The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 849: anger

Before Lu Yu reported Li Dong's name, Qin Yuhan also reacted.

She has never seen such a scene, nor has she participated in such a circle.

Doesn't mean she is a fool.

She was a little ignorant before, but when she saw the room card, she understood a little bit.

Until Hu Guohua said, "Come here in the evening," she didn't understand it at this time, and she simply stupidly forgot.

When Lu Yuzheng and Hu Guohua communicated, Qin Yuhan hurriedly said: "I don't know that this is a room card, I thought it was a business card, I am sorry, Sister Lu Yu, I will go first ..."

At this time she just wanted to find a safe haven, find a refuge, and escape the trouble caused by ignorance this time.

She knows that as long as Li Dong is found, these troubles will disappear.

But before she fled, everyone around her face suddenly changed.

It ’s not just these young men and women, including some of the previous celebrity stars.

Sometimes, there are things that everyone knows.

Just like this party, before coming, everyone knows what they want to do and what they should do.

So someone took the house card because they needed this opportunity.

But this kind of thing is clear in my heart, but I can't say it, especially because there are many people beside me.

However, Qin Yuhan was just too nervous and said a "room card", and the fool knew what they were doing.

Although everyone is in the corner of the banquet hall, it does not mean that no one heard.

Seeing some bosses frowning around, these people knew they heard it.

It cannot be said that this is the unspoken rule.

Now, Qin Yuhan, a newcomer, has broken this rule and instantly became a public enemy.

Qin Yuhan hasn't left yet. Just now a woman artist who said that she laughed suddenly pulled her lightly and said: "This little sister, remember you are a newcomer and a friend of Sister Chen. The sister reminds you that Hu Shao-shi General manager of Huaan Film and Television.

Sometimes it ’s necessary to pretend to be tall. Since Hu Shao has received something, it ca n’t go away.

If you leave, something is unclear.

Sister Chen, we do n’t give you a face, but since you do n’t have this thought, you should say hello before.

Isn't it embarrassing us and Hu Shao to do this now?

All are women. It ’s not difficult to eat this line of food, we all know.

Sister Chen, I think you can understand it, right? "

Lu Yu knew that they had offended these people today. At this time, she also suffocated and depressed, even trying to pretend not to know about it.

But the point is no!

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yu finally found an opportunity to speak and quickly said: "You, this is my fault. I forgot to remind Yu Han, but everyone listens to me.

Yu Han is not a person in the circle. She is Mr. Li's girlfriend. Mr. Li is the chairman of Yuanfang Group. "

After finishing this sentence, Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally said in secret.

Li Dong ’s woman, do n’t you dare to move.

Who knew she had just finished speaking, the opposite Hu Guohua suddenly laughed, leaning forward and backward, even other men and women could not help laughing.

Just when Lu Yu was baffled, Hu Guohua shook his head and said, "If you press me against others, you can press Li Dong against me?"

Miss Chen, we know something better than you. Before we borrow the tiger skin next time, let us know clearly before we talk about it.

Who does n’t know in the capital circle that Li Dong ’s girlfriend is Shen Qian?

At this time, you actually pressed Li Dong against me?

Hahaha ... "

Others laughed, apparently not taking Lu Yu's words seriously.

Everyone knows that Li Dong is a ruthless man.

When Li Dong came to the capital, he broke Yu Le's leg and slapped Sun Manman. Later, at the imperial palace, many top figures in the circle suffered a loss.

Although they don't know the specific details, the gambling game still circulated widely.

Because of this, everyone did some understanding of Li Dongduo.

At that time, Shen Qian also came to Beijing, and many people knew that Li Dong and her had a special relationship.

If you rest elsewhere, saying that Qin Yuhan is Li Dong's girlfriend, there are still people who are afraid.

But where is this?

In the capital!

Under Duanmin's eyes, so many gangsters come to the graduation ceremony, don't Li Dong want to be confused?

At this time, I brought a girlfriend with me. Do you want to hide Du Anmin?

Many people think that Li Dong can get up and rely on Du Anmin.

Once Du Anmin is dissatisfied, Li Dong must be unlucky, so no one feels that Li Dong dares to mess up in the capital.

In other places, we dare not guarantee that at this formal banquet, everyone believes that Li Dong is not so stupid.

Others laughed, but Qin Yuhan couldn't laugh.

At this time she even forgot to escape, "Li Dong's girlfriend is Shen Qian."

