at me!"


"Is there still no family law! Today I will let you see my family law of Li family, and it's turned upside down!"


"The pain is right, and said, was that Shi Guanglin introduced by your mother? How many times did I go? I had to break his leg when I turned around, and my Li Dong woman dared to be tempted ..."

Shen Qian refused to accept the air and said: "You still have a face to teach me, why don't you say yourself!"

"What's wrong with me? I didn't do anything. Don't listen to others slandering me ..."

"Smelly shameless!"

"I'll be shameless. Come on, your man let you know what shame is today, and dare to turn the sky. Today, you can't even turn your bed up."

"Get up, the sky is still bright ..."

"You're not talking about it. Today, I'm going to smash Huang Long on the head of the old Li, and I won't keep you if I kill you!"



After half an hour.

Li Dong looked comfortable and said lazily: "Have you served?"

"Silver gun wax head!"

"Yeah, it's better, right, come again ..."

Shen Qian slapped his paws off, not angry. "You need to be shameless, I still want it, Zhou Yawen is still there. Don't think I eat yours. Shen Qian is not such a person."

Li Dong smiled and said, "Which set did I eat? I didn't wear a set."


Shen Qian blushed and shoved him: "Hurry up and find the right thing for you, no seriousness every time."

Li Dong hummed: "Don't say anything else first, what's going on with that Shi Guanglin? I haven't told you anything, and I really want to clean him up when I look back.


Shen Qian gave him a white look, got up and began to wear clothes, saying: "I met once, just the day of Hu Xiaorui's birthday last time.

Just casually talk about, who made you drenched in flowers and grass all day long.

Also, do n’t ask others to trouble ... "

"Yo, take care!" Li Dong's eyebrows began to shake, angrily said: "If you say that, then I really have to compete with him."

Shen Qian said helplessly: "Don't be so boring? Also, Shi Guanglin's dad is ..."

Shen Qian said a name, and Li Dong said with a tongue: "Don't worry, what's going on in Jiangbei? Jia Wenhao's guy hasn't left yet, and there's another Shi Guanglin, really taking us as a cultivation base?"

"Normal, Jiangbei's economy is not well-developed and not too eye-catching, suitable for these people to develop.

And do n’t forget, where is this place?

One third of the current nine people are from Jiangbei.

At this time, you can come to Jiangbei to serve, and most people can't grab it. In short, don't provoke others. "

Li Dong curled his lips and said: "I'm afraid he is a bird. Besides, do you really think I'm so stupid? I want to clean him up. I don't have to destroy each other physically. He has just arrived in the second generation.

If I really want to clean up him, some are the way.

I dare not say this in other places, in Jiangbei, hehe ... "

Shen Qian glared at him, did not continue this topic, and shifted the topic: "Don't deal with these boring things, tell you the right thing.

Chen Rui and Chang Qiqi got together, and Zhu Yicai also wandered around in Jiangbei.

Also, be careful with Xu Shengzhe, this guy had dinner with Zhu Yicai in the suburban club last time ... "


Li Dong was shocked and quickly got up and said, "You said Xu Shengzhe and Zhu Yicai had dinner together?"


Li Dong frowned suddenly, what did Xu Shengzhe want to do?

But now I don't know what they talk about ~ ~ It's not easy to guess, maybe it's just talking about business.

But I wish Yi Cai, Li Dong was not offended.

At this time, Zhu Yicai suddenly had a close conversation with Xu Shengzhe, and Li Dong had to think of himself.

Did these guys put their ideas on their heads?

Slightly pondering for a moment, Li Dong said while wearing his clothes: "At night I promised Shengzhe to have a meal together. Does this kid want to fight back?"

"I can't see it." Shen Qian thought for a while: "At this time, he turned over with us, which is not good for him."

"Then what do you say they have met?"

Shen Qian shook her head and said, "It's not easy to guess for now, let's say we are not muddy. Even if they want to do something, it will not be so easy.

Anyway, do n’t be excited, try Xu Shengzhe at night.

The other is Chen Rui. Although these people are not worrying, it is not a matter of being always remembered.

Chen Rui, don't let them interfere, it's inappropriate.

I find an opportunity to meet them ... "


Li Donghu suspected: "Lao Du is gone, is it useful for you to come forward now?"

Shen Qian rolled her eyes and said: "Why, I'm so wasteful in your eyes? Without my dad, I can't do anything?"

"It doesn't mean that, just do it with you. But if you can't figure it out, look back at me."

Li Dong's eyes flashed sharply when he talked. Can one really regard himself as a soft persimmon?

I was not afraid of them a few years ago, let alone now.

Chang Qiqi took care of her as a woman, plus Chang Yuanshan had no hatred with herself, and the matter of the last property conference was not true.

This woman dared to show her head this time, really thought she was afraid of her?

In addition, Chen Rui's fellow is also in a spirit. You're honestly a good grandson in Beijing, so you have to visit this muddy water.

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