The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 844: Profitable

When he came out of Du Anmin's office, Zhao Nanfang sent him out.

Before that, Zhao Nannan was more polite.

You ca n’t be polite, just listen to Du Anmin ’s tone, which is obviously unusual.

Zhao Nanfang is kind and Li Dong is kind.

The two were in a suit, and suddenly someone was surprised and said, "Li Dong?"

Li Dong looked around and smiled suddenly: "Brother Ren."

I met no one else but Ren Hongbing, a classmate from the business school.

Ren Hongbing is not a general manager, but a big man of SINOMACH, who was recently promoted to chairman.

As a large state-owned enterprise in Beijing, it is not surprising that he met Ren Hongbing at the municipal government.

If it is calculated according to the level, Ren Hongbing is at least the main hall, or the deputy department, anyway, the level is not low, and the prestige in the Beijing commercial district is not low.

Li Dongyi responded, Ren Hongbing knew that he had read the wrong person.

After reading Li Dong, Ren Hongbing saw Zhao Nanfang again.

Soon after Zhao Nanfang came to power, he might not know if he was replaced by an unfamiliar person, but Ren Hongbing often visited the city government recently. How could he not be familiar with Zhao Nanfang.

Zhao Nannan personally sent Li Dong downstairs?

Does that mean that Li Dong just went to see Du Anmin?

Thinking of the previous classmate gatherings, everyone joked about Li Dong, and Ren Hongbing suddenly understood.

In the past, even if Li Dong was close to Du Anmin, Ren Hongbing didn't care much.

After all, Du Anmin was in Jiangbei before, and he couldn't fight with him.

But now it is different. SINOMACH does not belong to the jurisdiction of the Beijing City Government, but the central jurisdiction.

However, in fact, such a large company is located in the capital of Beijing. Can the Beijing Municipal Government ignore it?

Even if Hong Bing was promoted to chairman, it would have to be agreed by the Beijing Municipal Government. If the municipal government disagreed, the SASAC would not dare to fight against a state-owned enterprise chief and the municipal government.

After thinking for a while, Ren Hongbing didn't stop.

He greeted Li Dong with a smile, and Ren Hongbing looked at Zhao Nanfang again and said, "Director Zhao, what are you and Brother Li?"

Zhao Nanfang also knew Ren Hongbing. In recent days, Du Anmin has seen Ren Hongbing a few times because of the restructuring of the national machine.

After Ren Hongbing asked, Zhao Nannan smiled and said, "Hello, President Ren, I'm planning to send President Li out. Do you know President Li?"

"Hahaha, don't you know, Li Dong and I are classmates."


Zhao Nanfang glanced at the two of them. The age gap is relatively large. I don't know what classmates they are.

But he is not a talker, Wen Yan smiled and said: "This is really a coincidence."

Li Dong next to him also smiled at this time: "Brother Ren, are you here to do things?"

"It's done, I'm preparing to go out. Director Zhao, don't give it away if you don't, I will go out with Brother Li ..."

Ren Hongbing's brother shouted intimacy, the smile on his face was three points warmer than before.

Even before Li Dong opened his mouth, he said that the two were classmates.

In fact, Li Dong understands that this is almost the case.

Although the former Hong Bing was enthusiastic, he was definitely not as enthusiastic as he is now.

The reason why it behaves like this is just to show Zhao Nanfang. You see, my relationship with Li Dong is very good.

Li Dong and Du Anmin also have good relations, which is simply a natural teammate relationship.

For Ren Hongbing, it is necessary to have a good relationship with the mayor of Beijing.

However, because Du Anmin first arrived here, everyone was not familiar with his work style or what kind of person he was.

Even if you want to get close, it's not that easy.

He had contacted Du Anmin several times and felt that Du Anmin was not so easy to get close to.

Originally, he had some headaches. Li Dong didn't expect to come to sleep, so Li Dong brought the pillow.

All these Li Dong can see, but he does not mind.

Ren Hongbing's status is not low, and his connections in Beijing are also extensive. In addition, the two are originally classmates. It is good for both sides to help each other.

Besides, it was Du Anmin ’s business that Du Anmin accepted Ren Hongbing, but Li Dong had no effect in the middle.

Li Dong doesn't think he can influence Du Anmin's decision. Old Du is soft-hearted and internally strong. What is his plan, let alone Li Dong, Shen Qian can't change it.

Hearing that Ren Hongbing was also going out, Li Dong turned to smile at Zhao Nanfang: "Director Zhao, then I will go with Brother Ren, and I will invite Director Zhao to dinner next time."

"Then I will wait for President Li to invite guests." Zhao Nanfang laughed and said: "Zong Li remembers my number, next time Mr. Li has something to call me."

After talking, Zhao Nannan took out his mobile phone and called Li Dong.

He knows Li Dong's number and just called in the morning.

Li Dong didn't care too much, and saved his number when he finished the call.

Ren Hongbing next to him secretly gagged, and the leadership attitude was the easiest to see from the secretary.

Li Dong didn't notice it, but he knew why Zhao Nannan did so much.

It stands to reason that Li Dong had contacted the city government office before, and the call should find Zhao Nanfang.

But Zhao Nanfang just left a number, needless to say it was a private mobile phone, and even Zhao Nanfang just said that Li Dong had something to find him, this is not a polite word.