This sentence seemed to be like the tip of a needle, and all her internal organs stabbed.

She had been covering her ears and stealing bells before, always pretending not to know these, just thinking that she was Li Dong's real girlfriend.

In front of Shen Qian, she has a natural advantage and can look down on each other.

However, it was only now that she understood that she was wrong.


In the eyes of others, in the eyes of the upper class, it turns out that they have no sense of existence.

They only know Shen Qian, they all think that Shen Qian is Li Dong's girlfriend.

And myself, so humble in their eyes.

At this moment, Qin Yuhan lost his soul and felt cold all over.

It turns out that I have always been passionate about myself, but I am the third person in the eyes of others?

Why is this happening?

Am I not good enough?

Or am I not working hard enough?


It's because I don't have Shen Qian's background, I can't help Li Dong like Shen Qian, and I can't intervene in the circle of so-called upper-class people where they are.

This is the reason!

When everyone laughed, and when Qin Yuhan lost his soul, Li Dong arrived.

As soon as Li Dong arrived here, he felt the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

Everyone was laughing, and Lu Yu was surprised, looking at Qin Yuhan from time to time, as if it felt strange.

And Qin Yuhan stood in a daze for a while, his eyes looked a little awkward.

Li Dong's face changed slightly, pushing the two people in front of him, and hurried towards Qin Yuhan.

The two were pushed away by Hu Guohua in the circle. At first, they were ready to get angry. But when they saw Li Dong's profile, their faces suddenly changed.

While Li Dong didn't notice them, the two looked at each other and hurriedly cat stepped into the crowd.


Really this guy!

They didn't expect it to be just a play, which really provokes this guy.

Li Dong is not so irritating, although this matter has nothing to do with them, the woman did not suffer, but no one knows that Li Dong Jiu must report.

Even if Li Dong can't afford it, the key is that they can't afford it.


"Yuhan, are you okay?"

Li Dong didn't look at the others and hurried forward to hold Qin Yuhan and asked.

Qin Yuhan was in a trance. He glanced at him, his eyes slightly red, and he reluctantly said, "I'm fine, but I'm not very comfortable ..."

"Don't you like the atmosphere here? Then I will accompany you out ..."

"No, don't worry about me."

"Really okay?"


The time they talked, the others could not laugh.

Many people crept back a few steps when they saw it, and then they all joined the crowd.

Only Hu Guohua had as much ugliness at this time.

It's really him!

Others can go, but he is not easy to leave at this time.

Pushing down the depression in his heart, Hu Guohua reassured himself: I didn't take advantage of it, but I just said a few words and couldn't make myself afraid of Li Dong.

No matter how hard Li Dong is, how dare he treat him?

This is the capital and not Jiangbei. Besides, Li Dong did not dare to make trouble, he was not afraid that Du Anmin would become angry.

Just when he was cranky, Li Dong's face didn't look good.

Qin Yuhan's mood is a little wrong, plus the atmosphere here is not right, he is not stupid, although he doesn't know what happened, but Li Dong knows, what must have happened here just now.

When Qin Yuhan said he was going to the bathroom, Li Dong did not stop him.

It wasn't until she left that Li Dong looked at Lu Yu slightly indifferently, and then swept the other curious stars, holding back his anger: "Miss Chen, can you tell me something?"

Lu Yu was a little embarrassed at this time, how to say this?

Hu Guohua and several celebrities were on the sidelines. If she said that, they would offend these people.

But if not to say, what to do when Li Dong moved his anger.

After a moment of hesitation, Lu Yu saw Li Dong's eyes cold and trembling in his heart, embarrassed and said: "Mr. Li, it's nothing. Just a few jokes ..."

"What a joke?"

"This ..." Lu Yu was a little helpless, but just now Qin Yuhan didn't say anything, she didn't mention the room card, but shifted the focus and said: "It's just that everyone just talked about Ms. Shen Qian, so ..."

Li Dong instantly understood!

It doesn't matter if he doesn't know the room card. The key is Shen Qian, enough to explain a lot.

He could even guess what these people said before Qin Yuhan lost his soul.

Under pressure, Li Dong knew that this could not blame others, and nodded: "I know, and thank you, Miss Chen, for taking care of me, I went to the bathroom to see Yu Han ..."

After talking about Li Dong, he was a little suspicious. What did these people do to mention Shen Qian?

Also, who is this man?

