Chapter 85: The Self-righteous Bai Xuan


The brakes rang and a Rolls-Royce stopped at the gate of a community.

“That’s it.”

Su Zhiwen got off the car. He said that he would come to find a warm one today.

Du Pengfei cherished his seat very much, so he didn’t dare to violate Su Zhiwen’s meaning and arranged a good place for the children in the orphanage.

Following the street signs, Su Zhiwen quickly found the house where Wenxin lives now.

Ring the doorbell and soon the door opened.

It wasn’t warmth that opened the door, but a little boy with a ghost.

Seeing the stranger, the little boy was a little timid, “Excuse me…who are you looking for?”

Su Zhiwen remembered this little boy, he had seen it in the orphanage before.

He smiled and touched the little boy’s head, “Kid, I’m looking for Wenxin, is she at home?”

“Are you looking for a warm sister?” Speaking of warmth, the little boy’s eyes flickered and opened the door, “Sister is here, you can come in.”

“Good! Reward you with a lollipop.” Su Zhiwen took a lollipop from his pocket and handed it over.

“Thank you, big brother!” The little boy couldn’t stand the temptation of candy, and he took it with joy.

Then he took the lollipop and ran inside, yelling as he ran, “Warm sister, a big brother is coming to you.”

Hearing the sound, Wenxin walked out of a room. Seeing Su Zhiwen, she looked a little flustered and glanced backwards intentionally or unintentionally, “Why are you here?”

Seeing Bai Xuan walking out behind Wenxin, Su Zhiwen also knew why Wenxin panicked.

Su Zhiwen did not answer the warm question, but took out a handful of candy from his pocket and gave it to the children who looked at him curiously.

“Thank you brother.”

“Thank you, big brother.”


Every child was very happy when he got the candy, and he didn’t forget to thank Su Zhiwen.

To these children, Su Zhiwen is sincere.

At first he wanted to be a good person, but he was destined to be the villain and he had no choice.

“Didn’t I tell you yesterday? I came to see you today.” After sending out the candies, Su Zhiwen looked at Wenxin and said with a smile.

“Oh.” Seeing that Su Zhiwen was not angry, Wen Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

Before the warmth, he looked a little nervous. In Bai Xuan’s eyes, he thought that warmth was afraid of Su Zhiwen.

He was a little angry, Su Zhiwen was too much, relying on his background, he unscrupulously bullied a little girl.

“Su Zhiwen, is it interesting for you to do this?”

Su Zhiwen ignored him at all, but looked at the warmth and teased: “Aren’t you going to explain it?”

Wenxin was afraid that Su Zhiwen would do something bad to her, and quickly explained: “I… Xiaoya is sick. I want to take Xiaoya to the clinic. I met the genius doctor Bai on the road and he said he could help. , I think his medical skills can make Xiaoya heal faster, so…”

Seeing that Wenxin really explained to Su Zhiwen, Bai Xuan was even more popular. He felt that Su Zhiwen was a big bully.

He only learned today that Wenxin is an orphan and grew up in an orphanage. In addition, she now has to take care of a dozen children.

This kind of warmth is already a disadvantaged group. Su Zhiwen obviously knows this, but he still bullies the warmth. It is extremely shameless!

“Warm, you don’t have to be afraid of him, with me, he can’t do anything to you.”

“Mr. Bai, what are you talking about?” Wen Xin asked Bai Xuan’s stern expression, a little puzzled.

‘I’m a little scared of him, but he doesn’t do anything to us, he takes care of us, at best… just bully me. ’

She seemed to think of something embarrassing, her warm face turned red.

“Didn’t I say that, you don’t need to call me a genius doctor, just call me Bai Xuan.” Bai Xuan was a little dissatisfied with what Wen Xin called him. That would seem very interesting. “Heart, you believe me, Su Zhiwen is here In my eyes, it’s nothing.”

As for the warm blush, Bai Xuan self-righteously thought that it was Wen Wen who saw his manly side.

When Bai Xuan said that Su Zhiwen was nothing, she frowned. Su Zhiwen helped them a lot and was their benefactor. Even if Su Zhiwen often slurred her at her, she didn’t reject her in her heart.

Bai Xuan kept belittle Su Zhiwen, she was a little unhappy, but Bai Xuan also helped her, which made her a little embarrassed.

“Bai Xuan, who do you think you are?” Seeing the embarrassment on the warm face, Su Zhiwen no longer remained silent, and asked aloud.

“I…” Bai Xuan was a little confused. He liked the warmth in his heart, so he wanted to help Wenxin come out, but he had only met Wenxin for a few days, and there was no relationship between the two.

Wenxin didn’t say anything by himself, he did manage to be a bit broad.

However, as the protagonist, what he is best at is standing on the moral high ground and accusing others. He quickly found the reason, “Su Zhiwen, as a man, what is the ability to bully a woman? There is a one-on-one confrontation with me!”

Although Bai Xuan is a doctor, he is also very confident in his skills. How could Su Zhiwen, an ordinary person, be his opponent?

“Which eye did you see me bullying a woman?” Su Zhiwen rolled his eyes, and immediately looked at Wen Xin, “Am I bullying you?”