Li Dong really has no trouble that can't be solved, Zhao Nanfang will definitely come forward to help solve it.

Sometimes, the secretary is more effective than the leader.

Du An's position is highly weighted, it is impossible to manage everything, and Li Dong will not directly ask Du Anmin for anything.

In Jiangbei for a few years, Li Dong rarely spoke to Du Anmin.

Sometimes for small things, it is most appropriate to come to Zhao Nanfang.

After storing the number, the two sides politely said a few words, and then Li Dong went out with Ren Hongbing.


Out of the city compound.

Ren Hongbing asked: "Brother Li, will you pass the graduation ceremony the day after tomorrow?"

"Go, just for this. Sister Wu made a speech over there, and I killed her without going to her. I dare not fight Sister Wu."

"Hahaha, that's true."

Ren Hongbing laughed and said again: "Does the younger brother have dinner at noon, and if not, the old man invites us, let's gather in advance."

In a few words, Li Dong became Brother Li, and Brother Li became brother again.

These changes in appellation sound natural and actually test the skill.

Li Dong is also not a fool, he said with a smile: "I have no dinner, I am a idle person now, my brother treats me, I have to rub a meal."

Then the two brothers called out to be especially affectionate.

Although they hadn't arrived for the meal, the two didn't care, and got on their respective cars. Ren Hongbing led the way in front and Li Dong followed.

Half an hour later, Ren Hongbing led Li Dong to a private dish.

This little restaurant is housed in an alley, and people who are not familiar with Beijing must be unable to find it.


I have to say that the masters are in the private sector.

In the past, Li Dong didn't really like Beijing's food, the difference between the north and the south, and the food in the north did not suit his taste.

Today, however, Li Dong is appetizing.

At noon, Li Dong didn't actually know what the cuisine was, even the name.

The dishes were ordered by Ren Hongbing, and Li Dong tasted a few bites and felt very delicious.

The dishes are tasteful, plus Ren Hongbing is the master of the master.

After a meal, the relationship between the two was really close.

Although it was said that it was a relationship of classmates, in fact, there are still some differences in the circle of everyone.

In the class, Li Dong and Wu Yajun, Yang Shaopeng, and Lan Xingguo have close relations, while Ren Hongbing has good relations with several state-owned enterprise managers.

And after a meal today, the two were considered to be in the same circle.

Naturally, chatting is indispensable for dinner, and Li Dong talked about taking land.

This is not a secret, just as Ren Hongbing asked, Li Dong said casually.

Anyway, there is still some time for the land auction, plus Li Dongxiang trusted Hong Bing not to spread it, so there was no concealment.

After he finished speaking, Ren Hongbing couldn't help but be surprised: "Brother, are you really ready to take this land?"

Li Dongwenyan felt that his tone was a little strange, and his face was right: "Is this planned, what's wrong, this land has a problem?"

"The land is okay, but not long ago when I was eating with people, I heard people mention it and stared at this lot of people. SOHO, Vanke, and Poly are all interested. At this time, you want to grab food , I am afraid it is not easy. "

"This is for sure, after all it is the core of the business district."

Li Dong was not too surprised, there must be many people staring at this prime location.

Ren Hongbing saw that he had a good sense of mind and couldn't help but think of Du Anmin. Did Li Dong get Du Anmin's promise?

Whether this matter or not, he would not ask the exit.

And his purpose is not this too. After Li Dong finished his speech, Ren Hongbing said, "Brother, if you want me to say that you are building a branch building, you don't have to be on the CBD side.

The land price there is not low, the influence is a little bigger, and in fact it is the same.

In fact, Haidian District can also be used here. It is close to Zhongguancun. There are many large-scale enterprises here ~ ~ There are also many headquarters of large groups.

It happened that there was a factory building on SINOMACH some time ago that needed to be restructured. The factory was an old factory of the last century, and the machines were aging.

SINOMACH means to relocate the factory. Once it is relocated, the place will be vacated ... "

After hearing the strings, Li Dong shone his eyes and said, "Brother Ren, where is your factory?"

Ren Hongbing said a place, Li Dong is not very familiar with the capital, but it is not clear.

However, according to Ren Hongbing, it is very close to Zhongguancun, and it can even be said to belong to the area of ​​Zhongguancun.

At the beginning, the land in Zhongguancun was not worth much, plus the factory was built for decades, and it was a state-owned enterprise. It covers a large area, and the land was not spent. The country gave it away.

The original factory building of this kind of enterprise is generally handled by the enterprise itself, whether it is sold or otherwise, it is all decided by the enterprise.

As long as it is not excessive, and how much is sold, it is up to the enterprise to decide.

Of course, in the end, the government still has to review it.

Ren Hongbing did not generously give away Li Dong, but everyone is a friend, and it is okay to give a little discount.

As for the government review, this is simpler.

Not to mention the existence of Du Anmin, without Du Anmin, as long as the money from a distance is not too low, the government will not say anything.

After listening to him, Li Dong said with a smile on his face: "Brother Ren, let me go back and investigate. Whether this matter can succeed or not, I will remember his brother's feelings."

"What I said, I just said it, even if I didn't say it, you can find out what kind of human beings you are."

Ren Hongbing laughed aloud, and the next two did not talk about the land, but drank again and again and drank.

After two hours of a meal, two people drank two pounds of liquor.

Li Dong has not been drinking for a while, and it is not clear how to get home.

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