The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 836: Blind date

Just when Li Dong attended Hu Xiaorui's birthday party, Shen Qian was also at the party.

A high-end western restaurant in the center of Pingchuan.

Shen Xuehua moves gracefully, always with a faint smile on her face.

Neither flattering nor vulgar, outsiders only seem to feel that they are worthy of fame.

On the square western dining table, Shen Xuehua and Shen Qian sat on one side, and on the opposite side sat a man and a woman.

The woman is not young. From the appearance, she should be forty-five or sixty years old.

In fact, women are in their early fifties this year, but they are well maintained.

The dark hair is not variegated and is slightly curled.

The face is painted with a light makeup, and the appearance is nothing special, but it is not ugly, and the temperament is even stronger than Shen Xuehua.

The man sitting next to her was in his early thirties, shaving his head flat.

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, the same temperament and elegance, it looks very comfortable, and at a glance it is known as a highly educated intellectual.

The man's face also always has a nonchalant smile, giving people a sense of intimacy.

At this moment Shen Xuehua is communicating with the girl opposite.

Shen Xuehua glanced at the man from time to time, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Yu Guang glanced at her daughter and saw her lowering her head to drink soup. Shen Xuehua couldn't help but smile.

Resisting the urge to scold, Shen Xuehua chuckled lightly: "Sister Fang, I haven't seen you in a few years, but Guanglin is getting more and more handsome."

Cheng Fang smiled and said, "Xuehua still talks like that, boy, it seems naturally mature at this age. To say the change, or Sissi has changed a lot, I just dare not recognize it just now.

The last time I saw Sissi, it seemed that Sissi had gone abroad. "

"Yeah, it took five or six years to work in a blink of an eye."

The two expressed a few emotions. After a while, Shen Xuehua looked at Shi Guanglin and smiled: "Guanglin, I heard that you will be transferred to Jiangbei soon?"

Shi Guanglin said that he put down his knife and fork, and said with a warm face: "Yeah, Aunt Shen. The organization has already talked to me about it. If there is no accident, I will come to Jiangbei at the end of the year or early next year."

"Is the position set?"

Shi Guanglin nodded slightly and said with respect: "It's settled, Deputy Mayor of Pingchuan."

Shen Xuehua was surprised, and said with emotion: "Amazing, if I remember correctly, you are only 32 years old this year in Guanglin. You have been working for only seven or eight years, which became the vice mayor of the provincial capital. Du just transferred to Beijing, or else ... "

Speaking of these words, Cheng Fang also had some regrets.

If Du Anmin was still in Jiangbei, he would be supported by the provincial party committee on the 1st.

After three or five years, his son will definitely take a step forward.

Before the age of 35, I stepped into the main hall level, and I still reached this point in the local area. What is that achievement?

After one or two years in the local government, the family will use some strength to transfer back to Beijing to work as a deputy minister at the Qingshui Department. The problem should not be too great.

After 40 years old in the next place, polished one or two sessions, 50-year-old son may be able to go to the point of Fengjiang officials.

At that time, it was enough to take over the family business, and the future was not invincible.

Now Jia Wenhao of Jia family, Huang Qinghe of Huang family ...

These people are more than ten years older than their sons, ten years a buck, everyone will not be an opponent in the future, among the sons of this generation, really few are better than him.

Cheng Fang rolled for a while, then thought of Du Anmin again.

Although Du Anmin did not stay in Jiangbei, it was good to enter the capital.

According to the person at home, Du Anmin may be about to enter the next round. Du Anmin is only 60 years old this year and has at least a decade of political career.

Becoming an in-law with the Du family is not an insult.

Du Anmin is a grassroot family, but the Shen family is a famous clan, regardless of origin or status, they are enough to serve as the daughter-in-law of the Shi family.

Thinking of this, Cheng Fang looked at Shen Qian opposite.

I have n’t seen it in a few years. This girl is more beautiful than before. The beauty is second, mainly because it looks dignified.

This is the first choice for a wealthy family to choose a daughter-in-law, otherwise it will be beautiful only as a vase.

The more I read Cheng Fang, the more satisfied I was, but soon Cheng Fang frowned again.

Shen Qian, who is opposite, has barely spoken since he arrived.

It's not good to treat people, this is not my wife's first choice.

Taking advantage of the gap in the conversation, Cheng Fang looked at Shen Qian and smiled, "Si Qian, listen to your mother saying that you came back from abroad and chose to work in a company?"

Shen Qian, who has been drinking Tang casually, raised his head and said: "Well, work in the Far Group."

"Distance Group?"

Cheng Fang thought for a while before he was unsure: "That's that ... the company founded by the young man named Li Dong?"

Shen Qian nodded and said, "This is the distance."