There was some doubt in my heart, plus Li Dong had just seen other people doing loose birds and beasts. He didn't care about this before, and now it's obviously something is wrong.

Didn't do anything wrong, why are these guys afraid of themselves?

Li Dong is not a beast that eats people. As long as he doesn't guilt himself, he generally won't take the initiative to trouble others.

Thinking of these things in my heart, Li Dong didn't ask any more, but said to Lu Yu: "Miss Chen, can you please accompany me to the bathroom to see? Yuhan is a little uncomfortable, and I'm not convenient for the lady over there Go in. "

Lu Yu froze for a moment, then quickly nodded and said: "Okay, no problem."

Seeing Lu Yu coming together, Li Dong didn't care about others anymore, but he wrote down the appearance of these people.

Until the two left, the other talents took a long sigh of relief.

Many people whispered and said, "That was Li Dong just now? The momentum is really strong. When he came, I was too scared to speak."

"Me too, I was so scared at the time."

"Don't talk anymore, it's gone, it's troublesome, hey ..."

Several stars have dispersed, and today is really a twist.

It was obviously a trivial matter, but I didn't expect even Li Dong to provoke it in the end.

Fortunately, things haven't happened yet, plus Li Dong's little girlfriend didn't tell the truth, otherwise they are really worried about Li Dong's rush on the spot.

It now appears that this matter has passed.

Hu Guohua on the side also relaxed a little. He said in his heart that he was not afraid of Li Dong, but actually he was a little bit dazed.

Fortunately, Li Dong appeared in time, otherwise today he might be the real overlord.

It seems okay now, but next time I have to pay attention to it, just come out and have fun. The ghost knows how to suddenly have a Li Dong girlfriend.

Hu Guohua pursed his lips and thought secretly in his heart, would he say something to Shen Hang?

It is not uncommon for the rich to find Xiaosan. The key is that your brother-in-law brought people to the banquet, a serious graduation banquet.

Those who come today are business giants, Guo Guangchang, Yang Shaopeng, Pan Shiyi, Feng Lun, Wu Ying, Ma Yun, Li Dongsheng, Wu Yajun ...

Now that Li Dong is present with women in front of these people, isn't it the face of the Sun family?


Hu Guohua and others felt that it was all right, and even felt that Li Dong might suffer a loss.

But at the moment Li Dong wanted to kill!

Previously, in front of everyone, Lu Yu dared not say it all, fearing to offend others.

But no one was there at this time, and the two of them were there. Li Dong stared at her and asked questions, and Lu Yu dared not hide it, and told the whole story from beginning to end.

Li Dong is too lazy to manage the bad things in the entertainment circle.

But these guys actually hit Qin Yuhan's head.

If it were n’t for you, maybe what ’s going to happen today ~ ~ That ’s not counted. If it were n’t for these guys, Shen Qian ’s things would not be brought up, and finally let things look like this. .

Li Dong originally planned to boil the frog in warm water, and then dragged on for another half a year, and then slowly resolved the matter.

But now it's okay. Looking at Qin Yuhan's appearance, he obviously has received a lot of stimulation.

Thinking of these, Li Dong didn't even look good at Lu Yu.

But he also knew that it had nothing to do with Lu Yu. After all, she probably didn't expect it to happen before.

Compressed with anger, Li Dong looked somber: "What did Hu Guohua do?"

"He is the general manager of Huaan Television."


Li Dong murmured that he hadn't heard of this company, but it didn't matter, just go back and check it.

After asking Hu Guohua, Li Dong said: "Who is blocking Yu Han from leaving?"


Lu Yu is a little embarrassed. After all, the artists who talk to her today are her friends, even if such friends have very low sentiments.

But after hesitating for a while, Lu Yu said: "It is Xu Ying, President Li, actually Xu Ying ..."

"No need to explain, Xu Ying, right, I know." Li Dong nodded slightly: "Okay, it's causing trouble to Miss Chen. You are busy going, I will deal with Yuhan here."


"Miss Chen, get busy!"

Li Dong's remarks are unquestionable. Lu Yu didn't know what he was thinking, nor could he continue to say more, and hurried away.

When she walked away, Li Dongcai hit the wall with a punch, and gritted his teeth: "Mad, look back, I will die you!"

This time he was really hot, of course, there was no shortage of anger in it. If they were not sloppy, he was sure that he could handle the two women.

But now, looking at Qin Yuhan's performance, Li Dong doesn't feel very good.

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