Hearing this warmly, I only feel that my cheeks are hot, bullying? I was bullied by you!

But there are so many people here, as well as children, how dare Wenxin say, “No…no.”

In that way, it doesn’t seem to be emboldened.

Bai Xuan’s warm look is naturally seen in his eyes, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that what he said is false, but he doesn’t admit it, and Bai Xuan has no excuses.

But he hates Su Zhiwen even more. The warmth is obviously because he is afraid of Su Zhiwen’s identity and background and dare not reveal it.

Bai Xuan was angry in his heart. He himself had the confidence to deal with Su Zhiwen, but others didn’t think so. Even Chen Shengwen advised him not to have grudges with the Su family, not to mention the warmth?

He only hates that he is weak now and has no power of his own. Otherwise, if the warmth at this time has him to help out, how can he succumb to Su Zhiwen’s lewd power?

“Doctor Bai, do you have anything else?” Looking at Bai Xuan, whose face looked like the face of Sichuan Opera, Su Zhiwen cursed “There are so many inner dramas” on the surface, and he still looks grinning.

“This disease is also cured, should you go? Oh, it should be that the medical expenses have not been paid. Is this enough for you?”

With that said, Su Zhiwen took out the wallet from his pocket, no matter how much it was in, took it out and handed it to Bai Xuan.

Bai Xuan’s face turned dark, he would ask Wen Wen for medical expenses? Su Zhiwen was obviously insulting him.

“In such a hurry to drive me away, what do you want to do? I tell you, with me, you don’t want to bully Wenxin.”

With that said, Bai Xuan didn’t pick up Su Zhiwen’s money either, and sat directly on the sofa, not planning to leave at all.

“Cut, do you want love,” Su Zhiwen glanced at Bai Xuan with disdain, then turned to look at the children, and smiled: “Come on, you one, you one…”

Seeing the money Su Zhiwen handed to her arms, the children were a little confused and looked at the warmth one after another.

“Don’t you dare to say no?” Wenxin wanted to say something, but was blocked by Su Zhiwen’s words and stood aggrieved.

Sending a copy to each child, Su Zhiwen took the rest into her warm arms and said, “Come on, take the rest, buy some delicious food for the children, look at each of them. Yes, it hurts.”

The warmth subconsciously wanted to refuse, after meeting Su Zhiwen’s eyes, he suffocated back.

Bai Xuan sat on the sofa and looked at it, feeling that the atmosphere was very strange. A group of children looked warm and did not speak. They seemed to be waiting for her to solve their doubts. They stood warmly and grievously and did not dare to speak.

It looks like this big family is bullied and dare not resist, but Su Zhiwen is giving money! Why is it not bullying?

Bai Xuan felt that his usual insights didn’t seem to work here.

“Your name is Xiaoya, isn’t it?” Su Zhiwen asked a four or five year old girl with a smile.

The little girl was surprised: “Big brother, how do you know it’s me?”

“Hey, brother will count.” Su Zhiwen lied, how can he count? One of the children in a group of children seems to be a little girl who has just recovered from a serious illness. If he can’t see it, then he will be blinded by master-level medical skills.

“Big brother is really amazing!” The little girl is so cheating, she doesn’t doubt Su Zhiwen’s words at all, and there is a little star of admiration in her eyes.

“Xiaoya, do you think it’s okay to live here? Boldly, if it’s uncomfortable, I will ask you to change to a bigger place.”

Although they are quite crowded, they are all children except for their warmth, and because they are all orphans, they lack a sense of security. It is better for a few people to live in the same room.

After careful consideration, Du Pengfei chose to arrange them in this two-hundred-square-meter house.

These are what Lei Bao said when he reported to Su Zhiwen, but if it really is, Su Zhiwen needs to ask himself.

Little children can’t lie. She likes this place from the bottom of her heart, “No, it’s very good, much better than the previous house. My brothers and sisters and I like it very much.”

“As long as you like it.”

At this time, a seven or eight-year-old boy suddenly said: “Big brother, did you buy this house for us? I heard from my warm sister that it costs a lot of money to buy a house, and we can’t afford it.”

“Can’t afford it now doesn’t mean that you can’t afford it in the future. Trust me, when you grow up, you can too.” Su Zhiwen rubbed the boy’s head and encouraged.



Knowing that Su Zhiwen bought them the place they live now, a group of children have a great interest in Su Zhiwen, and all of them have become curious babies and come to ask various questions.

Although the questions were naive, Su Zhiwen answered them one by one, and quickly became acquainted with the children.

Seeing that Su Zhiwen was able to get along with a group of children so well, I couldn’t help but feel very fond of Su Zhiwen. Although Su Zhiwen had slurred her mouth from the beginning, Su Zhiwen was really good to her, and she couldn’t find a reason. To repel.

[Ding, the host gets a warm favor from the heroine 20, the current intimacy is 40, and the reward is 400 for the villain]

After the children had finished asking questions, Su Zhiwen finally squeezed out of the children’s pile.

“Will you be angry with me with a squat mouth?” Su Zhiwen squeezed her warm face and asked with a smile.

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