"Really? I heard that this remote group has done very well. Although it was not a few years after its establishment, it has already done a lot of things that are not large enough. What is Sissi responsible for in the company?"

Without waiting for Shen Qian to reply, Shen Xuehua smiled and said: "Siqian started as a researcher in the distance, and later served as the manager of the public relations department. After the establishment of the remote group, Siqin was mainly responsible for the Internet. Founded in one hand ...

However, I have discussed with An Min, and it is not always good to work for others.

Next, Qianxi will choose to leave from a distance, or start your own business, or follow me to invest. "

Cheng Fang smiled when he heard it: "It's good, it's good."

Shi Guanglin, who hadn't communicated with Shen Qian before, was also a little surprised and said: "Distant Mall was founded by Qian Qian?"

He has been working in other places before, and although he has heard about Yuanfang Group, he only knows one Li Dong.

This time he was going to work in Jiangbei, and he was given a long vacation for a period of time.

It happened that the mother in Shenyang met Shen Xuehua, who had not seen him for a long time. The two also had many encounters before, knowing that Shen Xuehua had a daughter.

After knowing that Shen Xuehua's daughter was not married, Cheng Fang suddenly moved.

After going back to discuss with her husband for a while, and Du Anmin just happened to be in Beijing, Cheng Fang and Shen Xuehua implicitly mentioned each other, and the two immediately matched.

As a result, there was this blind date. Of course, it would definitely not be a blind date in name.

Shi Guanglin happened to be transferred to Jiangbei. The name of this foreign visit is to first come to Jiangbei to get acquainted with the environment.

Shi Guanglin was a bit surprised to hear that the Faraway Mall was founded by Shen Qian.

He is different from Cheng Fang. After all, Cheng Fang is older and he does not accept the Internet enough.

Before that, he served as county head and county party committee secretary, was responsible for attracting investment, and had a good understanding of enterprise projects.

Although Yuanfang Mall hasn't been established for a long time, it now has a foothold in the Internet industry.

Earlier, when the distant place announced the financing externally, the major investment institutions gave tens of billions of valuations, which were reported by news newspapers, and Shi Guanglin also paid attention.

He did not expect that this tens of billions of behemoths was actually created by the woman in front of him.

No matter how much Shen Qian has contributed in it, whether it is with the help of outsiders or not, it is also remarkable to be able to create such achievements at the age of Shen Qian.

Shi Guanglin didn't have much hope for this blind date at the beginning, but now she has met Shen Qian himself, plus Shen Qian's ability, and the Du family and Shen family and network circle ...

Shi Guanglin couldn't help moving, is this not the best spouse candidate?

He had been dating several times before, and the other party were all boudoirs of famous clan, but Shi Guanglin didn't take it too seriously.

His vision is high, and he hopes to find a strong backing that can help himself, not the kind of charming girls.

In addition, he has now reached the level of the deputy hall, and the marriage problem must be solved.

If it is not resolved, the next step is to move, the organization will definitely consider this issue, the higher the position, the more you need to measure.

Not married, this is immature performance.

Now he needs to think about marriage, and the women in front of him are about the same age, good background, good looks, graduated from a first-class foreign university, and created the top Internet industry in China ...

The more he thought about it, the more appropriate Shi Guanglin felt.

Such a wife takes it out, gets a countertop, and gets a kitchen, to their level, these are not important.

When Shi Guanglin rolled in his mind, Shen Qian said, "My mother said something exaggerated. The establishment of Yuanfang Mall is just an executive. The real founder is Li Dong, chairman of Yuanfang Group.

It is also the credit of Li Dong for the distance mall can reach today. "

Although Shen Qian said so, the others didn't care much.

In any case, Shen Qian has the ability, and other aspects also meet their standards, which is enough.

Shen Xuehua and Cheng Fang communicated for a while, and the topic was always drawn to the two children.

Of course, neither of them deliberately made an excuse to leave.

After all, Shen Qian and Shi Guanglin are not ordinary children, and everyone is not too young. You have to let go when you should.

Next, Shi Guanglin spoke a lot more than before.

He actually knew Shen Qian before, but there was not much communication between them, and he hadn't seen each other for many years. It was no different from strangers.

Shen Qian responded one after another, and Shi Guanglin was not a fool, and gradually realized.

But it is not surprising to think that everyone just met after all and the other party is a girl.

I chatted for a while, almost at the end.

At this time, Shen Xuehua said: "Cici, I will talk with your aunt Cheng for a while. Guanglin is not familiar with Pingchuan when he first arrives. You take Guanglin around."

Shen Qian frowned slightly and looked at the time before saying: "Mom, it's too late now ..."

She said no more than half of it, and Shi Guanglin next to him hurriedly smiled and said, "Aunt Shen, let's just forget it today. It's almost ten o'clock, and the girl will go to bed early."

Shen Xuehua heard that she borrowed the donkey and did not dare to continue to persecute Shen Qian, otherwise it would not be good for her daughter to turn her face on the spot.

A few words with Cheng Fang's mother and son, and finally Shen Xuehua said with a smile: "Then next time, let Cici look around with you next time. I've just called your mother on Cici's phone. If you have time to call, Cici Qian is familiar with Hirakawa.

And the Pingchuan City Government, Sisian also often deal with, you are coming here, if you want to know anything, you can ask Sissy. "

Shi Guanglin said with a smile on his face: "Okay, thank you Aunt Shen, and trouble Sissi."

Shen Qian frowned, and said nothing.

Shi Guanglin didn't notice it, but Cheng Fang beside him noticed it and frowned, but it was hard to say anything at this time.

Both parties greeted all the way and waited for the restaurant door before leaving.


In the car.

Cheng Fang looked back at the Shen mother and daughter who were still at the intersection and asked, "How do you feel?"

Shi Guanglin was not a young man who had just fled out, and he was not shy. He heard the words and replied while looking at the road: "Alright, much better than the ones you introduced before."

"You're satisfied, Du Anmin has just entered Beijing and can't see anything yet.

But listening to your dad said that the next secretary Liu will be 70, and he must retire. Du Anmin should not have a big problem in the previous step.

You stayed in Jiangbei for a few years and waited for the return to the capital. Du Anmin and your dad helped them ... "

"Mom, it's too far to consider these now."

"Also, in general, Shen Qian is okay." Cheng Fang said with some dissatisfaction: "But I don't think this girl is very happy. Isn't my Shijia worthy of her Du family?"

Shi Guanglin said with a smile: "Mom, after all, it's a girl. I haven't seen you for years, and everyone has normal lives.

After I came to Pingchuan in the future, everyone would be familiar with it after a few exchanges. "

"So you believe her?"

"It's hard to say, but it feels quite appropriate."

"You look everywhere first. In addition, this girl of the Du family is also 30 this year. She is not too young. Until now, she hasn't talked about the object. Don't have any other problems.

I'll look back and inquire, and I will inform you of the result. "

Shi Guanglin also did not refuse. People like them still pay more attention to future spouse problems.

Shen Qian looks good on the surface, but who knows what it looks like in the dark.

Shi Guanglin also heard about the private style of life of famous ladies, although not everyone is like that, but this matter cannot be prevented.

Otherwise, marry home, but it will make people laugh.


Restaurant entrance.

As soon as Cheng Fang and Shi Guanglin left, Shen Xuehua's face gloomed down, staring at Shen Qian and said, "Si Qian, how did I teach you from childhood? This is your cultivation?

He who is close to Mexico, staying with Li Dong, have you forgotten your basic education? "

Shen Qian frowned and said, "Mom, what's wrong with me? You let me meet, and I'm here. From beginning to end, do I say anything unpleasant?"

"Then I will let you accompany Guanglin around ..."

"Mom!" Shen Qian interrupted: "It's getting late ~ ~ I don't like to go out with a strange man in the big night, is this also wrong? According to you, I must not stay at night Just go home? "


Shen Xuehua sneered, "Don't think I don't know what you think! Yes, I admit that Li Dong is doing well, and now it's a success.

But you have to think about it. It ’s one thing that he has a girlfriend, and the other is his age.

How old is he and how old are you?

Guanglin is different here, as you have heard, he will soon be transferred to Pingchuan as deputy mayor.

The 32-year-old vice hall is still local, not worse than the Jia family.

The Cheng family is also the capital city clan, and the Shi family is even more!

In China, how successful can a businessman be?

Don't look at Li Dong's money now. In another ten or twenty years, Li Dong still has to be inferior when he sees Guanglin.

You do n’t need to teach you these things, you should understand.

No matter which aspect, Guanglin is stronger than Li Dong.

Of course, Mom can understand your mood. After all, after spending a few years with Li Dong, it is normal for you to give up for a while.

You can try to get in touch with Guanglin. Mom does n’t force you. If you touch for a long time, you will find that the world is bigger than you think, and there are more good men.

You and Guanglin have the same language, the same background, the same education, and the same level of contact ...

Don't rush to refuse, even if you can't become a husband and wife in the end, you can be a friend. "

Shen Qian perfunctoryly said: "I know, Mom, I'll go back first."

"Where are you going? Stay with me tonight in the hotel. Mom hasn't talked to you for some days."

"I'm sleepy……"

"The hotel is next to it and it will be a few minutes."

Shen Qian had no choice but to nod her head and followed Shen Xuehua to the hotel.

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